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Everything posted by GoBengals

  1. I dunn if I posted it already. I have 4 tickets to the bengals colts scrimmage practice thing. lemme know if any interest.
  2. yep, with all of the information so easily available for everyone, how is it the media and fans know so much less than they did before? i skimmed the posts here, but have we talked about the fact that the SECOND the deal is signed, 100% of all garaunteed cash must be put in escrow from the bengals no matter when its paid out? so all that burrow money is in escrow, then chase would have to be, all guarantees from all 53 players, is it coaches too since all their deals are guaranteed? the bengals are the poorest ownership group in the NFL. mike is worth about 900m, the richest, broncos owner, is worth what, 77 billion? i think mike is th eonly non billionaire owner. falling just shy. bengals revenue was 500m in 2022, what cut of that was profit? if chase is looking for 5/160m id imagine 100m or more would have to go into escrow. stacked on joes, 150-200m already in there. revenue share covers salaries, but year to year, not forever into the future, so you have to have the secured money up front then get paid back with revenue share. chase is due 20m next year, if he holds out the year and loses 10mil this year, and they cave and give him 30 next year, he breaks even... no point. he has no leverage, and he gains nothing. even if he blows both MCL's he is getting top dollar, and he has insurance on himself.. anyone siding with chase as having some logic to stand on is either ignorant to thefacts of the matter or just wnts to trash the team. or mike.
  3. im not sure you have ever seen any people before.
  4. i have that on my "want list" on discogs (vinylcollection site and marketplace) its cheap, ill end up grabbing it some day.. but its a cool item and the label i think is bengal striped, which is sweet.
  5. what is killing me is they offered me 4 together at the 40 yardline and i only took 2 of them.. woulda made some coin on a few of those games over yea last few years.. then again if i had 6 tickets all being sold i dont think id have been able to convince them not to take them from me this offseason..
  6. this is a weird one. so.... you think square jaw muscular professional athletes are what women look like. OR... you only think women have blonde hair? or you are just really now attracted to joe and think its cause he looks like a women and not because you are a deep rooted homosexual (which is fine) and are exploring that and rebelling a little bit? let me know which one is closest for you just so we are all on the same page.
  7. They have the individual ones here in Kroger grocery store chains. But that’s it. Cincyfavorites.com has it for shipping. Never done the ice cream on dry ice. Done the pizza from larosas a bunch.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9sV8scOwLR/?igsh=cG4xZzd0aHQ1cTdt dunno if it’s old or what. Just saw it tho.
  9. I did overhear the team meeting where they were asking around if black Jesus had seen enough in regards to cutting players. Williams plays special teams. A rb from another team isn’t getting any rb snaps at rb so it would be odd to cut a special teams guy they like and trust for a bench riding rb. I think Williams roster spot is one of special teams alone really. yea draft position no longer a factor with roster decisions around the bengals. I’d love to be in the conversation room about Jackson. His career got off to an oddball covid start. Then got odd injuries at the worst time. They must think of given a good ramp up he can be useful. Or they would have parted ways. The money means nothing honestly.
  10. sooooo many people there on a tuesday mid day, schools on field trips from other countries even, it was wild, well worth it. we skipped the hospitals and apartments, and something else, saw all the torture and death camp areas, the crown jewels, the royl living quarters, etc.. very impressive.
  11. fair enough, no complaints really, both deserve in.. got some dudes getting old out there tho..
