BengalBacker Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 We always called it Creepy Jesus. aka Touchdown Jesus/aka Big Butter Jesus. [b]Jesus statue catches fire in storm[/b] [b]Solid Rock Church Jesus monument struck by lightning[/b] [url="javascript:void(0);"]Smaller type[/url] By Tiffany Y. Latta, Staff Writer Updated 1:06 AM Tuesday, June 15, 2010 MONROE — The large Jesus statue iconic to Interstate 75 in Monroe is destroyed following an apparent lightning strike during a thunderstorm. Motorists were stopped along the highway and around the Monroe area to watch the 62-foot “King of Kings” statue burn. The fire was reported just 11:15 p.m. Monday, June 15. Within minutes, all that was left was the steel frame of the statue at Solid Rock Church, 904 N. Union Road. Church member Cassie Browning, 27 of Dayton, said she was driving north on I-75 on her way back from Tennessee when her family noticed the statue was missing. “It meant so much to so many people,” said Browning. “It’s crazy,” said Ted Williams, 35, of Monroe, who could see the statue ablaze from a Shell gas station along Ohio 63. After midnight, the fire had spread to the nearby amphitheater of the church, according to dispatchers. There were no reports of injuries. The statue, which appeared to come out of the water, was known by multiple nicknames since it was built in 2004, including “Touchdown Jesus” because the arms are raised upward, similar to a motion made when a touchdown is scored in football. It also was known as “Big Butter Jesus” after comedian Heywood Banks referred to it as such and created a song about the statue, which he performed on radio’s “The Bob and Tom Show.” It was constructed of wood and styrofoam over a steel framework that was anchored in concrete and covered with a fiberglass mat and resin exterior, according to the church. It was slated for renovations this summer. Crews responded from Monroe, Middletown, Liberty Twp., Deerfield Twp. and Trenton, according to dispatchers. Messages left at the church late Monday were not returned.
-GoBengals- Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 creechnasty and myself were once chased by several all black vehicle at like 2am from that church... why were there seveal shifty all black cars at a church at 2am? i dont know.. whatdo they think we knew?... I DONT KNOW!! but speeding through the back roads of monroe/middletown rushing out of the car and hiding inside in the dark seemed like the only logical thing to do...
CincyInDC Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 [media][/media]
Jamie_B Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 hmm by lighting? seems as if God was telling them what he though of their golden calf
Bengals1181 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 [quote name='Jamie_B' date='15 June 2010 - 07:17 AM' timestamp='1276600655' post='893027'] hmm by lighting? seems as if God was telling them what he though of their golden calf [/quote] nah, doubt that was a big deal to the Big Guy. More likely, it happened (if there's a reason at all) because a high volume of wrecks happened there because people are always pulling off to the side of the road to take pictures of it.
ChicagoBengal Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 I think until they rebuild, they should steal a Frisch's Big Boy and paint a beard on it.
Rumble In the Jungle Posted June 16, 2010 Report Posted June 16, 2010 [quote name='ChicagoBengal' date='15 June 2010 - 10:53 AM' timestamp='1276613638' post='893075'] I think until they rebuild, they should steal a Frisch's Big Boy and paint a beard on it. [/quote]
B.A.B. Posted June 16, 2010 Report Posted June 16, 2010 [quote name='GoBengals' date='15 June 2010 - 01:21 AM' timestamp='1276579284' post='893018'] creechnasty and myself were once chased by several all black vehicle at like 2am from that church... why were there seveal shifty all black cars at a church at 2am? i dont know.. whatdo they think we knew?... I DONT KNOW!! but speeding through the back roads of monroe/middletown rushing out of the car and hiding inside in the dark seemed like the only logical thing to do... [/quote] That story made me laugh out loud. nice.
Khatmandude Posted June 16, 2010 Report Posted June 16, 2010 [quote name='GoBengals' date='15 June 2010 - 02:51 AM' timestamp='1276579284' post='893018'] creechnasty and myself were once chased by several all black vehicle at like 2am from that church... why were there seveal shifty all black cars at a church at 2am? i dont know.. whatdo they think we knew?... I DONT KNOW!! but speeding through the back roads of monroe/middletown rushing out of the car and hiding inside in the dark seemed like the only logical thing to do... [/quote] That statue gave me the creeps every time I drove by it.
Ben Posted June 16, 2010 Report Posted June 16, 2010 Wow. this even made internation news .
Enon Bengal Posted June 16, 2010 Report Posted June 16, 2010 [quote name='Ben' date='16 June 2010 - 11:10 AM' timestamp='1276701056' post='893335'] Wow. this even made internation news . [/quote] The Weather Channel lead with it Monday morning in their 6:00 hour...
CatScratchFever Posted June 19, 2010 Report Posted June 19, 2010 [quote]“It’s crazy,” said Ted Williams[/quote] Speaking of creepy... didn't they freeze his head after he died? Now he's alive and well in Monroe. That place attracts all kind of freaks, doesn't it?
