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Everything posted by Homer_Rice

  1. Let's try this another way. Watch the video again. In fact, watch it a couple of times. Listen to what he says. Also look into his eyes. Now tell me that this person isn't in some kind of cognitive distress. Ever take care of an old relative or spend any significant time around a person with empty eyes like that? I don't care what you think of my views, just be honest with yourself. Biden is not simply old, he's a goner--especially for the position of authority and leadership he currently has and wants for four more years. Which, again, begs some questions. You don't have to tell me about Trump's character. I've known about him since the 80s, well before he was on the national scene in any serious political way. By product of a behind-the-scenes political squabble with one of his mentors. And, inadvertently, you hit on one key point: one of these oafs is going to be the next president. It's time people got seriously interested in just how our polity has declined so, such that we even allow this kind of contest to happen. How do you fix it? Engaging in lawfare against one person and whitewashing the other doesn't cut it. And that's my truth. Hold all these fuckers to standards that are derived from the best of what it means to be a citizen. As I said in another comment, I will not be voting for either one of these murderous dipshits, but that doesn't mean I will quit being a gadfly..
  2. I, and probably Hannah Arendt would disagree with you, but that wasn't the point of my posting. Anyone can look at this bit o' video and see two important things: One, Biden really is not capable of being President. He has always been a mediocre thinker and now he is way beyond competence. Two, notice how quickly his handler shuts everything down. Begs some questions, does it not? Anyhow, in the interest of balance, here's another one: Dr. John Gartner: The world is watching "a fundamental breakdown in Trump’s ability to use language." For those who are more interested in partisan ideology than truth should find this more palatable.
  3. Later this year will be the 50th anniversary of my enlisting in the US Navy. Vietnam was mostly over, but still a thing. There has always been tension in my thoughts about how the Navy was pretty good to me, but how that personal goodness came wrapped in a veil of evil. Our foreign policy then, and now, and every goddamned day in between makes me ashamed to be a citizen. I've tried to kick in my two bits worth of decency over the years, but that hasn't amounted to any more than spit in a rainstorm. In my lifetime, the US has consistently ratcheted itself downward and we passed the point of no return some time ago. It's a multi-polar world now, and piling up the bodies--as the US is so prone to do--won't save us in the final outcome, as much as those mental midgets we call leaders think it might do.
  4. West Bank, not Gaza. "I watched her vomit and then I watched her die..." "Ignoring Immolators Lulls the Society to Sleep: Aaron Bushnell at the Israeli Embassy: "FREE PALESTINE!" The video is very NSFW.
  5. I've seen the first two episodes. It's okay but it's like a lot of the newer music documentaries, imo. Some neat storytelling but kind of self-serving. I did have this thought while watching: "I sure wish there was a documentary series like this about The Big Red Machine."
  6. Understandable error. All Black NFL players look like Killer Mike.
  7. ...is an 8-part series published by WaPo. A good read, but not really fun.
  8. Just Russians and Palestinians. By the thousands. And that crew has ruined Ukraine in a war it could never win.
  9. Yeah, I could, Jamie. In fact I am currently doing a thing on the differences between the Monroe doctrine and it's intent, and how it was perverted over the years, particularly in the late 19th century. People tend to lump these diverging "intents" together and it's one reason our citizenry is fucked up and really poorly-informed about foreign policy. But let's stay on track for this thread. The war in Southwest Asia just might spread into a regional war, which of course is very dangerous for world peace. Recent readings: Chickens in the Middle East [i] Feb 1 Palestinians demand international inquiry after mass grave found in Gaza Feb 1 - oops! Message of Yemenis to Europeans Jan 28 - government statement Biden-Backed Bipartisan Senate Bill Targets Key Humanitarian Aid For Palestinians Feb 5 - defunding UNRWA AIPAC of Lies Feb 6 - nothing new years, been going on for decades Asymmetries Feb 6 - regional war? Chris Hedges: Let Them Eat Dirt Feb 8 - starvation False Alternative Feb 8 - internal Israeli politics
  10. As a former resident of CT, I like this move. However, there is nothing new about the approach--only that this is being done with state money (which in itself is a grant.) Here is what is happening. The debt being bought has already been sold off to collection agencies. The grant money will buy the debt at a discount--as is normal practice in the collection industry and a lot of people will not have bloodsucker collection agencies making their life miserable. Everyone benefits, as far is it goes. NGOs have being doing this for years. The problem is that it doesn't go very far. Everyone knows there are serious systematic problems with the health care industry. This country ought to have a form of universal health care. And CT state government isn't ever going to be a forerunner for that, seeing as how a lot of the insurance industry is homed in CT. I'll offer two anecdotes of my own, and I'm sure that a lot of people on this board have their own, similar tales. Since I got sick, one of the medications I take, at eight week intervals, costs 28,800 dollars per dose. I pay eleven dollars, so the company that makes the medicine is sticking it to Medicare. Secondly, I went down to pick up my Mother's Multaq prescription, which after what little is contributed by insurance, costs her over 800 dollars for a 90 day supple. I was curious, so when I got home, I look up prices for Multaq in the U.S. and abroad. $12.81 per pill here, and a little over $2.00 in Canada and other countries.
  11. America will not survive the stupidity. Taylor Swift, Enemy of the People The Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory That Makes QAnon Look Sane
  12. The Final Word on Russiagate—And Its Consequences in 2024
  13. Disgruntled Eagles fan.
  14. The Idea That the Republicans Can Become “The Party of The Working Class” Is Beyond Absurd A nice deep dive with some nuance. Good read. *** Personally, I won't be voting for either sociopath.
  15. Journey has its roots in S.F. Hometown team and band. I like the Ravens and the Lions.
  16. Anti-Jupiterite! Crimes By Israel
  17. "I think the evidence is clear."
  18. I love your charts and other analytical breakdowns, but, to me, hating the Colts is sorta like hating your Grandma. And I get that you are in Indiana, so there may be some legit animus you have against the state. But the Colts?
  19. But, but what about Stephen Hawking? Are people really surprised that a significant portion of the elite upperclass are immoral wastrels in their personal lives and who honestly think the rules don't apply to them. It has been ever thus: just ask Caligula. Parties don't matter, what matters is if you have been accepted as part of the "club." "He teed it up this way: I had a choice. I could be an insider or I could be an outsider. Outsiders can say whatever they want. But people on the inside don’t listen to them. Insiders, however, get lots of access and a chance to push their ideas. People — powerful people — listen to what they have to say. But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule: They don’t criticize other insiders. I had been warned."
  20. Goddammit, just because Epstein died under very suspicious circumstances, that doesn't mean that powerful people wanted to rub him out.
  21. My super-duper double-secret insider tells me that Taylor has already given up on the season and is planning to focus on draft picks. Thus, they are going to deliberately lose this week. Apparently, playing the back-end of our roster will ensure a loss because those guys don't care about competition, winning, or any of that other stuff that makes a person dedicate insane hours of hard work to becoming part of an elite. Furthermore, Taylor has hinted that if the Bengals don't get what he considers to be a boffo slot in the draft, he will consider trading injury-prone players for draft picks, including Burrow, Chase, and Higgins. His philosophy: "You can never have enough draft picks."
  22. I root for the teams and the athletes and try not to let the shitbird fans of whatever town affect my appreciation for the sport. Particularly because every town has some portion of asshole fans. I don't like the Stealers because I think they are dirty and have a dirty tradition, otherwise I agree with the idea that you support your division--especially in our case, because it is the toughest division in the NFL, imo.
  23. Yeah, I like the Lions, too, for pretty much the same reasons. Also, I like Goff and thought that the Rams tossed him off too easily.
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