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|Bengals o Muerte|
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Everything posted by BlackJesus

  1. Not sure why they don't list the top 3 as all being #1 ... 🤔 Either way, Burrow's deal looks better and better by the day.
  2. * That Jordan Love overpay for the same yearly salary as Burrow was negotiated by Mulugheta ... Tee's shithead agent.
  3. - LamaRB got Ebola Aids. - Dolphins just gave Tua 53 million a year lol. - 3 teams lost players for the season already to injury. ... Going to be a wild ride through August.
  4. ^ Katie needs to be inside talking to Ja'Marr's agent. Not getting a suntan.
  5. In cases of top players the agents know what the number should be based on the market and ask for that. Burrow took 275 (little more than the guy before him), he didn't hold out for 350. I'm sure Ja'Marr is not asking for 50 a year and 250 guaranteed. His agent is likely using Jefferson's deal and asking for a little more than that. As for Watson, he's not an all-pro HoF player like Ja'Marr is.
  6. This is different than Tee's situation. Joe and Ja'Marr are the 2 cornerstone pieces of the entire franchise. They are basically "blank check" players that you pay the number they ask for. I am sure he just wants 1 dollar more than Jefferson, which is not unreasonable. So Duke needs to realize the urgency and get this done.
  7. Chase will not play a single down in camp or preseason or regular season without his contract extension. We need to just accept this as the reality. This is not a vet day. Or ramping up easy. Ja'Marr is not going to risk injury doing anything until he's paid. I can't blame him. So get the damn deal done already. We know what the numbers will be basically. Mike needs to reach in those Lumina cushions and find the 100 million to guarantee as the entire season rides on him playing.
  8. ... Nobody loves a big man more than me (as everyone knows). But there's a difference between a 'dancing bear' and a 'beached walrus'. I need all that jiggle to wiggle fast enough to be effective. That's what makes 🐻 Mims so tantalizing. He's 350 lbs, but agile and cut like someone who is 280.
  9. Mims looks like he was carved by the hand of Zeus ... While Trent recently looked like he ate Zeus
  10. ^ I wanted Mims to get the first team reps anyway in camp. Trent being out of shape (?) could turn into a blessing in disguise.
  11. ... LamaRB was so thin a few months ago he looked like he had Aids. So ....
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