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Everything posted by Jamie_B

  1. Let it go Harry, he's not on the team anymore. Joe Mixon can't hurt you.
  2. is anyone still taking bob as a serious person?
  3. ugh I hope he's not another Collins Get ready Mimms we will need you rookie
  4. He still wont admit Trump lost the last time. He says "Joe Biden is President" but wont say it's because Trump lost.
  5. I know people smarter than Elon.
  6. You Elon stans are so weird. He's not a smart guy at all.
  7. Has nothing to do with what he donates to. He's completely out of his element, when he took over Twitter and started firing everyone then trying to run things with the small staff that he kept Twitter had all sorts of technical issues for a good long time. The man doesn't know what he is doing. He's fake smart.
  8. Jamie_B


    And you are sounding just as ignorant as ever
  9. Working at Microsoft daily I know smart people, there are MANY smart people here that I work with, I have come to know who is smart and who is faking it, and Elon is faking it.
  10. Jamie_B


    Once again stop making things up. There are still border patrol working down there. It's not open. We can debate if things are effective, but the border is not open. Stop making this up.
  11. He is exactly who these Trump supporters are. Full of ignorance and confident in their ignorance. You will never convince them you just have to outvote them. Hopefully reasonable people see through his nonsense and realize they don't want to vote with guys like this.
  12. Jamie_B


    I'm not. There is such thing as objective truth, things that you can measure or take note of, and there is nothing that has shown Democrats are in favor of open borders. You're making it up
  13. Jamie_B


    Why do you insist on making things up?
  14. They were talking about building a new stadium 7 miles from my house before Snyder sold the team. That's probably out now.
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