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America Did Not Make Iraq’s Violence “Worse�; We Made it “Happen!�

Guest Coy Bacon

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Guest Coy Bacon
America Did Not Make Iraq’s Violence “Worse”; We Made it “Happen!”
It matters not who tosses in the kindling; it was America that started the fire! - Jesse - Editor, TvNewsLIES.org

No matter how hard the media works to keep Americans stupid the people of this great nation remain smarter than they think; only they don’t know it. The current message coming out of our media via the people who really run our government is that our presence in Iraq is making the violence in Iraq worse. This is clearly a [b]pre-packaged excuse for bringing troops home and blaming the violence on the Iraqis, al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, the devil, liberals, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Susan Sarandon, NY Yankee Alex Rodriguez and anyone who did not want to launch this war based on lies.[/b] I forgot one…the Dixie Chicks!

Well Americans understand the logic of who really is at fault for the violence; only many of them don’t know it. We have laws in this nation that holds bars and bartenders responsible for allowing someone to get so drunk that they cause harm by driving drunk. Parents in this nation are held responsible for the actions of their children and can be arrested if their child commits a crime with their handgun. People in this nation even take issue when criminals are given light sentences by judges and then commit more crimes as soon as they get out of prison. We often become outraged and the “liberal” judge who did not protect society from the criminal.

Americans know that criminals often have support and sometimes they even have sponsors. Americans even realize that sometimes the criminal is sometimes not even the person who committed the crime; sometimes the real criminal is the one who creates a situation where someone who would never have committed a crime commits one. We have seen this in real life and we have seen this in movies. Americans understand this concept better than they realize.

The problem today, thanks to our criminal news media, is that Americans are not viewing [b]the violence in Iraq [/b] for what it is. It [b]is a lawless out of control situation that was created by one thing and one thing only; Americas invasion of Iraq[/b]. That is it. [b]That is the only cause, the only reason and the only explanation for every single death that has occurred in Iraq for over three years. Every single bit of violence is the sole responsibility of the people who decided to invade that nation and unleash the ethnic hostilities that were kept in check by Saddam Hussein. [/b] Anyone looking at this situation must eventually acknowledge the greatness of Saddam as compared with America. [b]While America can not stop the violence between the warring factions in Iraq in even one city Saddam was able, via strong-arm measures keep his nation calm and quiet.[/b]

[b]Saddam killed Iraqis who were causing him trouble; we kill Iraqis who cause us trouble Saddam tortured Iraqis who opposed him. America tortured Iraqis for various reasons; none of which were explained. Saddam’s killings and torture kept his nation calm; America’s killings and torture has stirred up violence not seen in that region in generations.[/b]

The difference is that Saddam’s cruel and tyrannical rule kept Iraq relatively peaceful where people lived in fear, but they did live. [b]America on the other hand, in taking over Saddam’s role, has created a hellish environment of death and destruction[/b]. Another difference between America and Saddam is that [b]Saddam’s rise to power did not cause the sectarian hostilities in Iraq; you can blame Britain for that one. He just chose to use a tyrannical rule to control people who do not seem to respond to democratic rule.[/b] I don’t understand how Americans do not see this at this point. Iraqis seem to have issues and Democracy is not going stop them from addressing them. (This is a big “I/we told you so” moment in history!)

One day perhaps a majority of Americans will use the logic that they already have and apply it to issues that may make them a bit uncomfortable because it exposes some sad and disturbing things about their own nation. As sad and as disturbing as it may be the fact remains; America created the violence that exists in Iraq today. So [b]it really does not matter if our current actions are fueling the violence because the violence itself is already America’s responsibility[/b]. Think about it!

October 29th, 2006
Categories: Jesse's Thoughts, Politics, George W. Bush, Iraq, PNAC . Author: Jesse

1 Comment(s)

Comment by chico on October 29, 2006 6:20 pm
[b]During the Iran/Iraq war the Shiia and Sunni fought side-by-side despite the predictions that the Shia of Iraq would fight with Iran against the Sunni of Iraq[/b]. The civil war is a dream of the Israeli government and if you will look at the patterns of history, the difference between the relative peace between shia and sunni in Iraq during Saddam and after the US invasion [b]the factor of Israeli covert operations is key[/b]. The US torture techniques are described in detail in a 1977 London Times expose’ on the Israeli torture of Palestinians. [b]The same events that happen in the West Bank and Gaza started happening in Iraq only after the US invasion.[/b] it is very unlikely that this is a coincidence considering the neo-con influence in Washington and their allegiance to Israel. Before you start condemning me as Anti-Semitic, i am not making this up, or condemning anyone, just connecting the dots. If people don’t want Israel to be criticized they should talk to Israel about not committing actions that can be criticized. Their own prime ministers knew Israel was never in danger of extermination by the Arabs, read Livia Rokach - Israel’s Sacred Terrorism [url="http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/essays/rokach.html"]http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr...ays/rokach.html[/url]
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