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Drunk naked lesbians perform cunnilingus in public


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I'll wager these lesbians weren't pornstar-hot. :(


[quote]From the Fringe | 09.06.2008
Krefeld Cops Stop Sex in the City

German police who arrested two women for engaging in lewd behavior in a pedestrian zone showed their humorous side, dubbing their report "Sex in the City."

The two women, aged 29 and 40, were detained after shocked weekend shoppers reported them for having oral sex in a pedestrian zone in the western city of Krefeld, police said on Sunday, June 8.

In the report entitled "Sex in the City," police officers wrote that the naked lovers were heavily intoxicated and appeared oblivious to the crowd of onlookers that gathered around them at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.

According to the report, the women flew into a rage when approached by the authorities, who they greeted with obscene gestures and insults.

"Their morning sex ended with them being taken into custody," the report said.

The pair face charges of creating a public disturbance and defamation of a civil servant.

DW staff (dc)[/quote]

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