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  1. Past hour
  2. That was a pretty big bandage he was wearing.. https://www.newsweek.com/fbi-wants-interview-donald-trump-shooting-injury-assassination-attempt-report-1930517 Ruh roh....
  3. Give him another 2 weeks with the ones and they can start talking about what a great mentor and locker room leader Trent Brown is for them.
  4. Today
  5. I binged the documentary last night. Was only going to watch one episode but the next thing I knew, it was 2 am and I had seen all 4 episodes. This guy was a hero of my childhood, along with a bunch of other Reds: Frank R., Vada, Jim Maloney, Bench, Perez, and oddly enough, Bobby Tolan. Loved the Reds then, not so much now. Doc is worth watching. It pulls no punches and still shows a kind of human side to Rose. Came out of it feeling sad for this man who was inspiring between the lines and just a sad, poorly educated, schlub outside of them. My feeling is summarized by this twist of a cliche: "I'd like him with a ten foot pole." And I, too, believe he belongs in the Hall of Fame.
  6. What “shame” or “dishonor is there in simply being a not-so-good NFL player? “Irrelevance”…OK
  7. Not sure why they don't list the top 3 as all being #1 ... 🤔 Either way, Burrow's deal looks better and better by the day.
  8. * That Jordan Love overpay for the same yearly salary as Burrow was negotiated by Mulugheta ... Tee's shithead agent.
  9. Not sure how good of a source Willie is but.... Chase extension?
  10. Yesterday
  11. We did this for a couple of summers with our son (at his request). By the time school would start, he would have the frosted tips.
  12. Interesting that Dan Hoard has Andrei Iosivas as THE standout player in camp so far, albeit only after 3 days of practice. Other names I've heard as particular standouts thus far (from other reporters) - Turner/CBrown/Gesicki. I would also probably include Mims here too, but it's so hard to tell until the full pads come on...that should happen starting this Tuesday.
  13. - LamaRB got Ebola Aids. - Dolphins just gave Tua 53 million a year lol. - 3 teams lost players for the season already to injury. ... Going to be a wild ride through August.
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