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Everything posted by T-Dub

  1. That was a pretty big bandage he was wearing.. https://www.newsweek.com/fbi-wants-interview-donald-trump-shooting-injury-assassination-attempt-report-1930517 Ruh roh....
  2. Give him another 2 weeks with the ones and they can start talking about what a great mentor and locker room leader Trent Brown is for them.
  3. T-Dub


    If the borders are so open I have a challenge for you. Go down to Juarez, pick a spot anywhere on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, and throw in your phone & wallet. Now swim back across across & show us how easy it was. Like this guy
  4. Nothing says "small government", "constitutionalist" and "individual freedom" like a rural Tennessee backwater government issuing straight up religious fatwas. Did they say how many lashes you receive for not praying loudly enough? I'll say again these mf's would absolutely adore Sharia law if it was invented by a white guy. Everyone loves the Amish
  5. T-Dub


    She really did just issue a statement on the Israeli genocide in order to condemn flag burning. Straight hawk tuah on that boot. The Democrats don't want to win.
  6. Kolache are a lot tastier than silver coins. We're getting a Buc-ees in Phoenix but it's not open yet. Rarely bothered in Texas because everyone knows the best boudin jalapeno kolache (really theyre klobasniky but who cares) are in & around Houston's Little Saigon neighborhood. Or any hole in the wall bakery, honestly. Always take the local independent option where I can.. It'd be like going to Chipotle in Phoenix.
  7. Yeah no shit, I'm certain everyone here wouldn't mind being "robbed" for an extra mil in the bank. I think I'm worth a billion dollars too but I wouldn't be mad about it. Interesting how quickly the sports media have pivoted from "Bengals Suck" to "Bengals Were Good but Still Suck" and now "Bengals May Be Good but Can't Afford to Stay Good"
  8. It's OK if you think Burrow is hot, plenty of people do it's totally fine.
  9. Yeah you're right, I can't possibly comprehend Youtube intellectuals. Stay shook!
  10. Green Bay can get away with doing things differently. The Brown-'Burns want to keep a SB window open and are fighting a lingering reputation for being cheap. With a bunch of potential FA's in key positions this is another area where they're going to have to keep pace with the rest of the NFL. They haven't drafted well enough to play hardball with agents who know better than anyone how much cap room they have available. Keeping this team together will mean spending most of that & continuing to do so as the cap increases over the course of Burrow's contract. Win a SB or 3 with him & that might change but for now they'll have to pay up.
  11. The Video: Carbon credit bad, tar sands are a delicious and nutritious part of a healthy breakfast, buy crypto! The Comments: "Kill all the Leftists!" Oh, Youtube. 🤪 Admit I just skimmed it because who the hell are these people and what are their credentials? Whenever the lead is portents of doom and "the sheeple don't know what's coming!!@!1" I kinda tune out. Speculative fearmonger shit from self-styled experts is nonstop on these platforms. You should be extra critical when those same people are selling something. I suggest unplugging and going for a walk. Eat a hotdog at Costco in the crowded little food court. Notice how people are going about their lives, having normal conversations. No one is hoarding toilet paper lately. The vast majority of people are unarmed. Maybe feed some ducks (cheap generic frozen peas are way better for them than bread & they love 'em). The world isn't ending. The ducks aren't worried about fungible tokens & they're doing ok. Life is going on around you & the average person means you no harm, we're all just in our own heads a lot of the time and can seem inconsiderate. It's rarely deliberate. Don't panic! That aside, an ounce of silver is worth less than 30 bucks, a 5 gallon bucket of peanut butter would be a better investment in these doomsday scenarios.
  12. He reported and was placed on the NFI list. Zac described it as "some tightness". Probably around his waistband. https://www.si.com/nfl/bengals/gm-report/zac-taylor-dives-into-trent-brown-entering-training-camp-on-nfi-just-trying-to-be-smart-01j3jsb69jta
  13. I wasn't "geeked" about his injury report. Looked like replacing one injury prone vet we couldn't rely on with another to me.
