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Everything posted by BengalFanInTO

  1. Lost is the only poster I have met in person. Too bad he left. He’s a good one.
  2. I’m an Insiders castaway like Pity and a number of others like Lost, Tibor and Zeraw who rolled in after that board blew up. My first board was MikeBrownSucks with Tibor and Jersey and some others. I started in 2008 but, wasn’t very active until Insiders crashed and burned.
  3. I’d be more comfortable with the Tart “bandaid” than Becton. I don’t want to see Joe being protected by a turnstile. I’d be MUCH happier with Brown than Becton.
  4. I'm hoping no news is good news and it means the Bengals aren't signing either guy. They both suck and signings would tell me they're OK with a bandaid solutions over an actual solution.
  5. I'm not 100% sure. He got in an argument with someone on here and quit the board. He's always been a bit of a hot tempered dude. He's the only message board member I ever met in person. I've probably "known" him for 15+ years. He's still kicking around as I saw his Twitter is still active so, he's OK I am guessing just no longer here.
  6. To me, this isn't even newsworthy. An NFL player is disappointed in being tagged and would rather have a long term deal?!? Shocking. I was one of the few people who were content with Tee Higgins as our #1 WR but, now that Chase is here it's time for Tee to go. I said the day after they drafted Ja'Marr that Higgins was going to be gone. We all knew it. My hope when they tagged him was that they'd find a solid trade offer, move him, draft his replacement and move on. He may be worth $20 million+ per year to some team but, not this one. This isn't a "Fuck You Tee" post. I like the guy. He's a solid WR but he's also a solid #2 here and that's not going to get him the money he wants/needs.
  7. Round 1: Best OT or DT Available Round 2: Best OT, DT or WR Available Round 3: Whatever You Didn't Get In The First Two Rounds Rounds 4-7: BPA
  8. I hope the entire Stealers team gets a scorching case of syphilis. Beating these dirty fucks to go 7-4 would be a thing of beauty.
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