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Why did the stealers trade Holmes?


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I was listening to Stephen A. Smith this morning and he was crying about Holmes' trade and suspension being race-related since they're dragging their feet on dealing with Jen. Can't people see that this is stealer-related, not race related. Holmes didn't get suspended until they knew he wouldn't be a stealer. Why did he get traded? If it was because they don't condone his behavior, he would've got traded 4 years ago and suspended repeatedly over the last 4 years. As Go said on another thread, myself and I'm sure a bunch of you, are tired of the stealers having this ultra-professional image. So why are they just now trading him? Give them some credit, there's strategy involved. They wouldn't get rid of him just because they're mad at him. And they're not going to get rid of Jen just because they're mad at him.
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