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voting against the military isn't necessarily a bad thing, but he voted against going into iraq for the first war w/ them... we had the whole world on our side then, why vote against it at that point?  It is a good point, b/c being a "war president" isn't necessarily a good thing, and in the past (pre 9/11) it would have been a good thing to be anti-war president at all costs... things have changed and now we need to have a good military mind at the helm, imo...

about bush's programs... huh??!!??... sorry my man, but i don't follow you w/ this point... bush didn't add any programs, unless your talking about security, and if you don't want them, then i have other questions for you... bush wants to cut more taxes, kerry wants to roll back bush's tax cuts and will probably be forced to raise all of our taxes to pay for the health care program, along w/ other spending he wants (2+ trillions dollars... wow, thats a lot of spending!!!) 

about the economy, there are many indicators that show that the economy is coming back... houses are being bought at all time rates... the GDP is up... there are mixed signals b/c the jobs are down, but unemployment is at very respectable numbers... my personal opinon is that the jobs are down b/c of technological advances... manufacturing jobs are down acrossed the nation, and this is b/c businsess are using more machines... therefore, more work gets done w/ less people... that is why, when bush is asked about jobs, he turns to education... not only b/c its an easy way of changing the subject  :) , but also b/c it is so important to our economy in the future... our new jobs will be high level jobs that will required better education...

about your way of thinking... its easy to think to just crush the nest w/ a bat.... there are some holes in this way of thinking though... it would be more like going inside the nest, not just crushing it w/ a bat (unless you mean to nuke them, and i don't even think many republicans think that is a good idea...) we would have to go inide the nest, and risk many lives, and possibly all of their lives... what if we started looking in there, and they let a bomb off... they could kill hundreds of thousands of soldiers then... that would be bad...

about how the iraqis think of us... i obviously can't speak for them, but there is a movie coming out soon... i mentioned it in the "explosive lies" forum, but i'll post the link here too... if you want my explaination to the movie, its over there... but check out this link... it seems like it will be a very beneficial movie... it won't effect the election at all too, so that proves it should be non-partisan...



I'm not really sure what your view point is but here's my comment on what I think is your viewpoint being in favor of bush.

That's not true. The whole world was on our side after 9/11, however, after Bush's decision to go after Saddam, we lost that support. Bush lost focus of going after bin Laden and now he is threating us again. If the world was on our side, it would be the UN invading Iraq and not us. Yes there are 30 countries on our side, but that's a far cry from the whole world. Besides the UK and the US, name another country that has the troops invested in Iraq that are actually worth having there.

Bush wants to cut more taxes, yes, but where is he getting this money from to help rebuild Iraq. Certainly not from me, not you, not anyone paying taxes. He is mortgaging our kids future so that he can spend as much money to spend now.

This guy has failed as a business owner and is now failing as a President. As President its your respondsibility to manage this country within its means. Its quite obvious that Bush missed management class at Yale, cuz he has yet to manage this country.

Kerry's health care program will never get passed. Every four years someone comes up with a plan to change health care yet, it never gets accomplished. Therefore, I ignore his healthcare plan. Clinton made the same promise, but it never got done, it will never get done, because no one will ever get the support of the House or the Senate.

Something interesting I found about unemployment. I don't remember where I heard it so you can probably take it as it is, hearsay. Unemployment numbers only reflect those that have recently lost their jobs within the last year. Like I said its something I heard. But there is no deny that jobs are leaving America.

People are buying houses at record numbers, but I don't see any numbers on how many people actually stay in their house. I recently moved into a new house and literally 25% of the other people buying the houses around me have been evicted because they couldn't afford the monthly mortgage. That arguement doesn't sit well with me, cuz now those houses are hud homes and I have poor people moving in with their misfit children that are running amuck this once good neighborhood.

The thing that really bugs me about Bush is that he wants to push his religion upon the rest of country. First he wants to make a constitional amendment to ban gay marriages because the Bible says that its just wrong.

Bush is not allowing stem cell research because he believes that its just wrong. Who cares if its against the whats best for this country! For years, our country has been behind Europe in medication. Its time that Bush supports stem cell research so that we can get the credit for medication and we would be getting the money used for those accomplishments. With stem cell research, we may have been able to find a way to get Christopher Reeve's walking again, maybe even make a new superman movie. :)

In one of the debates, Bush said that if he had his choice for supreme court judge, he would choose someone that would uphold the law not change it. Yet, he wanting to change the constitution and has also made it known that he doesn't agree with the Roe Vs Wade decision.

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