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The Rules

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This topic is really a service for my fellow Steelers fans. I have noticed some confusion as to what can and cannot be used as evidence/information when comparing Palmer to Roethlisberger. I have taken the liberty of assembling a few of the rules I have learned in my time here.

I will make a concerted effort to keep these rules as up-to-date as I can...I dont want us to fall behind.

[u]The Rules[/u]

1. Wins dont count. Even though Ben has won more games in his first 5 years than any other QB in the history of the NFL, it is all because of his team (on a related note: it is acceptible to add a dozen or so imaginary losses to Ben's record if it helps your argument).

2. Playoffs dont count. Even though Ben is 8-2 in the playoffs, well...see rule 1.

3. Superbowls dont count. Despite the fact that Ben has won 2 Superbowls (something only a handful of Qb's in 43 years can claim), Ben = Trent Dilfer.

3a. Rule 3 can be disregarded (i.e. Superbowls DO count) only when it pertains to Ben's passer rating in SBXL which was the lowest of all time, despite there being several that were actually lower (including not one, but two HOF QB's). SBXLIII shall not be mentioned.

4. Having two Pro Bowl receivers on your team doesnt have any positive effect on your statistics, but having a good defense does.

4a. Cinci's WR's are vastly superior to Pittsburgh's WR's...except in the context of comparing Ben to Palmer. In that case, the WR's are only good BECAUSE of Palmer.

5. Fantasy rankings used to count, but now dont.

6. Palmer having a bad O-line is a point in his favor, but Ben having a bad O-line is meaningless because he is mobile (which in and of itself in not a point in his favor).

7. Ron Jaworski is the best sportswriter, unless he says Palmer is no longer elite...at which point he becomes irrelavent.

8. Peter King is biased against the Bengals, so his opinion doesnt count. This rule also applies to James Walker.

9. The "year" starts after the draft, so any comments made before that are null and void. I'm not sure how the draft affects how a QB is ranked...but rules are rules. This rule is most likely subject to change, depending on the timing of articles next year.

10. For some reason I can quite recall, Cold Hard Football Facts opinions also dont count.

11. Palmer's 2008 season (0-4, 69.0 passer rating, more INT's than TD's) doesnt count because his elbow was hurt. However, Ben's 2006 season is the one that most accurately illustrates his talent level despite his enduring a motorcycle accident, appendicitis, and a concussion.

12. Palmer's rookie season doesnt count (being able to learn the game for a year before starting doesnt help a QB). Neither does his first year as a starter.

Updated 3/28
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12. Having a 4x probowl WR only counts if its Chad

13. Having two Superbowl MVP WRs dont count

15. Having one of the best RBs ever to play only would help if he played for the Bengals, but it doesnt help Ben

16. Having one of the best defenses year in and year out doesnt take pressure off the QB and therfore doesnt count, but really the bengals should get a better defense

17. Being more mobile makes your a better QB, but being a traditional pocket passer means the only thing your good at is throwing a pretty ball

18. TJ Houshmandzadeh was a probowler just waiting for Peter Warrick to get off the team so he could show it, it had nothing to do with catching balls from Carson

19. Stats only count if they are from pro-football-reference, and include a QBrec column, but NFL.com must simply have forgotten to add that column

20. Ben's sexual conquests are a stat on bammorrisgotmehigh's board, Carson being married and having twins means he's less of a QB

21. Passing attempts mean nothing, unless its the rare occasion that ben throws more than 30x's and wins, dont look behind the curtain at the great and powerful Oz
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Sorry Jamie, but every one of those rules has been used by either you or one of your bretheren at this place. I am just trying to keep them all centrally located.

I didnt put in the Palmer's rookie season doesnt count rule...but I think I should (that one is yours by the way).
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You know what... You are not going to convince anyone on a bengals fan site. It is an exercise on futility.

I'm just guessing it makes you and bam feel better to aggravate and egg on a few people here.
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[quote name='Ben' post='779154' date='May 28 2009, 11:25 AM']You know what... You are not going to convince anyone on a bengals fan site. It is an exercise on futility.

I'm just guessing it makes you and bam feel better to aggravate and egg on a few people here.[/quote]

Yeah, I do get a kick out of it.
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[quote name='JC' post='779168' date='May 28 2009, 12:37 PM']Hey..I don't make the rules..i just follow them.


Luckily for me, that is not how you spell my screen name backwards...so I guess I can still play.


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[quote name='oftt4' post='779177' date='May 28 2009, 12:49 PM']Luckily for me, that is not how you spell my screen name backwards...so I guess I can still play.


well i guess the new rule should be if you have a 4, a f, a t, and a o you can't participate. Now were good.

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Jeez, I forgot an oldie but a goodie (which I was just reminded of in another thread).

Cinci's WR's are vastly superior to Pittsburgh's WR's...except in the context of comparing Ben to Palmer. In that case, the WR's are only good BECAUSE of Palmer.

