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alleycat last won the day on May 2 2016

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  1. Joe is completely playing rushed while he has time. Everything is timing based in his brain when he still had time. Rushing timing plays when it’s not necessary and that’s the decider in every prematurely ended bengal drive this far.
  2. Pretty clear it’s time to trade him while the getting is good. By all accounts he’s done here now, so why not fortify the interior D-line and get some high picks for him now?
  3. Hilarious that no one wants to mention the absolute daggers stuck into the team’s own heart by its best two players. Burrow fumbles a pick six and Chase kills the drive in crunch time with childishness.
  4. I can handle the miss PAT but why on earth are we not going for 2?!?
  5. Happy to see them showing they aren’t the team we saw last week. No matter the result today, my interest in the season stays strong.
  6. I was excited to see that the team took Burrow's injury last season as an opportunity to try a different approach - play action, drop back passing - that paid immediate dividends in the run and pass game. Eureka! The hope was that they could learn from that and add it to Burrow's game, and we would grow this year. If I had to pinpoint the most disappointing thing about this team to me, that has been the case for so long and was simply reinforced today, it's just how little this team actually ever evolves. Everyone and their brother knew what the weaknesses were in the last season, and the team simply didn't do what it had to do, in the draft, with trades/FA, and/or scheme, to improve. How on earth they can sit back and tell themselves that almost is good enough, and then not do anything to get better, is beyond me. It's like they actually think last year we could have been contenders if Burrow had a healthy season. With the 5th worse D in the league and a reprehensible O-Line (run and pass). How do we not evolve?
  7. I agree. He's not beat double teams consistently since people weren't ready for him. He's not elite to the degree that her deserves to even in the top 3 conversation. And this team has way too many needs (STILL) than to sink so many of its resources into one WR. We have a good QB, if he can stay healthy. With that single ingredient, you win championships with offensive lines and Defense. Those are the places we ought to put our resources. But we HAVE to start with coaching. Aside from their terrible decisions and terrible game calling and management, at some point we have to hold them accountable for not addressing glaring, consistent problems year after year. I highly doubt that ownership was entirely behind signing Rankins. Pollack could not have gloated more over OBJ. This is a steaming piling shit of organizational mediocrity...where everyone involved realizes that the mediocrity around them will help them keep their jobs because no one of them is going to point the finger at anyone else. Classic organizational dysfunction that results in sabotage.
  8. I’d say I’d Dax doesn’t lose his starting job I’ll question whether or not I’ll watch this season.
  9. Looking on the bright side, our odds for winning the Super Bowl just got way longer for the higher payout.
  10. I think that’s it. Pats have a defensive head coach and are going to squeeze the air out of the ball no matter what we do now.
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