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Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary ...


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Alfred Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary to be screened


The restored version of the concentration camp film, retrospectively titled 'Memory of the Camps', will be released later this year.


The British Army Film Unit cameramen who shot the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 used to joke about the reaction of Alfred Hithcock to the horrific footage they filmed. When Hitchcock first saw the footage, the legendary British director was reportedly so traumatised that he stayed away from Pinewood Studios for a week. Hitchcock may have been the king of horror movies but he was utterly appalled by "the real thing".


To watch the unrestored version ( not sure if it is considered full length ), go to the below link.  Be aware that the below link will be considered NSFW...




An Alfred Hitchcock documentary on the Nazi Holocaust:  11 Aug, 2012


A film the British Government deemed too grisly for release after World War II – has received its public debut on British television.


Note:  The above film is not the restored version


It appears that the new release will be a digital remake and include previously unseen footage.  In total there were 6 film reels of the Hitchcock movie on the holocaust.

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