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Rally to Restore Sanity


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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288365915' post='935505']
So not being allowed to ask your congressman questions at an event you rsvped to is thuggish behavior that warranted calling the police on? And they needed to call a dozen officers to take care of it?

Not when the owner of the establishment asks you to leave...
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[quote name='Tigers Johnson' timestamp='1288390910' post='935544']
No he did not... the article said he had to be pulled out of the building and the police were called.... did you read your own article?

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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288395842' post='935552']

First of all...

MSNBC is to the Democrats as FoxNews is to Republicans....

both are extremely bias.. and you know it and it is making you as big a farce as the story.

Fact of the matter Jamie, is neither you, nor I, nor the commentator knows exactly what happened in the coffee shop because none of us was there and no camera caught it.... They are going off the mans side of the story and THATS IT!....and all along the way we are feigning outrage... it is absolutely ridiculous!

What is hilarious is "The Ed Show" comes off a lot like the democratic version of Rush Limbaugh...

The hilarity of it all is this is democratic panic because they are about to take record losses.... I mean it is absolute panic from the liberal side of the media!

...and I am loving it! ...just for the simple fact that there was no outrage when it was happening to Republicans.

Maybe Mr. Ed can get a red phone for the owner of the establishment to call him like Beck had for the President to call him.

I like the pause in the middle of his story to make sure he gets it straight! Aces!

We will find out if this guy files suit and there are witnesses to support his story. My guess is this will fade away and we will never hear of it again.
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[quote name='Tigers Johnson' timestamp='1288401146' post='935563']
First of all...

MSNBC is to the Democrats as FoxNews is to Republicans....

both are extremely bias.. and you know it and it is making as big a farce as the story.

Fact of the matter Jamie, is neither you, nor I, nor the commentator knows exactly what happened in the coffee shop because none of us was there and no camera caught it.... They are going off the mans side of the story and THATS IT!....and all along the way we are feigning outrage... it is absolutely ridiculous!

What is hilarious is "The Ed Show" comes off a lot like the democratic version of Rush Limbaugh...

The hilarity of it all is this is democratic panic because they are about to take record losses.... I mean it is absolute panic from the liberal side of the media!

...and I am loving it! ...just for the simple fact that there was no outrage when it was happening to Republicans.

Maybe Mr. Ed can get a red phone for the owner of the establishment to call him like Beck had for the President to call him.

Maybe because when it was happening to republicans we werent talking about opponents that were bat shit insane.
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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288401575' post='935564']
Maybe because when it was happening to republicans we werent talking about opponents that were bat shit insane.


Pot meet Kettle...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I am reveling in this!


OMGZZZZ!!!111 Stop the insanity....at least when it will help my party...do....damage....control.....fade.....to.....black.....please.....i .....kknowz....this.....election....is.......really....gonna....be......painful!
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[quote name='Tigers Johnson' timestamp='1288401754' post='935565']

Pot meet Kettle...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I am reveling in this!


This is stupid, he is stupid.

Im talking insane.

And you can love and revel in it, but this great takeover will only be the house which means not much damage can be done, plus it will mean they will have to stop blocking everything or they will have to answer for it too.
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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288401910' post='935567']
This is stupid, he is stupid.

Im talking insane.

And you can love and revel in it, but this great takeover will only be the house which means not much damage can be done, plus it will mean they will have to stop blocking everything or they will have to answer for it too.


Depends on if the nut is in your party and going to occupy a seat to push your parties agenda...
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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288402108' post='935569']
I will never understand those who would vote against their own interests.

You and everyone else does every time they vote.....

No candidate will ever hold all the same principles as you do...... and when you feel you are voting for the lesser of two evils...and you actually do it....well I will say once again you are still voting for evil.

I got laughed at when I voted for Bob Barr and I really don't care.... at least I can say I did not vote for the other two idiots!
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[quote name='Tigers Johnson' timestamp='1288402301' post='935570']
You and everyone else does every time they vote.....

No candidate will ever hold all the same principles as you do...... and when you feel you are voting for the lesser of two evils...and you actually do it....well I will say once again you are still voting for evil.

