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Everything posted by MOC

  1. So does this new "ruling" mean they will wear the white helmets with the White Tiger and Primary White jerseys?
  2. There's no basement in the Alamo
  3. https://cincyfavorites.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxOv67I3F_gIVpe7jBx0ZSwclEAAYASAAEgLVi_D_BwE
  4. I've been using this stuff for years. You can buy it almost anywhere, have even seen it for sale at Fred Meyers in Warrenton Oregon, near where my daughter lives. Amazon has it too. Pretty close to the originals and you can make it drier if a Gold Star fan or wet, if Skyline is your drug of choice. https://www.cincinnatispecialties.com/StoreDetails.aspx/Cincinnati-Recipe-Chili/Cincinnati-Recipe-Chili-Mix/
  5. And now this 💩 https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2023/04/13/browns-firstenergy-mutually-agree-to-end-stadium-naming-rights-deal/
  6. Got it, I read it as "how could a little old ball of paint shot out an air powered gun cause someone to need medical attention"? Had a friend that got hit on the side of his neck, just missed the jugular. Ripped a pretty good piece of skin away and we had to rush him to the ER. Healed up good, but had a hell of a hickey for a while. Worst one I ever had was on the upper inside of my thigh. Was "hiding" behind a pretty good size barricade panel and didn't realize that my right leg was exposed at the edge. Through a pair of jeans and winter weight coveralls, hurt like a mf'r and worst bruise I've ever had in my life. Mostly black, some purple and spread down my thigh almost to the top of my knee.
  7. Apparently you've never been hit by a paintball? Especially on bare skin at close range. They will tear skin open if they hit just right.
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