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You are a republican???

Guest bengalrick

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Guest bengalrick

You are a republican???

this is a great article that rush has read some of today... it is by a republican that used his own money to run a full page ad in the washington post... this was about impossible to find, but i did :D

great explaination for republicans and those not sure if their rep or dem...

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In today’s America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, “What is a Republican?â€Â, and you’ll be told “… a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment … the working poor ….and all whom they exploit…â€Â

The only people i have ever heard characterize republicans like this is other republicans saying the rest of the world charcterized them like that. Get over yourself. What he put down is for the most part what i think of when it comes to the republican party.

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i hate republicans... my view of republicans are right wing assholes who only have 700 wlw programed into thier radios and beleice every peice of shit they hear from some radio personality, and make like decisions based on one sided republican banter... republicans seem more stuck in thier republicanism than democrats or anyone else, others seem to jump party to party or vote for what might be best for the county.... republicans are republicans..

some fuckbag i work with is a republican, he is voting for bush because his dad works for great american and bush and others have signed lots of whatever to put more money into big campanies pockets so it makes it easier for his dad to work with these companies as they are getting tax breaks and other benifits that are in turn hurting the job market and benfiting the already rich...

this is the ignorance i hear throughout my day, this fuckhead is going to vote for a president basically because daddy said so because he will make more money (living in high part of cincinnati driving a porsche and a audi already..)

and republicans are getting a bad rap? im 23 he is 22, neither of us in school, if we keep this war shit up and end up having a draft, we are fucked, we are going to war leaving my fiance and job and everything behind so his daddy can get some fancier cars? my mother cant find a job as a paralegal without taking a 35% paycut fromwhat she was making and this fuckbag wants to make MORE money and thats making his vote decision... FUCK!

narrow minded ignorance is what pisses me off about republicans, ...

dont get me wrong, i think kerry is a shithead too, there is no good candidate... and dont dare post flip flop this or that, the ignorance behind all of this trash talking is foolish, every narrow minded republican listened to the radio and got the flip flop complaint and its thier only ammo, mr radio announcer didnt mention bush lowering pay for our troops, that thier wifes are at home losing thier houses cause they cant afford to pay the bills, im sure kerry did vote for tax increases, better than have a multi trillion dollar debt..

they both suck... bush has already proven he can ruin not only our country but many others as well.. he has created enimies out of allies and pissed off the world..

so i know bush sucks for a fact...

i dont know for a fact that kerry will also ruin the country...

thus, give him a try... good chance he wont suck as bad as bush,...

thats my phylosophy..

im not against the war,im not against defending our country, the republicans i have met are made up of rich assholes, poor people who like to bomb shit, and middle class who think they are upper class and want to feel better than other people...

fuckin republicans...

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Guest Bengal_Smoov
i hate republicans... my view of republicans are right wing assholes who only have 700 wlw programed into thier radios and beleice every peice of shit they hear from some radio personality, and make like decisions based on one sided republican banter...  republicans seem more stuck in thier republicanism than democrats or anyone else, others seem to jump party to party or vote for what might be best for the county.... republicans are republicans..

some fuckbag i work with is a republican, he is voting for bush because his dad works for great american and bush and others have signed lots of whatever to put more money into big campanies pockets so it makes it easier for his dad to work with these companies as they are getting tax breaks and other benifits that are in turn hurting the job market and benfiting the already rich...

this is the ignorance i hear throughout my day, this fuckhead is going to vote for a president basically because daddy said so because he will make more money (living in high part of cincinnati driving a porsche and a audi already..)

and republicans are getting a bad rap? im 23 he is 22, neither of us in school, if we keep this war shit up and end up having a draft,  we are fucked, we are going to war leaving my fiance and job and everything behind so his daddy can get some fancier cars? my mother cant find a job as a paralegal without taking a 35% paycut fromwhat she was making and this fuckbag wants to make MORE money and thats making his vote decision...  FUCK!

narrow minded ignorance is what pisses me off about republicans, ...

