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Bengalszone down

TJ Jackson

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I know some of the Bengalszone members post on here as well, and am hoping with Bengalszone down at the moment that we could communicate here at least temporarily

Hoosier? Army? Billy? Skyline?  B24?




Maybe a whois lookup can give you some contact information?

Yes it does. The guy should really pay the extra money for the ID proxy service... 


Hey TJ, the message I get now when I try to log in states the site is down, but they hope to have it back up before Thursday night's game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks COB, me as well.

The info on whois is outdated, the phone number is disconnected and the email address listed....well, it is on Bengalszone so it too is down/disconnected/whatever

  • 5 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi TJ, Hi Army, glad to hear from you guys. I'd like to figure out if this is the new place, if the old place will come back, or what. Can the world continue to turn without our input on the Bengals? Probably not.

Sent from my iPhone using Go-Bengals.com

On 5/24/2017 at 9:53 AM, FishHook said:

Hey it's Army from BZ.  My name is in use here, so I had to change things up.
I reached out to Billy but he hasn't responded.  I don't have the others emails and I have no idea what happened to the site.
I will check back here periodically.

Thanks to GO-BENGALS for being kind enough for this.
I might stick around here if nothing else comes back up.

Have to have a place to come talk about the Bengals.
Yeah, glutton for punishment I suppose.

Hey Army good to hear from you 

13 hours ago, COB said:

Hi TJ, Hi Army, glad to hear from you guys. I'd like to figure out if this is the new place, if the old place will come back, or what. Can the world continue to turn without our input on the Bengals? Probably not.

Sent from my iPhone using Go-Bengals.com


I'll be posting here until Bengalszone is back up again or maybe I'll do both :) I mean how is Oogieboogie going to get better without my advice?


Hey guys !!!  Yeah, Go-Bengals has earned my respect for letting us have this conversation on their board.
I will be sticking around and giving my thoughts on things here until the Zone is back up, if it comes back up at all.
I see some posters from the Zone here already, so it will be like old times.


Not being a moderator will certainly have it's pluses !!!


FishHook was our call sign in Afghanistan, so I went with that here.

Later guys...


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