I am going to have to update the list soon.....done.
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[quote name='JC' post='779179' date='May 28 2009, 11:52 AM']Oopss!

well i guess the new rule should be if you have a 4, a f, a t, and a o you can't participate. Now were good.[/quote]

Man, that 4AFATO guy is going to be pissed...
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[quote name='oftt4' post='779149' date='May 28 2009, 11:05 AM']Sorry Jamie, but every one of those rules has been used by either you or one of your bretheren at this place. I am just trying to keep them all centrally located.

I didnt put in the Palmer's rookie season doesnt count rule...but I think I should (that one is yours by the way).[/quote]

oh im just adding your version of the rules as well. ;)

how on earth do you count a season where a guy didnt play? :mellow:

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[quote name='Jamie_B' post='779185' date='May 28 2009, 01:13 PM']how on earth do you count a season where a guy didnt play? :mellow:[/quote]

Well, as explained in the rule, it goes toward the theory (which is not subscribed to 'round these parts) that letting a rookie QB sit and watch the NFL game for a year before throwing him into the fire is greatly beneficial to his career, which makes what Ben did as a rookie even more impressive.

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[quote name='oftt4' post='779191' date='May 28 2009, 01:22 PM']Well, as explained in the rule, it goes toward the theory (which is not subscribed to 'round these parts) that letting a rookie QB sit and watch the NFL game for a year before throwing him into the fire is greatly beneficial to his career, which makes what Ben did as a rookie even more impressive.[/quote]

eh that is so subjective as to really not have any good data to prove one way or the other, how many QBs that sat for a year failed as well?
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[quote name='Jamie_B' post='779198' date='May 28 2009, 01:46 PM']eh that is so subjective as to really not have any good data to prove one way or the other, how many QBs that sat for a year failed as well?[/quote]

Well-sir, that is a good question.

I'll start with the first round picks from the 2006 draft so we have 3 years of data to work with (generally accepted to be the time needed to judge a draft pick).

Vince Young - started 13 games his rookie year, starting week 4. Career rating: 68.8

Matt Leinart - started 11 games his rookie year, starting week 5. Career rating: 71.7

Jay Cutler - started 5 games his rookie year, starting week 13. Career rating: 87.1.

2006 results. The QB that started the fewest games his rookie year has had the most success, despite being the 3rd QB picked.

Alex Smith - Started 7 games his rookie year, starting week 5. Career rating: 63.5

Aaron Rodgers - Didnt start until his 4th year. Career rating: 91.8

Jason Campbell - Started halfway through his second year. Career rating: 80.4

2005 results. The only player who started his rookie year is the worst. The one who sat and watched the longest is the best.

I'll do more years later.
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so thus far 2006 is 1 of 3 for starters

2007 is 2/3 with the jury kind of still out on both of the 2 (i think campbell can be decent, but they have him in the wrong system, the guy has an arm on him and your playing him in a WC offense?)
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  • 1 month later...
Hey the first couple of years Carson was actually pretty mobile, in fact I remember him running a naked boot for a TD against Dallas. We used to run a lot of those bootleg PA fakes, in fact. Damn I can't imagine why they stopped doing that, it's almost like he lost some of that mobility for some reason. Wow how strange, how could that have happened? Like one season he's rolling out of the pocket and scrambling 10-12 yards for first downs, then suddenly the next season he's not able to roll out on a boot effectively.

You Shitsburgh fans wouldn't be able to shed any light on this, would you? Like how a mobile quarterback suddenly lost that aspect of his game? Hmmm.. Maybe he just forgot?
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[quote name='PutWittyNameHere' date='17 July 2009 - 09:00 AM' timestamp='1247832009' post='785458']
Tragic cornhole accident?

Tragic? On a football basis - yes, grand scale of things - not really.

Cornhole? Heh, funny. I'm not from around here, I just think of it as kid-safe horseshoes. Here in Cincinnati we try to avoid severe head injuries, particularly to children, but I still respect your culture. Just try not to drool on the rug.

Accident? Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Just like those last 2 SB victories are in no way tainted. Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. :D

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[quote name='T-Dub' date='17 July 2009 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1247872716' post='785545']

Cornhole? Heh, funny. I'm not from around here, I just think of it as kid-safe horseshoes. Here in Cincinnati we try to avoid severe head injuries, particularly to children, but I still respect your culture. Just try not to drool on the rug.

That's all fine and good, not really knocking the game itself. Pittsburgh has plenty of similarly-themed games (polish horseshoes being a favorite). But, did whoever invented it really have to call it "cornhole"? There wasn't a better name out there? Really?

Accident? Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Just like those last 2 SB victories are in no way tainted. Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. :D

I sleep just fine at night, actually. I watch a few Youtube clips of Ben leading one of the most dramatic game-winning TD drives in Super Bowl history, James Harrison making one of the greatest defensive plays in Super Bowl history, Hines Ward laying some less fortunate people on their asses, Dan Rooney raising his second Lombardi in 4 years...then top it all off with some clips of Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin raising the Stanley Cup. Of course, by that time it's usually pretty late. So, yeah, the sleep comes pretty easily for me at that point.

I have to warn you, there's A LOT of silver in the picture below. Might wanna put some shades on and please, for the love of God, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT IT...


:D :D :D :D :D :D

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