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Where does one learn?


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I was thinking that many of us agree that the general public is pretty dumb. "If people would only take the time to learn about ______" is a pretty common phrase in these parts of Go-Bengals.com Maybe, at least in here, its not so much that people won't take the time, but rather they aren't sure where to look to find ideas that challenge their current modes of thought?

So perhaps we could all share some of our favorite sites that we use to keep us informed and help shape our view of the world? News sites beyond Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, BBC, Yahoo, and MSN etc. Thought provoking blogs or Op-Ed sites. Anything that might broaden the range of opinions the lay person might hear on their daily crawl through the internet and hopefully broaden the scope of our conversations is welcomed.

I love this site that I believe JamieB turned me on to.

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Wonderful as the internet is, there is no substitute for in-depth study and this means books--lots and lots of books. Here, I'm not going to get into the development of analytical abilities or competing models of the same other than to say that that is another, and perhaps the most crucial component of learning.

So go deep web. Google Books, archive.org, scrib'd, osun.org search engine, etc... You'll find lots of books that used to be difficult to find available on the net now. I personally also pony up the bucks for a subscription to Questia.

One example worth reading, though for some it may be a bit of a slog. I have a copy of this book which I scrounged in a used book store some years ago--now on the web:

Ferdinan Lundberg's muckraker: [url="http://www.scribd.com/doc/20892302/FERDINAND-LUNDBERG-THE-RICH-AND-THE-SUPER-RICH-A-Study-in-the-Power-of-Money-Today"] THE RICH AND THE SUPER-RICH: A Study in the Power of Money Today[/url]

Especially chapter VIII.

Edit to add: Also, specialist journals if you have access through a university library.
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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread = utter fail because I was hoping people would post sites that would present varying views on current events beyond the lazy journalism you can find at major news sites.

No doubting book study, was really just trying to broaden horizons a small step at a time for those on either side of the fence(s) in this forums.

But I thought I'd bump a few sites that I've found interesting recently

[url="http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/"]Perrspectives blog[/url]
[url="http://thinkprogress.org"]Think Progress[/url]
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