The Scales Posted June 20, 2010 Report Posted June 20, 2010 [quote name='Jamie_B' date='15 June 2010 - 07:17 AM' timestamp='1276600655' post='893027'] hmm by lighting? seems as if God was telling them what he though of their golden calf [/quote] I think your view of the Original Gangster is somewhat faulty. Let me try to explain my theory. What we had in Butter Jesus is a veritble eyesore and, as Chicago mentioned (which hadn't crossed my mind), a big traffic problem. Imagine if you will . . . a thousand million people, over time, driving by this tacky, tasteless, monstrosity day after day, year after year, now of course there will be some who will just love the thing, but the vast majority will have feelings, negative feelings, like repulsion, hate, anger, pity - pure vitriol, both from its vulgarity and from the traffic troubles it caused. All this negative energy accumulates up and around this object until finally it reaches the breaking point and nature (as a functionary of the majesty of Universal Mind) corrects the imbalance in the form of a blazing fire. or you could just say God did it and in a sense you wouldn't be wrong. or you could just say that the statue was a natural lightning rod - and what took so damn long - and there again you wouldn't be wrong. Now as these poor devils have stated they will rebuild. If it's the same horrible design it will, over time, accumulate negative energy from each person who passes by and hates it, and if constructed from the same materials and internal structure the abomination will suffer the same fate - eventually. If however they choose stone I imagine a large sink hole would open up and carry the thing to the core - where it would melt, and become once again - one with the earth.
BengalBacker Posted June 20, 2010 Author Report Posted June 20, 2010 Ironic? [url=""][/url]
The Scales Posted June 20, 2010 Report Posted June 20, 2010 [quote name='BengalBacker' date='20 June 2010 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1277016762' post='893924'] Ironic? [url=""][/url] [/quote] How so?
|Elflocko| Posted June 20, 2010 Report Posted June 20, 2010 [quote] [size="5"][b]19 reasons why God torched Jesus[/b][/size] By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist Wednesday, June 18, 2010 Why would God do such a thing? What could it possibly mean? Is the apocalypse nigh? Do I have to pay my parking tickets anymore? Herein, 19 possible reasons for His happy blasting of a six-story Jesus statue to fiery smithereens: 1) You ever wake up one day and look at your leopard-print bedspread or your jacked-up Ford F-150 pickup with the airbrushed scene from "Lord of the Rings" on the side, or maybe see your fifth wife's giant box of pink wine in the fridge and go, "Oh my God, what the hell was I thinking?" You ever have that fine, epiphanic moment when you realize an eyesore's an eyesore and it's time for some, you know, housecleaning? And what better way to rid yourself of some of the more hideous crap laying about than maybe tossing it into a nice bonfire? By the highway? In Ohio? God has those moments, too. 2) The late, great fundamentalist nutcase Oral Roberts, he who singlehandedly inflicted the nightmare of the megachurch on humanity, he who invented Oral Roberts University and spawned a hugely corrupt, slug-slick huckster son named Richard to run it into the ground, well, Oral reportedly had himself a hot little vision some 30 years ago, in which he claims to have encountered -- and chatted with -- a 900-foot Jesus, which is as tall as the Chrysler building, thus making his casual conversation sort of like you talking to a flea. Cute! All of which is to say: A measly six-story, truncated half-Jesus made out of Styrofoam and coat hangers and Elmer's glue, stuck on the side of an Ohio highway? You call that a vision? For that to be a real vision worthy of a pseudo-religious shyster worth his misfiring synapses, the thing should be on fire. Aha! 3) I'll let you in on a little secret: God had nothing to do with it. A shockingly large number of Americans don't yet realize just how powerful the gay movement has become. Few seem to comprehend what sort of nasty underworld forces have been unleashed thanks to all those sassy gay sitcom characters, the gay marriage movement and Ellen DeGeneres. The homo energy wave has quietly been increasing in strength over the years and is now fully able, after millennia of bad Liza Minnelli impersonations, tight tank tops and Speedos, to actually control the elements. Don't you see? It's all very timely, really. Prop. 8's ultimate fate is being decided as I write these words. The evil gays needed to send a message to really freak out the homophobes. Turning half the megachurch pastors, Catholic priests and Boy Scout leaders gay didn't seem to have any effect. I've got it! Torch the giant Jesus! So easy. Next up: hailstorms of butt plugs during the Super Bowl. Watch for it. 4) Oh sure, make all the jokes you want. "God struck down his only son. Again!" Or, "I guess God really hates Styrofoam!" Here's what the fundamentalists think: "It's genius! Don't you see God's master plan here? He started a holy conversation! We're all talking about Jesus again! He brought Christ back into the public consciousness! Yay, God!" Sure, you could argue it's a form of the Savior that's just a wee bit tacky, insulting and childish, not to mention a laughable piece of "artwork" you wouldn't wish upon a blind quadriplegic goat herder. Whatevs. As the Pharisees used to say: "No such thing as bad press, yo." 5) He is resin. 