"Changes" like dismantling 100 years of civil rights legislation in a month, or dissolving every regulatory agency. No rules for your workplace, your food, the banks, no schools, definitely no healthcare, fuck seniors, veterans, national parks or the environment in general. Fuck Europe & NATO, too - let Russia determine our foreign policy. Send secret police around to harass anyone with skin darker than mayonnaise without warrants or anything of the sort because fuck the Constitution, too.
How is any of this shit "Making America Great"? Sure looks & sounds like flying it into the ocean in service to some kind of dipshit Emperor to me. But hey, a handful of ludicrously rich people are making even more billions and now no one can stop them from doing whatever they want, so I guess that's what really matters?
So long as I get to see people terrorized as a scapegoat for me being a total fucking loser. Hurrdurr the evil libs! Tread harder, Daddy Trump!