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Cap minimum spending

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Sorry if there is a better thread to merge this in, then please do, but I just had a question based on something I heard
[quote="John Clayton"]
[font="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif"][size="2"]John Clayton say on ESPN radio that the 89% spend against the cap won't go onto effect until 2013. That stipulation was added because the Bengals and Bills would not have voted for the new CBA otherwise. [/quote][/size][/font]
[font="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif"] [/font]
[font="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif"][size="2"]I assume that means the cap floor hasn't come into effect yet so Mike Brown doesn't have to spend this money afterall?[/size][/font]
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Well i heard that doesn't come into affect until 2013, because it's 99% right now.

It's at 99% for the next 2 years because the Salary Cap is actually lower then it was 2 years ago, so there is no excuse to not be able to spend almost all the cap space, unless you're a cheap fuck.

So when the caps get outrageous in 2 years brown will only have to spend to 89%, i'll bet he'll be generous though and spend to 89.125675%.
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