6) The real Jesus of historical record, being a grizzled, husky, musky, dark-skinned Jew with short, curly black hair who rarely showered and smelled of goat droppings and dried sweat, and who had a thing for screaming random prophesies in the streets and talking about doom, fire and the unbearable hotness of Mary Magdalene, well, the real Jesus' spirit has been quite displeased with being eternally depicted as a pale, soft-focus blond European hippie in bleached-out robes who likes to give lots of there-there-now hugs while watching professional sports. Basta. 7) One word: S'mores. 8) Two more: Insurance money. God has been eyeing the new Cadillac CTS Coupe. In this economy? You do what need to do. 9) God: "Wait, what? That was supposed to be Jesus? It looked like Charles Manson after too many marshmallow peeps and a bad peroxide job. Aw, dammit." 10) Word has it the Hustler Hollywood sign sitting atop the adult bookstore across the street from the torched Touchdown Jesus was left unscathed, thus proving (once again) that God really does like porn. And irony. Or just needs a new contact lens prescription. 11) God is actually Larry Flynt. 12) Really, who doesn't like to watch fundamentalists scurry about in a baffled frenzy, unsure what it all might mean, vowing to rebuild the tacky roadside hellbeast in honor of, well, of not really understanding much about divinity, or art, or how nature works? Not God, that's who. 13) Thor had had just about enough. 14) Correction: Zeus. 15) Because God loves the smell of burning Styrofoam and fiberglass in the morning. Smells like ... victory. 16) Reminder to all smartass born-again sons-of-god in the universe: Do not toss your dad's last carton of Camel menthols into the lake of fire as a gag. He'll flick his pinkie finger and torch your favorite little roadside attraction in an eyeblink. So vengeful! Shoulda known. 17) Hey, all kids and parents argue. 18) The revenge of science. 19) At last! The End Times hath arrived! Wrath, hellfire, lightning, burning Jesus, oil in the seas, plagues of grasshoppers, a black president, Gary Coleman dead, the works. About time, no?[/quote]
oldschooler Posted June 15, 2012 Report Posted June 15, 2012 [b] [size=6]Construction to begin on new Jesus statue along I-75[/size][/b] [b] [size=6]Replacement coming to Solid Rock Church[/size][/b] MONROE, Ohio - Almost two years since a recognizable Jesus statue burned down along I-75, construction plans are being finalized for its replacement. The popular Jesus statue — often called “Touchdown Jesus” or “Big Butter Jesus” — at the Solid Rock Church burned down in June 2010 when lighting struck the 62-foot-tall landmark. The new statue will begin to take shape in July. Sculptor Tom Tsuchiya designed the new statue as a standing Jesus with outstretched arms, which makes it look like he is walking on the water in front of the Solid Rock Church in Monroe. The statue’s name changed from "Come Unto Me" to "Lux Mundi" – which means "Light of the World." The original statue was constructed out of Styrofoam, wood and fiberglass resin, and it caught on fire after the right hand of the statue was struck by lightning during severe thunderstorms. To prevent the new 50-foot-tall landmark from a similar fate, the design includes a lightning rod and fire resistant materials. Church representatives say their efforts to rebuild the statue were rejuvenated when leaders say they often heard stories from travelers about how they found strength when they saw the statue. Read more:
Bengals1181 Posted June 15, 2012 Report Posted June 15, 2012 bout time, they started to redo the frame like 6 months after the first burned down then they just stopped.
Khatmandude Posted June 18, 2012 Report Posted June 18, 2012 [quote name='Bengals1181' timestamp='1339766845' post='1135457'] bout time, they started to redo the frame like 6 months after the first burned down then they just stopped. [/quote] Are they re-doing the frame or was the frame the only thing left from the fire that melted the styrofoam and resin?
Bengals1181 Posted June 18, 2012 Report Posted June 18, 2012 [quote name='IKOTA' timestamp='1340052811' post='1135797'] Are they re-doing the frame or was the frame the only thing left from the fire that melted the styrofoam and resin? [/quote] I thought I remember them taking the whole thing down, and then the re-resurrected ( ) the steel frames for the torso and arms. I drove by it yesterday though and it just has the torso up. The pond area is also overgrown with weeds and grass.
Jason Posted June 18, 2012 Report Posted June 18, 2012 [quote name='Bengals1181' timestamp='1340054177' post='1135801'] I thought I remember them taking the whole thing down, and then the[b] re-resurrected[/b] ( ) the steel frames for the torso and arms. I drove by it yesterday though and it just has the torso up. The pond area is also overgrown with weeds and grass. [/quote]
AmishBengalFan Posted June 28, 2012 Report Posted June 28, 2012 Just discovered that's maps still have a pretty good view of the original Butter Jesus: [img][/img]
CincyInDC Posted June 28, 2012 Report Posted June 28, 2012 I liked it better when there was a sod farm there.
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