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Out with the Old, in with the New.


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Hello there bengals fan!! Whats happenin! I thought I would liven this shizz up some and start posting whenever I can. I sadly admit that I am the son of one of your fellow posters. Take a guess as to whos's? If you guessed that one asshole AKA OldSchooler you would be correct. I will admit I do not own the same passion of bengals football as my dad and my team will remain anonymous for now but I will say that its not the Steelers and I do root for the Bengals except for one game this year :10: Looking forward to the Season!

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Hey NewSchooler!

Glad you could finally join up!

Hey everyone, this is my son. He lives in Ohio.
I tried to "make" him be a Bengals fan. But
for some God forsaken reason, he became a
Vikings fan. Always has been.

We are supposed to appear on Maury Povich
sometime this Fall. (Just kidding)

Anyway, please Welcome him to the Best Bengals Site on the Net!(c) :headbang:

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[quote name='Elflocko' date='02 September 2009 - 05:42 PM' timestamp='1251927728' post='797344']
Oh well, at least he shares our sense of frustration and futility.

Did you at least teach him the proper method for punching someone in the throat?

That I was able to manage.

Anyway, he is a Bengals fan, he just loves the Vikings more.
He started liking them because my next door neighbor's kid
was a big Packers fan. And he wanted to root against his team
with one of their rivals. The Vikings just so happened to have
the best rival of the Packers at the time.

Now I need to get my twins the hell out of Wisconsin,
because people are trying to make them Packers fans.
Maybe that will work in my favor and they will be Bengals
fans though?
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[quote name='oldschooler' date='02 September 2009 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1251927316' post='797342']

We are supposed to appear on Maury Povich
sometime this Fall. (Just kidding)


i think you should appear on the Maury show and do the paternity test!!!


in the case of Newschooler, Oldschooler......YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER :mellow:

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[quote name='Rumble In the Jungle' date='04 September 2009 - 02:07 PM' timestamp='1252084077' post='798198']
now keep your ass in talking smack forum or get slaughtered lol

LOL no shit talking from me. I root for the bengals and hate when people talk shit to me so there will be none of that from me. Until my Vikings win by 21 this year on yall! lol jk I wish it was in Cincy so I could go.
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