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Who is Christopher Lee Cornell ?


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He is the retard the News is using as bait to try and troll up some copycats



To even give this guy the time of day and allow him a pulpit legitimizes him in his own mind,  he should be jailed and forgotten about,  he has had zero contact with any terrorist group and his pipe dream of being a legitimate threat was just that,  a dream


Tried unsuccessfully to contact ISIS but was successful  in attracting the FBI who worked with him helping radicalizing the mentally challenged kid,  the FBI set up a scenario and gave him money to buy weapons so they could bust him


Want a good laugh listen to his fake middle eastern accent



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A pathetic immature moron who is trying for his 15 minutes of fame by making an ass out of himself.



And you have Fox 19 allowing this idiot a pulpit for that 15 minutes of fame,   lame and irresponsible on their part 

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And you have Fox 19 allowing this idiot a pulpit for that 15 minutes of fame,   lame and irresponsible on their part 

He called them (against his attorney's orders) and made statements that can be used against him when he goes to court.


Of course they used them.

Its called a "scoop" and any media outlet would have done the same thing.

It boosts ratings.

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