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We lost because we didn't have TJ

Guest BengalsOwn

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Guest BengalsOwn

Who agrees?

This offense hasn't looked so average since the beginning of last season. We would have won if we had TJ tonight.

At least a couple of bone headed penalties wouldn't have happened :rolleyes:

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Guest Bengals1181
[quote name='BengalsOwn' date='Oct 10 2005, 01:13 AM']We would have won if we had TJ tonight.


wholeheartedly agree. I also think however that we played far too conservatively on offense until the end of the game. Why on earth didn't we attack them earlier in the game???
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[quote name='BengalsOwn' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:13 AM']Who agrees?

This offense hasn't looked so average since the beginning of last season. We would have won if we had TJ tonight.

At least a couple of bone headed penalties wouldn't have happened :rolleyes:

I have to disagree with one thing....

The Bengals had 364 total yards and scored 20 pts. That's hardly average.

But they definately have a few things to work on.....

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Guest BengalsOwn
[quote name='Jamie_B' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:15 AM']We lost because we cant stop the run. End of Story.

Yes, we did, but if our offense was playing up to its potential, we would have overcome that pathetic display.
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[quote name='Jamie_B' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:15 AM']We lost because we cant stop the run. End of Story.
[right][post="166534"]<{POST_SNAPBACK}>[/post][/right][/quote]You are right 111yrd at the half thats not acceptable..We have a hard time with backs in our division and backs that are clones...Missed tackles and arm tackles have to go.....
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[quote name='BengalsOwn' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:19 AM']Yes, we did, but if our offense was playing up to its potential, we would have overcome that pathetic display.
[right][post="166553"]<{POST_SNAPBACK}>[/post][/right][/quote]Our o will sometimes have off days..Just like our d will have off days.Thats where our d needs to step up....Our d has more off days than our o......
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[quote name='BengalsOwn' date='Oct 9 2005, 11:13 PM']Who agrees?

This offense hasn't looked so average since the beginning of last season. We would have won if we had TJ tonight.

At least a couple of bone headed penalties wouldn't have happened :rolleyes:

Not having TJ definitely didn't help, but having him wouldn't have overcome more stupid penalties, horrible punts and the total inability to stop the run.

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[quote name='staticx682000' date='Oct 10 2005, 01:22 AM']Our o will sometimes have off days..Just like our d will have off days.Thats where our d needs to step up....Our d has more off days than our o......

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Guest BengalsOwn
TJ wouldn't have made the penalties Walters did.

TJ would have commanded double coverage, which is something Henry, Walters, or Kelley Washington do.

CJ would have had more one on one opportunities, or else TJ would have put up 100 yards receiving.

Great game by Chris Henry though. Man, that was a great draft pick.

Kelley Washington should be cut tomorrow morning.
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Guest BengalsOwn

[quote name='Bengals_12th_Man' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:24 AM']Of all the things that went wrong, I pin the loss on St.Louis. He was high snapping the first 3 quarters, and was the biggest reason for the blocked punt imo. For a man that gets a roster spot for specifically one thing, he didn't do it well this week.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Another great point. What did he have, 4 bad snaps tonight?

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Guest Bengals1181
[quote name='Bengals_12th_Man' date='Oct 10 2005, 01:24 AM']Of all the things that went wrong, I pin the loss on St.Louis. He was high snapping the first 3 quarters, and was the biggest reason for the blocked punt imo. For a man that gets a roster spot for specifically one thing, he didn't do it well this week.

gotta partially disagree on this one. Larson held the ball FAR too long on that block. I counted a good 3 seconds that he had the ball in his hands before attempting to kick it.
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[quote name='Bengals_12th_Man' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:24 AM']Of all the things that went wrong, I pin the loss on St.Louis. He was high snapping the first 3 quarters, and was the biggest reason for the blocked punt imo. For a man that gets a roster spot for specifically one thing, he didn't do it well this week.

Ok, maybe it wasn't mostly his fault after watching the replay. There was a lot of one things wrong that contributed. I think the team did well in mounting a come back though.
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Guest Claptonrocks
Reggie Myles running out of bounds on that 69 yard punt..
Kyle Larson taking a nap before he had his punt blocked...
Kevin Walter's penalty on the play Chad was wide open..
game set match...
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Guest steggyD
[quote name='Lawman' date='Oct 10 2005, 01:53 AM']Agree, because Leftwich's 98 MPH fastball wasn't going to beat us; lack of accuracy!
That shit was funny. Announcers kept talking about his fastball. What good that fastball does when it flies through the middle of the football field, away from all receivers and defenders.
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A lot of factors went into the loss...And I agree with most on here about TJ.

However...Jax should get credit for not making the same kind of mistakes we did. They seemed to want it more, and showed that they are well-coached.

I think the game could have also been called a bit better on O; but it could be a matter of having Ghiciuc and Washington in there...Walter got more chances too, but didn't do what he did in preseason.

All in all...We looked like a promising team that couldn't put it together tonight. We couldn't string together plays on Offense or Defense, and took some bad penalties.

It will be interesting to see what Marvin says tomorrow...And what he focuses on.

4-1...We have no choice but to take it, and hope that the experience has brought some of the guys down to earth and back into practice with renewed urgency.

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Guest BengalsOwn
[quote name='Lawman' date='Oct 10 2005, 12:59 AM']He will be dangerous if he finds a touch. His wind up is the same as baseball pitchers - down and long. Carson got props from Thiesman as having the correct posture all QB's should emulate.

He just loved that he picked up on that flaw in Leftwich's game, he wouldn't shut his ignorant mouth about it [img]http://forum.go-bengals.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/24.gif[/img]
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We lost because of:

-Penalties, mental mistakes.
-Keanu was lost in the Matrix back there at saftey and got steam rolled and dragged many times.
-We didn't seem to have a consistant gameplan. We ran occasionally, and even when we ran well, we'd go away from it and start passing for a while. Playcalling didn't seem organized to me, but that's just me.
-Didn't utilize man-man coverage. A couple of time Carson threw to a guy in double coverage. We have other capable recievers that must have been man to man to someone and would have been a better option to throw to. We missed TJ, but I think Henry could have played an equal role, Washington is just a useless body out there.
-Our defense just followed the pile of the jags' offensive line allowing Taylor to easily cut back and run about 12 yards a pop and we didn't correct that until middle of the 3rd quarter.
-We let Gary Coleman make big completions and didn't apply any major pressure to him all game. We blitzed approx. 5 times
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