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A Question of Heaven..... and Hell


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I'm not a political person, and I know that most of the subjects in the "general" forum are of that but I've had something coem to mind while watching certain programs and on what some people say.

It's kinda caught my attention lately with programs and reports that talk about suicide and ohers about paranormal. The question I'm getting to could all depend on your beliefs etc. But I sometimes wondered about those who committ suicide. My dad and others have said that there is, somewhere in the Bible, that more than less says that the taking of your own life is considered to be a sin and would result in going to "hell". I mean, if that's true for not being baptised then that doesn't sound too farfetched. But, again, based on what you believe... isn't God, who's said to love all he created, so then in turn be understanding of all that each person goes through. that's why we all pray right? So you'd expect for God to see all that is going on. Now, you have someone who has problems and decides to committ suicide, for example... like Curt Cobain. And you got those who have sinned and committ suicide to get away from the punishment they are inevitably about to get.. Like the Columbine school shootings and murders. Now if you believe in God and all the beliefs in who "he" is, then would you believe there's that exception to the punishment for suicide in the hands of God, or believe in whatever other opinion? Do you believe in purgatory?

And to branch off from that, maybe if you don't see where I'm getting at there... do you believe in paranormal? Television shows about it, where they pick up voices of children they believe are spirits or ghosts, on recordings... so in that case, taking into consideration that we, like all matter are made up of energy - neither can be created or destroyed - so when we died, that form of energy believe to be someone's spirit.. what happens to it? How would you explain in what is said to be the paranormal?

Just a subject of discussion I thought I could bring up, just to see other's opinions. I'd like to see several opinions. And sorry if you didn't follow, my wording doesn't always reflect what I mean to say so don't negatively critisize. :angry:

Just something to think about I guess.

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First of all, I don't believe in ghosts or any of that other supernatural stuff. I think it's just misunderstanding of natural phenomena.

Admittedly, in direct contradiction to that belief, I do believe that there is a God, but what he's (or she if you prefer, I don't care) like is a matter of opinion and faith.

There are lots of contradictions in the Bible, and lots of things that can be left up to interpretation. I've also heard that suicide is a sure-fire way of getting to hell, but I've never actually read that in the book myself, so I can't say for sure. People claim lots of things are in there that aren't really there or could be interpretted several ways. If anyone knows where that can be looked up, I'm all ears.

Personally, I've always thought of God as a loving God, and one that will forgive anything as long as there is true remorse and an honest desire to change. I think that most people who commit suicide aren't doing it to cause harm to anyone else, but are mentally ill and lack the help they need. I like to think that when they arrive at the Pearly Gates and St. Peter confronts them (yes, I was raised Catholic) with the consequences of what they've done, the remorse will be evident. They're not bad people, just a little screwed up. But aren't we all in some way or another?

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Guest bengalrick


1 Corinthians 6

19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Romans 14:79 NIV) [7] For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. [8] If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. [9] For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living

i could go on... here is a link

i think the most important quote in the bible is: "thou shalt not kill"

i am a religious person, but i am not the type that talks about "salvation" and "being saved"... i feel that the bible cannot be taken too literally, but it should be used as a guide... i keep my beliefs (as much as possible) to myself and about the only way you could call me religious is b/c i do pray every night and i read the bible... i can't stand the extreme religious people about the same as i can stand the exteme atheist people... i don't mind if you don't believe what i do, but keep it to yourself... btw, heres my proof there is a hell:


J/K of coarse... but to go into the rest of the stuff about ghosts, i only believe what i see, and i haven't ever seen a ghost... my wife swears that she has, but i (quietly!!!) disagree w/ that b/c i haven't seen anything like that...

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As far as sin goes, I believe you have until your last second to be forgiven. However, if you commit suicide death is almost always instantaneous....who would want to kill themselves slowly?..... Therefore you don't have time to ask for forgiveness. That is why you would get a "do not pass go, go directly to hell" card.


The Paranormal

There are way too many unexplained phenomenon that have occurred, including what I have experienced myself, to dismiss the paranormal. I've had experiences that would raise the hair on the back of your neck.

I'm in the middle of typing and don't feel like going back, but one of you said

(paraphrased) that all paranormal activity is misinterpreted natural occurrences.

I agree that some are, but not all. Like I said, I have experienced things myself that were definetly NOT natural.

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I believe in God. I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. I believe that if you accept Jesus as your savior, you will be saved. One thing about God is that He is true. If He says it it will not change. Salvation is a starting point. If I save someone from drowning, they are saved. They will die another day in another way, but not today if I saved them. God saves us through Jesus. If you have accepted Jesus then you are saved period. The Bible says Jesus died once for all sins. All we have to do is believe! So if you do that and then commit suicide, will God take away your salvation? Just like I can't take it back if I save someone from drowning, God will not take back salvation from one of His children. He is true to His word. God Bless-Go Bengals

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