  14. They're not really behind any curtain though, they're well known public figures openly donating huge sums of money to candidates and PACs that advance their interests. It's not a secret. The agenda is simple enough; they don't want to be regulated or pay taxes. The rest of it is meant to keep people blaming someone other than them, like going on and on about immigration. Anything to keep people from noticing who actually has a hand in their pockets & who is profiting from their suffering. It's sure as shit not some migrant worker raising prices at the grocery store just because they can. They're making all sorts of excuses while posting record profits and giving themselves raises. It's all right out in the open, there's nothing Deep State about it. Meanwhile these dupes are screaming about the "liberal agenda destroying America" because some people are trying to do things like give them medical care that won't make them bankrupt.
  15. 70 trips to Epstein's private island. IDK about a singular Deep State entity but, I mean, the guy's a pedo.
  16. Doesnt it make more sense that someone tried to kill this incredibly divisive figure that spends a good part of his day ranting about his many enemies, real and imagined? The guy thought it would be like Call of.Duty or some shit, missed, and hit people in the large crowd standing behind him. What's so hard to believe about that? That sure seems a lot more reasonable than staging the violent, bloody, gruesoms death of a person, live and in public, with a fake family and background for the sake of... again, what purpose? To make the intended target look bad somehow? This makes zero sense. None.
  17. People questioned if Oswald was a lone gunman, or if Hinckley was really trying to impress Jody Foster.. not whether this event that happened live in front of scores of witnesses happened at all. That's.. something else.
  18. Explain to me what purpose this elaborate hoax, again with some 20 year old dork shooting with iron sights, would serve for anyone? Was he a hologram or WTF.
  19. Ohh you probably think Uvalde and Sandy Hook were hoaxes too? The grieving family, the blood splatter, the frantic guy in the crowd waving for help and pointing at his head.. All actors, perpetrating a hoax to do.. well, something, but it's all a hoax. The moon is green cheese and lizard people control the discount mattress stores. God damn, Reagan cutting off mental health funding really did a number on some of y'all. Phew! Hey guys no one has actually died ever except for brave hero Ashli Babbitt, First Woman to Die. Man... Remember when conspiracy theories were fun shit like UFOs or Mothman and not far right extremists desperate to deny random gun violence or basic reality itself, all in service to an egomaniacal conman? Those were the days.
  20. So I guess that was bullshit anyway https://fortune.com/2024/07/23/elon-musk-backs-down-from-45-million-a-month-pledge-to-trump-says-he-doesnt-subscribe-to-cult-of-personality/ The "cult" quote was fun don't you think? Right..so here's one possible reason for the sudden odd, seemingly self-destructive behavior costing him millions.
  21. What if.. stay with me here.. he's just really fucking stupid? Pretty common for people to freeze up during a shooting. Too bad they killed that retired firefighter though. Because they wanted to make people more sympathetic to Trump.. So they would something-something. It's wild how y'all are convinced it's a hoax but still won't even consider the possibility that the career con artist with a pro wrestling background staged the whole thing to make himself look tough. Like, I don't think that's what happened, but if it was fake wouldn't that be the most likely scenario? Just no room in your eyes for Dear Leader to do anything wrong, ever, even as you twist yourself into knots with mental gymnastics to make everything fit his bullshit. What a pathetic spectacle.
  22. I wonder if he didn't see Mims in minicamp and decide "fuck it, pass the Cheetos" At worst it would be nice to have him as a backup that's not a guaranteed disaster. Unfortunately they don't really have the luxury to cut him if he really is sandbagging it, for the same reason.
  23. I suppose for myself I'm tired of the Bengals FO hanging their hat on injury prone players then acting all suprised Pikachu when they can't play. Out of shape, appendicitis, rodeo injury or fleas all I know is the guy who gets hurt all the time showed up to camp unable to participate.
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