dont get me wrong, i think kerry is a shithead too, there is no good candidate... and dont dare post flip flop this or that,  the ignorance behind all of this trash talking is foolish,  every narrow minded republican listened to the radio and got the flip flop  complaint and its thier only ammo, mr radio announcer didnt mention bush lowering pay for our troops, that thier wifes are at home losing thier houses cause they cant afford to pay the bills, im sure kerry did vote for tax increases, better than have a multi trillion dollar debt..

they both suck... bush has already proven he can ruin not only our country but many others as well..  he has created enimies out of allies and pissed off the world..

so i know bush sucks for a fact...

i dont know for a fact that kerry will also ruin the country...

thus, give him a try... good chance he wont suck as bad as bush,...

thats my phylosophy..

im not against the war,im not against defending our country, the republicans i have met are made up of rich assholes, poor people who like to bomb shit, and middle class who think they are upper class and want to feel better than other people...

fuckin republicans...



So about those anger management classes.... :D

I hear ya though, it kinda hard to imagine why someone would want to vote for Bush, unless they personally benefited from it. He has made life harder for most Americans through his policies, especially in Ohio were unemployment is worse than its been since I can remember.

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Haha i am a republican i am far from rich. I am sick of the democratic party taking money from my paycheck.. I hate being over taxed by the liberal persident who upare taxes clinton... I am glad bush lowered them and i got to see money back. Its more then i could ever say for john kerry. If you are a democrat you are blinded by your parties hypocricy.. sorry to say it but america will be in a sad state if john kerry is elected president

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i hate republicans... my view of republicans are right wing assholes who only have 700 wlw programed into thier radios


Nah, I was a WEBN listener back in the day...

You must not know very many Republicans. Let me introduce myself...

Of course some Republicans are assholes... so are some Democrats... so are some Independants... so are some Green Party-ers. Believe me, we're not all that bad. Now come try some of this delicious Kool-Aid... :wacko:

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Of course some Republicans are assholes... so are some Democrats... so are some Independants... so are some Green Party-ers. 


yeah...all the ones that get elected/host talk radio shows/call talk radio shows :)

The assholes seem to scream the loudest.

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here is something fun for everyone. I am a student at UC, graduating in december. Right now i am in a class called urban lobbying. Basically it is politics class. We have 2 sets of speakers everyday. This will be the first election i ever vote in. The first day of class 2 guys came in who were john kerry representatives and were official campaign people for southwest ohio. The one guy talked for 10 minutes about how bad George Bush is and not once did he mention anything that john kerry stood for. The best part was when he was taking questions and a light spoken 18 year old girl called him on this and said he not once mentioned anything about john kerry. He then started yelling at her and no exaaggeration on this, he was yelling so loud he started to spit and in the process said she was ignorant. After about 2 minutes my teacher (registered democrat) told him to leave and in the process said "thank you for being a typical democrat that everyone hates". We left class that day still not knowing what John Kerry stood for.

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I keep hearing this BULLSHIT about how Bush only gave a tax break to the wealthy. The last time I looked I am not a millionaire or wealthy. I got the best tax return since I've been married which is 20 years! I heard something today about some asshole leftwing follow some lady on the hwy . Pull up next to her and start spewing the F bomb at her because she had a W sticker on her car. She had

her 2 preschoolers in the car when this is going down. The dems want to tax and spend tax and spend. PEROID! I can't wait for election night...I want a recount ,I want a recount. If they don't win they will cry again for another four years just like the last time. Kerry has a plan but hasn't one time said WHAT he will do except say I have a plan! He is a slick ass car saleman with a slack jaw wife. I can just see what it will be like with her in the Whitehouse. She will be bossing all the help around like she does at her SEVEN mansions! Yeah he is for the little man. The richest guy that could be president. He voted for loopeholes so HER business can

outsource. Fuck the dems! :angry:

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I keep hearing this BULLSHIT about how Bush only gave a tax break to the wealthy. The last time I looked I am not a millionaire or wealthy. I got the best tax return since I've been married which is 20 years! I heard something today about some asshole leftwing follow some lady on the hwy . Pull up next to her and start spewing the F bomb at her because she had a W sticker on her car. She had

her 2 preschoolers in the car when this is going down. The dems want to tax and spend tax and spend. PEROID! I can't wait for election night...I want a recount ,I want a recount. If they don't win they will cry again for another four years just like the last time.  Kerry has a plan but hasn't one time said WHAT he will do except say I have a plan! He is a slick ass car saleman with a slack jaw wife. I can just see what it will be like with her in the Whitehouse. She will be bossing all the help around like she does at her SEVEN mansions! Yeah he is for the little man. The richest guy that could be president. He voted for loopeholes so HER business can

outsource.  Fuck the dems! :angry:


