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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2023 in all areas

  1. Which one of them is married to some cute blonde lady that's probably loyal & making a good living without actual brain damage as an occupational hazard & which one is a scrub for the 6-6 Seahawks that's pushing 30, trifling with a nameless string of social media thots looking for someone to fund their lip injections, & staring down a future of random daytime appearances on local AM sports radio. Yeah, yikes bro.
    4 points
  2. I've posted on here before that Trey Hendrickson now joined by Joseph Ossai visit my son's school for some really messed up kids behavior-wise. Last Tuesday no Tray but Cam Taylor-Britt was there and playing kick ball and dodge ball. Just e'd son and asked if one of them took out his ankle. Trey Hendrickson and Joseph Ossai back row two weeks ago. My son, Chris, back row far left. Note the gang signs being thrown.
    3 points
  3. Good looking fellow, your sprout. He deserves congratulations on he (and others there) doing what can be done to help even out the lives of the participants.
    2 points
  4. We need to keep DJ Reader. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/sports/nfl/bengals/2023/12/03/the-stat-sheet-doesnt-show-all-that-dj-reader-means-to-the-bengals/71784116007/
    2 points
  5. AZ-Stealers a fun nothing at the moment. Stealer offense is still bad. Lions cruising CFT later against LAR
    1 point
  6. Its absolutely so gratifying when they get beat
    1 point
  7. The following may be kind of obvious, but if you have accepted that the season is over and want us to get as high a draft pick as possible, then when following other games you want the teams ahead of us in the draft order to win. If in a given game only ONE team has a worse record than we do, root for them to win. If BOTH teams have a worse record than us, then root for the one with the BETTER record to win, since that will make the team closer to us easier to catch. If NEITHER teams have a worse record than us, then root for the one with the WORSE record to win, since that will make it harder for the team closer to us to catch us. Because of the way the tiebreakers work, for those last two cases, if the teams have the same record, rooting for a team from our schedule to win is best. If both/neither are on our schedule, rooting for an AFC team to win is best. If both/neither are from the AFC then rooting for a tie is best. Have fun.
    1 point
  8. hahaahhahahahahahhahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa stooolerzzzz Is that rain or tears I just can't tell
    1 point
  9. Jonah isn't fixing anything. Draft a ROT. Keep Reader.
    1 point
  10. He can't really be a backup OL on game days because those pplayers have to be able to play multiple positions. Smith is a tackle only.
    1 point
  11. Many tks to refs and NFL for keeping them relevant. You know it
    1 point
  12. Does D'Ante Smith still "Play" for the Bengals?..😎 Guys been mia since arriving here.
    1 point
  13. That was punk acting. She's very attractive actually. Im sure they could care less .
    1 point
  14. Tomlin looking hopeless with those stupid fucking aviators on in a rain storm is delicious.
    1 point
  15. They are the worst 7 and 4 team in nfl history
    1 point
  16. Dammit. Cardinals, please do NOT injure Kenny Pick-It. We want him healthy and under center for years.
    1 point
  17. This just in: Kyler Murray is still a disaster.
    1 point
  18. You got to keep him and at least tag Tee or we will be likely a wild card team next year instead of winning the division.
    1 point
  19. Scouting reports I looked at said he's a willing blocker and gets after it but doesn't quite have the size or strength to move people. "Basically OK" would be fine if the RT lining up next to him was also basically OK.
    1 point
  20. 5 recs 53 yds vs Alabama yesterday. Was looking to see how his blocking was, and it was basically OK.
    1 point
  21. In my opinion, he is the most critical re-signing of the off-season. No draftee or what’s on the roster now can do what he does: not only performance, but leadership.
    1 point
  22. Channeling my inner Lloyd, I guess. Embarrassed last week, motivated by pride and fine tuning... and fear of losing their jobs (any interior D lineman who does not have initials rather than a first name)... fear of losing their job (O line and D line coaches) and we really are NOT that bad. Also thinking trap game for the Jags. We are easy to overlook. I'm hitting Hard Rock this AM and putting $20 on the Bengals... with the points.
    1 point
  23. Sweat looks like a Reader replacement ... I think he needs to be in consideration in Rd 1 alongside Bowers and Alt (if the tank occurs).
    1 point
  24. And I'd be happy to come out of the draft with 4-5 OL.. but if that play was blocked perfectly Mixon would probably get 7-8 yards. He's probably not going to bounce one outside, turn the corner on anyone, break anybody's ankles, run through a tackle or hit the jets and outrun somebody to the end zone. Dude used to have a nasty stiff arm, where's that gone? And most damning of all, he doesn't block for the best QB in the NFL. That alone should have him standing on the sideline. But he smiles a lot so I guess none of that other stuff matters here at Mikey's Jubilee Family Fun Center.
    1 point
  25. Watching DBs get pummeled all day by Rudi then have to turn around and try to cover Chad. Ain't happening. Get another back that'll dish it out & blocks like that behind a decent OL and this offense would be absolutely lethal. Though, I admit, it's mostly about the OL.
    1 point
  26. Yanis Varoufakis: “As Bombs Are Raining Down on Gaza Again, It Is No Longer About Hamas or Netanyahu. It Is About OUR Humanity Being Tested
    1 point
  27. He's certainly the best TE in this draft. But the position has been devalued. The last TE picked early came in with similar high praise and hasn't really been a star. You can blame the Atlanta QB situation if you like but guys like Mayer, Kincaid, and LaPorta are pretty good players who went late first, early second.
    1 point
  28. Loudly hating what they perceive as weak is what frightened weak people try to project as strength. Compassion is toughness, not this sad assed rageaholic display of parroted propaganda we're witnessing. It's hard to reason with an "us vs them" mentality when anyone attempting to inject some sense of nuance is a "them" by default. I don't think I know near everything about this situation either but at least I'm aware of my ignorance. I can try to educate myself instead of being angry & defensive about it.
    1 point
  29. I think the disagreement lies in deciding one side is entirely evil and the other side entirely perfect in order to justify wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians in a place you've never been and don't seem to know much about. Then casually reject the opinion of experts whenever it doesn't match your halfbaked opinion on the subject. Almost like a war movie is still too nuanced for you and you want to enjoy the vicarious surge of righteous anger in seeing someone not exactly like you getting bombed. You want to talk about evil? I don't think you do.
    1 point
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