  12. Some may know, my son plays College basketball, small private university in a nearby state. He was a redshirt freshman last year, so coming into his second year with 4 years of playing eligibility left. This summer we were invited to take a trip to London with a basketball club from around the US who got 6 kids from all states to join and go play the top 18U(18 or under age) teams in london. So its an 8 day trip, we added 3 on the end for a little vacation break. If youre gonna fly 9 hrs, may as well make it count) The trip is for 18's who wanna play college and wanna play pro overseas to go see what Competition in the UK looks like. This was possibly the best decision we have ever made, aside from joining his AAU coach 5 years ago who changed his life. Day one, we flew out from Denver to Heathrow, left at 6:30pm, landed in london at 11:30am the following day, with the +7 hour time change. The bus situation for families to meet up and get to hotel was messy as youd expect flights coming from everywhere, we finally collect everyone, and leave for the Hotel, its 90 minutes away, its a private charter bus, so its comfy at least. The driver hits his max hours without a break so we had to detour to a rest stop for the driver to sit for 30 minutes and not be driving. so get to the hotel around 4:30, they catered lunch from the hotel at 1pm, when we were supposed to arrive, so the food was terrible and old. stayed up until 9-10pm and passed out. Day two, wakeup 6:30am, breakfast at 7:15, in hotel so eggs ham (not bacon you liars from England) potatos, beans of course. Head to University of East London Sportsdock for practice for first time together. 3 hr practice, most intense practice i have ever seen. Was great for everyone, finish up there, Lunch from Carribian spot catered, probably would ahve been great fresh, but they arrived early and practice ran late, so once again, hour+ old food, chicken, mac, veggies, was ok, ubt old and cold. After lunch we all cleaned up and went to London for a open top bus tour, which was actually pretty cool. then they leave you in london to do whatever you want, we grabbed dinner at a local quick burger spot called crispies, was pretty good, then hit hotel, stayed up till 9=-sh and then passed out. Day 3, Same morning routine, then off to first Game at UEL Sportsdock vs the City of London Academy. This was a fun game, great team, my son played great, won 91-82, my son was 2/3 on free throws, 1/2 on 2 pt shots, and 4/8 from 3 point range, had 16 points. 1 rebound, 2 steals. after game, back to hotel for catered lunch, same chicken sandwiches and stuff from first day, slightly fresher, still mediocre, then train to Little Venice for a canal cruise to the Camden marketplace. Camden is incredible its a great food market, plus shops pluf flea market, spent a few hours fucking around there, hit a pug for chicken sandwiched and burgers and fries, was good as hell, then headed to subway to get back, got on wrong train because their system is fucking stupid, get off get back on right way, make it to hotel, wind down for night same as usual. Day 4, Get up breakfast, then take charter bus to the Totengham Hot Spurs stadium, which is incredible, do a full tour, it was a ton of fun, then on our own for lunch, start walking, accidentally go into a Mob front for food, realize our mistake and head out, walk other direction, realize we have like 25 minutes to get food, the options are a pub and a dominos, the pub is packed, no way we are getting food in that time, so we go into dominos, which was incredible, and nothing like dominos in the states, as they cant use the horrible chemicals we can in the US, shit was incredible. then meet back up with team at bus, and head to game vs the London Stars, this is our first dose of Hoop culture in its natural invironment, the fans have drums, horns, scream and yell, its like a wild overseas soccer match. (if you want a wild pic, search "serbian basketbal lflames" and youll see what iwld shit goes on in serbia at just normal hoops games. Fun game, my son plays well, hits a 40 ft buzzer beater at the end of a Qtr, hits one other 3, only goes 2/9 from 3 but 3 of those were shotclock heaves when the plays broke down. so real world 2/6, not terrible. head back to hotel, on our own for dinner, got local italian food, was solid. won by 30-ish points in that game. Day 5, we head to Brighton, about 90 minutes from us, its raining so we skip the beach and do the Lanes which is just alleys and alleys and roads of shops and food, incredible area, meet up at 1pm for lunch at itialian spot, best food of the trip by far, then head to Sussex for game 3. This is the top team in london, they kicked our ass by 40, BUT, since we had 6 players, we had 2 locals join us to subs and depth, and one of them is from the Sussex Storm team, so we lost him and he played against us, and his replacement was terrible, no chemistry with team and a ball hog and a bad shot and lots of turnovers. My son played well, had 15 points, 1/2 free throws, 1/2 from 2pt, and 4/11 from 3, again was chucking threes at the end since they were down 40, was 4/7 to start, last 4 heaves didnt connect. you can tell the 4 days straight of intense hoops is catching up to the players. still crazy fun, made some friends, great time. there were about 100 fans in attendance, maybe 200, biggest crowd at a hoops game my kids played in. Day 6, freetime until 3pm for game, vs Barking Abbey, a great team, had a 7+ footer 16 yr old palying up on the team, he wasnt good, but he had 6 blocks, maybe 6 points, he should ahve had 40. son shot poorly, 0/7 from 3, 0 points, had 2 steals, 2 assists, 2 rebounds, he was toast, a few players were, some airballs from guys, they were spent. lost by 7, with a days rest id bet we could have won that game. but the W/L doesnt matter so fun for all. Team dinner at japanese spot, was ok. Day 7, We rested, ate food, peeped the riverwalk area nearby, really just recouped from the 5 days of intense hoops. Day 8, everyone else leaft, we went to rec center for son to get his workouts in, was a 1.5 mile walk to and from. rested some more, saw local sights, nothing special, just enjoyed being in the Dockside area. went to Movie and dinner at the O2 arena, good stuff. Day 9 went to tour the Tower of London, which was incredible, we did about 3 hours, hit the hot spots, but that tour could easily be 6-8 hours if you detailed view it all, hit a local BBQ spot downtown london, had random bbq foods, all great, i am finishing up being sick as hell, all the rain and moisture i got a sinus infection, was brutal. hit hotel like 7pm, chil for night. Day 10, son works out, go get food, take uber to Royal Albert Hall, Saw Cypress Hill with the London Symphony Orchestra (like the simpsons episode for Homerpolusa) ate at the fancy spot at the royal albert, had steak and potatos and bread, great food, great show at a really cool venue. Day 11, woke up, took uber to airport, flew the hell home. Im sure not many people care, but figured id share the adventure. im sure i left out some things i forgot already. but thats the general idea of the trip.