At least we all know where Bush stands. Kerry just say's what sounds good at the time to please those there. geez! :blink:
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Bush is so rich he doesnt even realise all the companies he owns. All i've hear from bush is "Sadaam hussein....." "america is safter", "dont forget about poland" "john kerry bad, me good", "these are not the droids youre looking for" "when i said he had wmd's, i never thought you would actually call me out on it. Damn i'm stupid"

I hate the fact he wont own up to his own mistakes. I would have some respect for the man if he would say he has made mistakes and say how he is going to fix them. What kind of leader is that. I also cant believe how everything is strictly black or white to the man. The man does stick to his guns....no matter how wrong he is or who those guns are pointing at.

hey straycat... You forgot to say that dems hate america.

btw....i didnt get any tax breaks.

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everyone that i know got unbelievable tax breaks these past couple years. My dad owns a family business and he doesnt stop talking about how great the tax breaks he's received are. Our company has paid for all employees health insurance since the company started in 1946. The first time employees had to cover any of the insurance was in 1999 thanks to bill clinton. In 2002 my dad was able to cover the costs of health insurance again for all employees thanks to president bush and his tax cuts. Anyone that says his tax cuts are bullshit can come talk to me cause ive seen them firsthand.

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Bush is so rich he doesnt even realise all the companies he owns.  All i've hear from bush is "Sadaam hussein....." "america is safter", "dont forget about poland" "john kerry  bad, me good", "these are not the droids youre looking for" "when i said he had wmd's, i never thought you would actually call me out on it.  Damn i'm stupid" 

I hate the fact he wont own up to his own mistakes.  I would have some respect for the man if he would say he has made mistakes and say how he is going to fix them.  What kind of leader is that.  I also cant believe how everything is strictly black or white to the man.  The man does stick to his guns....no matter how wrong he is or who those guns are pointing at. 

hey straycat... You forgot to say that dems hate america.

btw....i didnt get any tax breaks.


ok dems hate america....Pitts off! :blink:
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The problem with Democrats

Liberals may be well-meaning, but that is about all they are

I am rabid environmentalist and care passionately about the poor. Yet

I would sooner pull out a constitutionally protected handgun and

shoot myself while chain smoking, eating red meat, and conducting a

painful experiment on a cute bunny rabbit than become a Democrat.

Here is why I am not a liberal:

Liberalism is simplistic. Whenever there is a problem, liberals

define it as a tragedy of the commons or an example of the private

sector under providing public goods, or make it an issue of rights.

The solution, of course, is to make it government's job to provide

the good or protect the newly minted right.

No doubt a President Gore would soon grace us with a right to the

internet or make self-confidence a public good which needs to be

provided by federal education standards.

The Left is short-sighted. It wants to fund a behemoth welfare state

at home while crusading and gallivanting about the globe in defense

of American ideology abroad. The ever-increasing financial demands of

their utopian vision will suck up all the surplus from our miracle

market, increase the yearly interest payments on the debt, and

necessitate more taxes.

In the long term, the liberal vision is only sustainable if they

succeed in raising the already immorally large tax burden. Yes,

immoral. Coercively appropriating the fruits of up to a third or even

a half of someone's labor is alienating and dehumanizes the process

of work and the worker. Especially when done to fund programs that

deliberately benefit someone else. Especially when justified as our

obligation to helping our community; as if the national, rather than

the local community was the locus of our communal obligation.

Liberal rhetoric is too shrill. If liberalism has an answer to

poverty and you have a different one, you are labeled `anti-poor

people'. If liberalism wants to tax pollution but you think the rate

is too high, you are personally responsible for the deaths of 6,484

small children somehow directly attributable to that specific

pollutant. "It's like you pulled the trigger yourself, man."

Liberalism defines every issue around saving lives and enhancing

liberty: it isn't dramatic or activist enough to say that we are

simply reducing risks and preserving stability.

