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Source of hatred...not race, gender, or sexuality, but politics


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First of all, let me state that racism does exist in this country.  I can site multiple studies regarding racism in housing, employment, and police profiling to prove it if anyone disagrees.  But for the most part I don't believe there is any more racism than there was 20-30 years ago.  The reason so many people are getting so worked up now is politics.  Every racial discussion I enter is defined by political beliefs.  And while the hatred among races has not been increasing over the last 20-30 years the hatred between political parties has been growing at an exponential rate.


Same thing with gender/sexuality issues.  Although religious types still see homosexuality as a sin the real hatred is over political issues.  Again every debate I enter about gender/sexuality issues is politically divided and the strongest hate come from the political extremists.  The religious community spent hundreds of millions of dollars in the political arena fighting against equality for the LGBT community instead of helping the needy.  While many religious people think homosexuality is a sin they used to try and solve problems by going to their lord in prayer.  But now the issue has been taken over by politicians and people who used to not care that much about the issue are now actively involved.


Politics is the new religion in this country.  Fewer people are going to church while political divisions are growing deeper.  Politics has always been a dirty game, but it has now crossed over to an all controlling ideology.  The parties have always attacked each other, but just 40 years ago they were able to work together to do their job.  Now they don't do anything but attack each other. 


Nothing pumps more hatred into an issue than tying it to politics.

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