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Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Montana Bengal

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18 minutes ago, Jamie_B said:


Ah got ya. I'll be watching in the morning.

I will be interested in what you think.  Definitely a Zach film.  4 hours is a bit much for me, but I appreciate how things came together.

God that was SOOOO much better than the garbage the put out a few years ago. This was actually a good movie.
Really wish that Warner Brothers had done this right and built up to this with each person getting their own movie before the formed the Justice League.
Like Cyborg was done really really well in this. The Joker has a small part but it was SO much better than the garbage they put out in Suicide Squad.
And Yooooo a new superhero was introduced. (Not Green Lantern).
The only thing that sucks is it set it up for more and it's likely we wont get it because of how all this went down.

I tried to watch the Joss version again not to long ago and it is just incoherent at time.  It is just unwatchable.  I do wish they would do one more movie (even if it was just a HBO release)


The Icelandic singing was weird, cringeworthy, and way too long.  It's sad that all the setup for JLII and JLIII is for naught. Despite the long runtime I enjoyed it quite a bit.


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