Liberalism is hypersensitive, waging an unwinnable eternal revolution

against the smallest evil. Liberal causes these days are puny: let us

make sure we use `she' for a hypothetical person instead of always

using `he'; let us narrow the income gap between the richest

country's rich people and the richest country's poor people (the

richest poor in the world); let us give everyone a right not to be

subject to a certain level of pollution (lowering my risk of cancer

from one in a million to one in two million).

Liberals will never believe that America is doing okay; they are the

modern day muckrakers who insist on spoiling the party for everyone

because one person doesn't like the music.

The left is naïve. Liberals act indignantly shocked to find

injustice, poverty, hypocrisy, or oppression. There is really nothing

new about those evils at all. "It is the 20th Century, for crying out

loud!" The most barbaric century yet, they seem to forget. "This

isn't the Middle Ages!" As if that was the only or the worst age of

ignorance, vice, and malice.

Instead of heeding the historical truth that humans and their

institutions in every age will always find ways to perpetuate evil,

liberals blindly listen to the music of political scientists,

economists, psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists who lie

and say they have discovered the laws of human behavior, and that

with the right institutional manipulation we can cancel out our vices

and live in harmony forever.

Which brings us to the worst crime of liberal ideology. The left

behaves as if the human spirit did not exist. Liberals and their

social scientists treat humans like object of the scientific method:

predictable, responding to stimuli like animals, obeying laws.

Liberals believe that hard circumstances like poverty,

discrimination, or oppression cause people to believe and behave in

certain ways, with little or no choice of their own. They do not

expect people to rise above their circumstances or live above their

material reality.

The tragic consequence is that liberal programs treat people like

products of their material reality: and when you treat a person a

certain way, over time they begin to believe that is all they are.

Liberals turn a blind eye to the system of power and domination that

their programs often unintentionally create.

The conservative belief that people should participate in helping

themselves is founded on the belief that they can help themselves. If

you treat people like they have the capacity to change, they will

begin to believe they can do so. Conservatism is fundamentally more

respectful of the dignity of human beings. Liberals do not believe

people have the ability to chose their response to their environment.

Conservatism, not liberalism, is the ideology of choice.

I believe liberals are sincere and earnest (which is more than most

conservatives will concede). Indeed, that earnestness is what gives

them their strength over conservatives: they really are more ready

and willing to attack injustice and oppression. Their problem is that

they act so fast that they cause so many unintended consequences

which could bring down the whole social project and which offend most

everyone else in the meantime.

Their victories are pyrrhic and their zeal is fundamentalist, two

very undesirable traits in an ideology.

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I would sooner pull out a constitutionally protected handgun and

shoot myself while chain smoking, eating red meat, and conducting a

painful experiment on a cute bunny rabbit than become a Democrat.


sweet...its dennis leary.

All republicans like to generalise democrats. :)

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Guest BengalLady

So about those anger management classes.... :D

I hear ya though, it kinda hard to imagine why someone would want to vote for Bush, unless they personally benefited from it.  He has made life harder for most Americans through his policies, especially in Ohio were unemployment is worse than its been since I can remember.


The thing that you guys don't understand is, duh, we had a major crisis happen in Sept 2001. Do you guys forget? I am not repub or a demo, but I don't think anyone else could have done any better. I think the state our country is in right now is a miracle. That could have really destroyed us.

All I know is that I can't even stand the thought of Kerry, much less vote for him.

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The thing that you guys don't understand is, duh, we had a major crisis happen in Sept 2001.  Do you guys forget?  I am not repub or a demo, but I don't think anyone else could have done any better.  I think the state our country is in right now is a miracle.  That could have really destroyed us.

All I know is that I can't even stand the thought of Kerry, much less vote for him.