I got laughed at when I voted for Bob Barr and I really don't care.... at least I can say I did not vote for the other two idiots!

Says the guy that laughed at me when I was considering Ron Paul
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The Metro Ride up there was crazy packed



(Just don't tell Palin)



He was there for the fear!!


Didn't Bill O'reilly tell us that only young people on pot support Stewart?


(Now I want to rent FireFly)



There were some really great signs there


TO Showed up


The Rant [b]IS[/b] too damn high!!



Give Peas a chance!!






Colbert's fear puppet!!


Hide your kids, Hide your Wife!!
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Some more signs I found online...
















And the numbers...

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And the numbers...


Just talking to random people, my guess was half a million were there. Metro set a Saturday record with over 800K trips, and that number is low balled because of people that got tired of waiting or there were farecard machine issues (this happened with me on the return trip) so some trips never got recorded.

Read this:
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[quote name='Go Skins' timestamp='1288650395' post='936477']
And the numbers...


Just talking to random people, my guess was half a million were there. Metro set a Saturday record with over 800K trips, and that number is low balled because of people that got tired of waiting or there were farecard machine issues (this happened with me on the return trip) so some trips never got recorded.

Read this:

Well remember the 800k is one way, likely most took round trips which reduces it to 400K, and some of the traffic (though in my experience very little) was due to the marine core marathon the next day.
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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288661368' post='936536']
Well remember the 800k is one way, likely most took round trips which reduces it to 400K, and some of the traffic (though in my experience very little) was due to the marine core marathon the next day.


Edit to add:The REAL restore the sanity rally is tomorrow.
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[quote name='Sox' timestamp='1288674285' post='936570']

Edit to add:The REAL restore the sanity rally is tomorrow.

Well that picture is certainly disingenuous, just looking at it you can see the zoom on Beck's is closer. But hey what does CBS know. (and not to mention the metro record was broken Saturday)

[url="http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20021284-503544.html"]Jon Stewart Rally Attracts Estimated 215,000[/url]

[url="http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20014993-503544.html"]Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000[/url]

And yes I cant wait till the sanity comes from people want to [url="http://veracitystew.com/2010/10/04/alaska-tea-partier-joe-miller-wants-to-eliminate-minimum-wage-video/"]end the minimum wage[/url], [url="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/oct/25/tea-party-hopefuls-target-education-department/print/"]close the department of education[/url], [url="http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/09/20/100853/graham-us-must-consider-military.html"]a war with Iran[/url], [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/31/tea-party-leader-we-shoul_n_519970.html"]end social security[/url], [url="http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2010/10/20/tea-party-senate-candidate-denies-separation-of-church-and-state-in-constitution/"]they don't believe in the separation of church and state[/url], [url="http://www.times-georgian.com/view/full_story/9695184/article-Tea-party-candidate-defends-use-of-tax-loophole?instance=TG_home_story_offset"]they defend corporate tax loopholes[/url], [url="http://thinkprogress.org/2010/09/24/raese-money-inheritanc/"]want to end the inheritance tax[/url], [url="http://thedailyconservative.net/2010/09/05/angle-dont-extend-unemployment-benefits-go-get-a-real-job-%C2%AB-ask-2/"]don't want to extend unemployment[/url] in a time that jobs are scarce, [url="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/08/miller-social-security-medicare-unconstitutional/"]called medicare unconstitutional[/url], [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Holden_Mirror/lawmakers-seek-distance-f_n_734800_61364433.html"]want to privatize the VA[/url], [url="http://www.autisable.com/733277621/sharron-angle-and-the-tea-party-why-autism-advocates-should-fear-them/"]don't believe in autism[/url], [url="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/10/gop-tea-party-frontrunner-abolish-public-schools/"]eliminating public schools[/url], [url="http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/05/tea-party-call-to-repeal-the-17th-amendment-causing-problems-for-gop-candidates.php"]repeal the 17th amendment[/url], [url="http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk-elections/article/candidates-who-want-to-amend-or-repeal-sections-of-the-us-constitution/19665204"]the 16th amendments[/url], [url="http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk-elections/article/candidates-who-want-to-amend-or-repeal-sections-of-the-us-constitution/19665204"]the 14th amendment[/url],[url="http://climateprogress.org/2010/08/03/rand-paul-mine-safety-regulations-jobs/"]opposed to federal mine safety regulations[/url]

Yeah sanity. :rolleyes:

Thank God that they are only taking the house and wont be able to get that stuff done.

