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Posts posted by gupps

  1. On 7/22/2024 at 1:07 PM, Griever said:

    Hell yeah, more throwbacks. This time the J-E-T-S. I prefer the green lids of the NY Sack Exchange days but nice to see the Namath-era whites come back for a game




    I like the Jets black unis, as well as the Eagles and Cards.  Green (like orange) shouldn't be a primary color on a uniform. Now if we can just get he Bengals to make the all whites with orange helmet THE uniform I'd be happy. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Griever said:

    That's a good question. Personally? I'm fine with just two. I feel like it is one of those situations where just because you can doesn't mean you should lol.


    If we do end up going with a third option, my guess would either be a throwback option like the Bengals did in '94 or a reverse of the original striped helmet. The reverse helmet wouldn't require a new jersey (therefore requiring an existing one to be removed, likely the orange). I would suspect a reverse helmet is more likely but you never know...




    I'd be fine with this as a throwback (it IS the original after all). I just wish they'd use the all whites as their primary unis and FFS STOP WEARING BLACK BEFORE MID OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER. It's like no one in management has heard of heat stroke.

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  3. The Cowboys would probably be a lot better team if Jones just stuck to signing paychecks instead of trying to be owner/GM/football guru. Where have we heard that before?


    As far as Sunday Ticket (I've had it every year for about 15 years) I'd much rather have the PPV model,  say $10 a game or maybe even a team package for $150. Maybe add a little bit to a slush fund for small market/sucky team to give them some extra revenue.

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  4. 14 hours ago, T-Dub said:


    In other words, this was a conscious decision by the Bengals FO.  The guys didn't just disappear in the night, forcing them to play whoever they could scare up.  They planned for this transition, deliberately chose to go a different direction with their DBs to save themselves some money, and it bit them in the ass.



    This happens to just about every NFL team because you can't pay everybody. The Bengals suffer more than other teams because they don't play cap games and their small scouting staff leaves them wanting for replacements sometimes. I expect Tee to be gone next year because of this, if they pay him AND Chase (plus Burrow) half the team will have to be JAGs just to be able to make payroll.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Cat said:

    This scares me a little. Pratt played like shit compared to his normal self, and Wilson wasn't spectacular. We gave up a ton of passes over the middle for big yards... I don't have any stats to back that up, just going on my aging memory from watching last year.

    I vaguely remember reading that the reason the LBs played bad last year was that they were trying to cover for the inexperience in the secondary. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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