No i didnt forget and Bush definately didnt, its his answer to every question.. "President Bush what do you think about bunny rabbits" "Well as you know, everything changed after 9/11. I personally rescued a bunny from an evil doers grasp"

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Guest BengalLady
No i didnt forget and Bush definately didnt, its his answer to every question..  "President Bush what do you think about bunny rabbits" "Well as you know, everything changed after 9/11.  I personally rescued a bunny from an evil doers grasp"


That is so true. lol :lol::lol:

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Guest bengalrick
No i didnt forget and Bush definately didnt, its his answer to every question..  "President Bush what do you think about bunny rabbits" "Well as you know, everything changed after 9/11.  I personally rescued a bunny from an evil doers grasp"


but i was in vietnam...

that goes both ways man... of course the politicians are going to play the winning cards... In most people's eyes (i think) W did a great job in the aftermath of september 11th... why wouldn't he mention that as much as possible? all jokes aside, it did change everything in the way we think about things imo...

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but i was in vietnam...

that goes both ways man... of course the politicians are going to play the winning cards... In most people's eyes (i think) W did a great job in the aftermath of september 11th... why wouldn't he mention that as much as possible?  all jokes aside, it did change everything in the way we think about things imo...


I was referring more to the fact that if he gets a non-softball question, thats type of answer he gives.

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I have read all your posts and have participated in many discussions like this on other boards-I am officially blue in the face. I can't wait till the election is over-I'm sick of all of it. Sick of expending my drunken energy anonymously on the internet defending my positions that I really know nothing about to some other anonymous shithead who knows nothing either, sick of the multi-million dollar wastes that pass for campaign advertising on both sides, sick of Kerry's long-faced, basset-hound-ish, talking tree from wizard of oz-ish attacks on Bush because he has a "plan" that he will not go into detail on, sick of George "I'm a fucking dumbass" Bush's unwillingness to admit mistakes or see that there's shades of grey in life, everything isn't always "Us vs Them", sick of war, sick, sick, sick...I hate both candidates! I am 35 and am considering sitting out this election and letting the rest of you decide. Ok I'm better now.

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I have read all your posts and have participated in many discussions like this on other boards-I am officially blue in the face.  I can't wait till the election is over-I'm sick of all of it.  Sick of expending my drunken energy anonymously on the internet defending my positions that I really know nothing about to some other anonymous shithead who knows nothing either, sick of the multi-million dollar wastes that pass for campaign advertising on both sides, sick of Kerry's long-faced, basset-hound-ish, talking tree from wizard of oz-ish attacks on Bush because he has a "plan" that he will not go into detail on, sick of George "I'm a fucking dumbass" Bush's unwillingness to admit mistakes or see that there's shades of grey in life, everything isn't always "Us vs Them", sick of war, sick, sick, sick...I hate both candidates!  I am 35 and am considering sitting out this election and letting the rest of you decide.  Ok I'm better now.


dang I hope you feel better! 9/11 changed us for sure. I still liked how we all became one for a few weeks. That's the way it should be. Iraq has harbored terrorist and we all know it. You think they just rolled in there after the war?

I don't want the other shoe to drop which will be worse.

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dang I hope you feel better! 9/11 changed us for sure. I still liked how we all became one for a few weeks. That's the way it should be. Iraq has harbored terrorist and we all know it. You think they just rolled in there after the war?

I don't want the other shoe to drop which will be worse.

Hey-I am all for killing terrorists in the most quick, painful (painful for THEM!) way possible. I know terrorists are in Iraq-I was there the first go 'round as part of the 3rd Armored Division outta Hanau, Germany in 1991. My cousin Barry is over there right now. My Dad and both his brothers are West Point grads, and two are two-time 'Nam vets. I guess I was just trying to say that I tend to hate the political aspect of, well, most things in our country, and that I'm just sick of the back-and-forth between these two jag-offs, who really don't say anything we don't already know or can believe in. I'm a big Bush supporter (here we go, my last post was designed to not reveal my "politics", but now I'm drinking!) simply because of the war on terror, which I consider to be more paramount of an issue than anything else. If we continue to get hit by terrorist attacks here at home, everything else (economy, gas prices, education, health care, jobs, enviornment, etc) will fall away, cease to exist, or be secondary in importance. But these things ARE important, and even a halfwit like Dubya knows that. I would much rather stage a global war on terror with our HIGHLY TRAINED, KICK-ASS military "over there" than having untrained, fearful, innocent civilians waiting around to die by the next 9/11. OK, I've said enough. Time for more alcohol to blur the vision, soul, pain and to wrap me in the arms of Morpheus...

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