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Wasilla City Hall = CAPTION


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[color="#4169E1"][size=3][b]Behold, Wasilla City Hall where Sarah Palin presided as mayor and held the door for the guy who came in twice a month to stock the Pepsi machine.[/b][/size][/color]


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[quote name='sois' post='694510' date='Sep 2 2008, 04:20 PM']Why is everyone so quick to talk shit?[/quote]
because most sane americans are not pleased to find out that a unqualified hypocritical religious extremest and purely political publicity stunt was just appointed to a position potentially a heartbeat away from becomming the next leader of the free world

but i dunno, maybe thats just me :rolleyes:

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Well football fans should know better than to judge someone by where they come from. Look at all of the success stories from Central Washington, Eastern Illinois, Texas A&I types in the NFL.

Just because they didn't go to USC didn't mean they were crappy and just because was is a small town mayor.

I guess in football, this is called a "reach" :)

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[quote name='Nati Ice' post='694529' date='Sep 2 2008, 09:56 PM']because most sane americans are not pleased to find out that a unqualified hypocritical religious extremest and purely political publicity stunt was just appointed to a position potentially a heartbeat away from becomming the next leader of the free world

but i dunno, [b]maybe thats just me[/b] :rolleyes:[/quote]

why do you hate America?


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[quote name='Nati Ice' post='694529' date='Sep 2 2008, 03:56 PM']because most sane americans are not pleased to find out that a unqualified hypocritical religious extremest and purely political publicity stunt was just appointed to a position potentially a heartbeat away from becomming the next leader of the free world

but i dunno, maybe thats just me :rolleyes:[/quote]

I apologize, but isn't most of the power in this country held in congress and not the VP? What exactly can the VP do without congressional approval? I guess I better hit up Wiki and do some research.

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[quote name='sois' post='694539' date='Sep 2 2008, 05:15 PM']I apologize, but isn't most of the power in this country held in congress and not the VP? What exactly can the VP do without congressional approval? I guess I better hit up Wiki and do some research.[/quote]
the vast majority of the national political sway is held by the president, his veto power, and his pr machine; and if john mccain is elected this country will face the risk of having a 72 year old 4 time melanoma patient and former torture victim in the most stressful job in the nation with a publicity stunt waiting to replace him.

this is a terrible choice by mccain and that has nothing to do with my political leanings, he would have been wise to choose tom ridge or romney (MITTENS!!!!)
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[quote name='Nati Ice' post='694529' date='Sep 2 2008, 03:56 PM']because most sane americans are not pleased to find out that a unqualified hypocritical religious extremest and purely political publicity stunt was just appointed to a position potentially a heartbeat away from becomming the next leader of the free world

but i dunno, maybe thats just me :rolleyes:[/quote]

Yeah, according to most polls people prepare that person to be at the top of the ticket.


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[quote name='Actium' post='694546' date='Sep 2 2008, 05:28 PM']Yeah, according to most polls people prepare that person to be at the top of the ticket.

well, considering polls represent data from a democratic election and not an political appointment that would make sense


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[quote name='sois' post='694536' date='Sep 2 2008, 05:12 PM']I guess in football, this is called a "reach" :)[/quote]
[b]Or a "Bust"[/b]

[quote name='sois' post='694539' date='Sep 2 2008, 05:15 PM']What exactly can the VP do without congressional approval?[/quote]
[b]According to Darth Cheney over the last 8 years .... whatever the fuck he wants.

The VP is now the 4th branch of govt. [/b]

[quote name='Nati Ice' post='694545' date='Sep 2 2008, 05:25 PM']the vast majority of the national political sway is held by the president, his veto power, and his pr machine; and if john mccain is elected this country will face the risk of having a 72 year old 4 time melanoma patient and former torture victim in the most stressful job in the nation with a publicity stunt waiting to replace him.[/quote]
[b]At least Nati Ice allows me to retain hope for the future of the American public. [/b]

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[quote name='BlackJesus' post='694058' date='Sep 1 2008, 02:28 PM'][center][img]http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j318/Tredcrow/Guerrilla/palin5.jpg[/img]

[color="#4169E1"][size=3][b]Behold, Wasilla City Hall where Sarah Palin presided as mayor and held the door for the guy who came in twice a month to stock the Pepsi machine.[/b][/size][/color]

Also served as a Doughnut shot, a Bait and Tackle shop, a Dry Cleaners, and a Guns & Ammo Depot with a drive through divorce window.

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[quote name='sois' post='694510' date='Sep 2 2008, 03:20 PM']Why is everyone so quick to talk shit? It seems that overnight everyone became an expert on this person. What if she is awesome? I think sometimes I should vote to cancel out the votes of the "smart people".[/quote]

[quote name='sois' post='694536' date='Sep 2 2008, 04:12 PM']Well football fans should know better than to judge someone by where they come from. Look at all of the success stories from Central Washington, Eastern Illinois, Texas A&I types in the NFL.

Just because they didn't go to USC didn't mean they were crappy and just because was is a small town mayor.

I guess in football, this is called a "reach" :)[/quote]

I agree; of course a person's record doesn't necessarily dictate their aptitude. However, that doesn't mean we should elect any random person just because they might excel. Even the best qualifications don't guarantee success, but they indicate likelihood and aptitude, which amounts to an educated guess as opposed to a roll of the dice.

There are certainly some intelligent people at the University of Idaho. And it is true that people who finish damn near last in their class at the Naval Academy may very well have skills other than 'rich wife.' But, as with your football analogy, the educated guess would lead you to choose the man from Columbia and Harvard.

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