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Mathimetically Certain To Happen...


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Sadly, DC, this is on the up and up. It's a charlatan taking advantage of the willful ignorance of a small segment of the population. It is an amusing, if very sad, combo of PT Barnum hucksterism and a crowd that is just begging to be swindled. A match made in heaven, so to speak. That they can't even spell (or proofread) makes it all that much more dismal. In the dog-eat-dog world of catastrophic fantasy, this venality is perfectly consistent.


The real danger here is that there exists a larger segment of the population which would see through this scam immediately, yet still hold true to various aspects of the "analysis" offered by these barkers. In other words, meet the crowd who prefers the break things up instead of to mend things:


--The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

--American Bile

--The Implosion of the GOP brand, in one chart

--The Night the GOP Cracked Up

--Right Wing Populism Could Hobble America For Decades

--Maybe GOP Should Try Governing Again


Some old-line Republicans are trying to salvage things, but it's a fight:

--Mitch McConnell's Attack on Matt Bevin Signifies Larger Battle Plan

--Matt Bevin, Conservative Groups Assail Mitch McConnell's Attack Plan

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