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|Bengals o Muerte|
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Everything posted by BlackJesus

  1. The only way the Browns sniff the playoffs from 2024-2026 ...
  2. Deshaun Watson's contract and trade is the worst in organized sports history at any level, in any country. Their only hope is he gets hit by a bus or dies of herpes. Because if not, their franchise is cooked for the next 3 years.
  3. Even Collinsworth nutted like he was in a Squeelers uniform ... pYkHRAjmZ2OqnUw7.mp4
  4. Dan Orlovsky breaks it down ... (I think Burrow has the fastest football mind in the NFL.)
  5. Just win the next 2 to get us to .500 2-4 ... But like 3 plays from 5-1
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