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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288661368' post='936536']
Well remember the 800k is one way, likely most took round trips which reduces it to 400K, and some of the traffic (though in my experience very little) was due to the marine core marathon the next day.

Very true.....I was surprised I had no trouble getting to Pentagon City around noon but parking was a different story. I got lucky and ended up near the Nordstrom entrance when everyone else was trying to get near Macy's. I guess it helps to know the area quite well.

Metro wasn't prepared for this, no question. There are reports that WMATA offered Comedy Central a chance to "buy" more trains so people could get there.
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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1288704173' post='936611']
Well that picture is certainly disingenuous, just looking at it you can see the zoom on Beck's is closer. But hey what does CBS know. (and not to mention the metro record was broken Saturday)

[url="http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20021284-503544.html"]Jon Stewart Rally Attracts Estimated 215,000[/url]

[url="http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20014993-503544.html"]Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000[/url]

And yes I cant wait till the sanity comes from people want to [url="http://veracitystew.com/2010/10/04/alaska-tea-partier-joe-miller-wants-to-eliminate-minimum-wage-video/"]end the minimum wage[/url], [url="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/oct/25/tea-party-hopefuls-target-education-department/print/"]close the department of education[/url], [url="http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/09/20/100853/graham-us-must-consider-military.html"]a war with Iran[/url], [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/31/tea-party-leader-we-shoul_n_519970.html"]end social security[/url], [url="http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2010/10/20/tea-party-senate-candidate-denies-separation-of-church-and-state-in-constitution/"]they don't believe in the separation of church and state[/url], [url="http://www.times-georgian.com/view/full_story/9695184/article-Tea-party-candidate-defends-use-of-tax-loophole?instance=TG_home_story_offset"]they defend corporate tax loopholes[/url], [url="http://thinkprogress.org/2010/09/24/raese-money-inheritanc/"]want to end the inheritance tax[/url], [url="http://thedailyconservative.net/2010/09/05/angle-dont-extend-unemployment-benefits-go-get-a-real-job-%C2%AB-ask-2/"]don't want to extend unemployment[/url] in a time that jobs are scarce, [url="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/08/miller-social-security-medicare-unconstitutional/"]called medicare unconstitutional[/url], [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Holden_Mirror/lawmakers-seek-distance-f_n_734800_61364433.html"]want to privatize the VA[/url], [url="http://www.autisable.com/733277621/sharron-angle-and-the-tea-party-why-autism-advocates-should-fear-them/"]don't believe in autism[/url], [url="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/10/gop-tea-party-frontrunner-abolish-public-schools/"]eliminating public schools[/url], [url="http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/05/tea-party-call-to-repeal-the-17th-amendment-causing-problems-for-gop-candidates.php"]repeal the 17th amendment[/url], [url="http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk-elections/article/candidates-who-want-to-amend-or-repeal-sections-of-the-us-constitution/19665204"]the 16th amendments[/url], [url="http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk-elections/article/candidates-who-want-to-amend-or-repeal-sections-of-the-us-constitution/19665204"]the 14th amendment[/url],[url="http://climateprogress.org/2010/08/03/rand-paul-mine-safety-regulations-jobs/"]opposed to federal mine safety regulations[/url]

Yeah sanity. :rolleyes:

Thank God that they are only taking the house and wont be able to get that stuff done.

LOL-whatever.The zoom is closer on Stewart's,Beck's is clearly taken from a higher altitude...necessary when you need to cover a larger area.The metro means nothing more than more people from a heavily democratic city attended Stewarts rally than Becks.It doesn't show how many non resident's that never used the metro attended.

Let's take another step-the mid terms.How was the attendance for that event?

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