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Here's why Hue Jackson left the Bengals to take the Browns job

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My "in the game" comment was more meaning  that those are two of the best red zone targets "in the NFL".  But yea as if the play call wasn't stupid enough the formation gave away the play and gave McCarron no chance to check into anything else at the line of scrimmage as the Stealers just pinned their ears back.

Oh, my bad.  I read it wrong....

That play still makes me shake my head.  

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Maybe Bratfailski can go with him?  They can spend their days smelling each other's farts.


Hue: "I say, do I detect a hint of Camembert?"

Brat: "Why yes, and may I say your taste & refinement as a gentleman are perhaps second only to my own!"

Hue: "Well played, old chap!"

Brat: "Rather"

Hue: "Indeed"

Brat: "Quite"

*Hue sips tea with pinkies extended on BOTH hands*

*Brat peers over bifocals, revealing second set of bifocals*

Just a couple of geniuses doin' genius stuff in Cleveland.  Good times.


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"I say old chap, isn't that a shovel pass being poorly executed upon the field of play right now?" <<sips>>

"Why yes sir, it most certainly is. You see, I have expounded upon your brilliant playbook and have resurrected the shovel pass in a more complicated form. Brilliant, isn't it?"


<<clinks teacups>>


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