  13. man 15 lbs of muscle is so hard to do, watching my kid workout 6 days a week for his sports and trying to tack on beef is tough, its slow but effective.. obviously joe has top notch trainers and nutritionists helping, but still. thats no joke.
  14. I still dont know what this is, I dont necessarily wanna open it and play it to find out, a vinyl from the 2021 draft.. is it our draft pick announcements? on vinyl? what would e the point? got it on NFL auctions, cant find much about it anywhere.. This is a hilarious corny just say no song that just looked cool, i have bought any and all bengals related vinyl I could find, some weird stuff out there.
  15. Joes gonna run out into the ring in an NWO shirt any monday now (i dont know if wrestling is still on mondays or not)
  16. depends on the player. the "issued" but not worn jerseys can sometimes go for less than an authentic retail jersey, i have a lions reggie bush and a dolphins maualuga i paid like $200-300 for, retail authentics at the store are like $330 i think. game worn boyd i got for $600-700 worth about $2000, i have 25-ish game worn/issued bengals jerseys, ive paid anywhere from $390 to $15,000 for them individually. I have seen game worn burrow jerseys go for $75-80,000 they average go for $8-25k. Chase goes for $3000-15000 these days. but a hype season and hyped good stat game or rivalry game and shit skyrockets. cleats are super affordable in comparison, they are usually $400-800 for game worn. nfl auctions is in a constate state of selling game orn and issued stuff so you can check all teams there, obviously more jerseys hit the market during the season. it would be tough to part with, i have the matching burrow with is.. those will either get handed down to my kids or be sold to pay off their college educations. depending how life goes. there is some sweet stuff in here, that binder is incredible, even the envelope. love these items. very cool, couldnt be me tho. I may be a sports psychopath, but i dont need others to necessarily know that at all times. these are super well done, clean looking, and unique..
  17. Last one tonight, and i know ive posted most of this before..... so sorry for the re-run of my crap. So some may know, but players get 2 jerseys for each game, they pick one, wear it, if its damaged they have a backup, if not the backup goes on to the next game. this is the jersey jamar chase DIDNT wear for the afc championship game we won vs KC, hung in his locker, etc. got it signed and inscribed OROY a month or two later.
  18. DJ reader game worn cleats for a cause, killer stripes on these.
  19. Tyler Boyds Game worn jersey form the Beoncos game in denver, he scored the only TD in the game for the bengals, I was at the game with my son and my sister and my wife, got nice grass stains on it, and really enjoyed the grumpy broncos fans after the game, traffic sucked.
  20. i need to find my older bengals stuff, i used to go to camp in georgetown, take digital pics, during the break in the day go to walgreens/walmart and run 8x10 prints of candid pics i took, and get them signed. I have one of chad johnson having pulled his shorts up really high like a 90 yr old man and hunched over, got him to sign it that day, he thought it was hilarious and was impressed i had a photo from 3 hrs prior in the day and signed it.
  21. this is great news, ill have to find this thanks for the heads up, jay is good. PDJ/Jay postgame is indeed a good listen. With my personality clash with Rapien, anything he brings to the table can be found elsewhere so it leaves me with nothing, and by god if you watch it on youtube, while liscow i doing the intros, he always doesnt something juvinille and corny and it is peak cringe. with the power rangers in the background it just makes me not able to handle him. listening at 1.5 is actually pretty smart honestly. i may have to try that when im forced to listen. I have a couple of 9 hr flights coming up that ill be in need of content to watch/listen to. yea mo egger is random, he used to infuriate me, when the teams doing well he is tolerable. he just doesnt know ANYTHING about football, he just has a 20 year career of reporting vague things that have happened in sports in the city, so he acts like he knows a ton. but many times ive found myself wondering wtf he is talking about. sort of the type of guy who thinks when burrow goes down and the team loses that zac taylor needs fired, like the guy who cant accept the realities in the sport. the mentality of if you didnt win a ring you gotta make big changes type guy. malik had his 15 minutes of fame a few years ago, id bet if you tracked his correct and incorrect rumors and then see who left the staff at the same time his connection to the team could be tracked down, and has been gone a few years... he also sounds like he is 13. AND all of the guys he does cross promo shows with, all look and sound 13, so i cant really take it seriously.
  22. this is one of the more grotesque things to ever be posted on the internet. i am both personally and emotionally offended.
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