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"Prosperity Doctrine" : The Church of the Free Market

Guest BlackJesus

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Guest BlackJesus
[size=4][u][quote]Prosperity Doctrine- The Church Of The Free Market[/u][/size]

If you actually read the bible that Jesus geezer comes off as … well a bit of a lefty, actually a democratic socialist forming an opposition movement in an imperially occupied state. In short he was more Che Guevara than CEO of Halliburton, more insurgent than GI Joe. So why do so many Christians support the empire and it’s exploitation and not insist on redistributive tax, universal healthcare and no more wars? Specifically in the case of the USA one of the reasons is this- Prosperity doctrine. An interpretation of christian texts that is basically a get rich quick ponzi scheme, where selfishness and greed become virtues, much like the cod philosophy of ‘The Secret’ where unbound capitalism takes on a spiritual dimension and people are told that being self absorbed and aspirationally materialistic are soulful values. The self help schmaltz given the stamp of supreme being approval, put simply- The Church of the Free Market.

The republicans saw this movement when it began in the 70’s and latched onto it, they could stand to pay some lip service to being godly because they wanted the votes and their aims were broadly similar, greed, authoritarianism, exploitation of developing territories (many missionary movements are closely allied and funded by corporations, particularly oil and utility construction). Some friction occurs over social issues but conflict is avoided because politicians are happy to state publicly one position then privately do something quite different. I hope you are not shocked.

However when religious views become policy then become law, they are enforced by all the usual instruments of state violence, which as ever impacts the poor more than anyone else. They cannot travel to a discreet abortion clinic, they cannot hide their gay relationship with two nice homes or distant neighbours. Even while the current administration stokes bigotry for embers of support the Vice President’s lesbian daughter has a baby with her partner. But that is ok, because it is also about class. Wealth theology also holds out the promise of becoming higher status, just as politicians hold out the fantasy of the American dream to voters- you too can become a millionaire. Ultimately that is what both ideologies offer, ascendancy to that nirvana like state of being wealthy (which has been eulogised into a heaven on earth by a media funded on advertising which needs to reinforce this aspirant message to sell its produce). So as a spiritual movement it is actually moribund, pretending to have faith in a soul, but wanting all its material rewards right here on earth.

Then there is also the companion belief- poverty is a moral failing, whether implicitly or explicitly both conservatives politically and religiously see the poor as a lesser species. Thus the cruelty of the free market society is accepted, whether it be death by the profit motivated healthcare corporations or the non status of immigrant workers, denied their very humanity. And Iraq, where evangelicals bless soldiers in an invasion and occupation that has taken at least three quarter of a million lives. Just as the crusades masked venal imperial ambitions so is this another crusade, of god and money. At last though in prosperity theology these are no longer separate concepts. God is money.[/quote]


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