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Where would you rank Adrian Peterson among the best backs of all time?


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Barry Sanders.. best ever
Erik Dickerson

Jim Brown
OJ Simpson

Walter Payton


still not ahead of any of these guys.IMO


Bo Jackson... if he didn't get the hip injury... he might have been tops.



If he had been a full time football player and not gotten hurt, everyone would be chasing his records.


In vain.


He is perhaps the best football player I have ever seen.


And I did not like him when he played.  Because he always killed us.

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If he had been a full time football player and not gotten hurt, everyone would be chasing his records.


In vain.


He is perhaps the best football player I have ever seen.


And I did not like him when he played.  Because he always killed us.



I think so too...

Watching the 30 for 30 on him a while ago just reminded me of how amazing this dude was.

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I think AD is better than Barry, he might be the best of all time.


1. Jim Brown

2. Walter Payton

3. AP

4. Barry Sanders

5. Emmit Smith


Peterson is a straight up beast and doesn't get alot negative yards like Sanders used to get. Peterson can run you over, run past you, or break your ankles...Barry was more of a finesse runner when compared to Peterson.


I think Bo Jackson is overrated, when you back and look at his career he never even cracked 1,000 yards or more than 5 TD's in a season. He had some great highlights, but when compared to guys like Emmit Smith he doesn't stack up.

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In terms of "best ever"  I default to longevity more for RBs than other positions.    I think there are too many guys that have a couple great years and then fade.  I do believe the value in the position is the workhorse that takes the 20+ carries game after game and season after season. 


So in my mind were AP ranks will be easily solved with his stature of rushing yards.



I also believe Bo Jackson and the nature of his exit from sports tends to be a little overrated.   Although he was the man at his time.  I often wondered what would be the result if he got the scrunity of the performance enhancing drugs in today's culture.   



As far a the type of back.   I would rather have a AP type vs. a Barry Sanders type.    Sanders was simply amazing but he could be a drive killer and unfortunately it was either his organization he got stuck with or his style but his few playoff chances left him exposed to critism.   There's one game he was saddled with -1 yards.  He had alot of negative carries.   


If you measured Barry Sanders on the greatness of his runs.   He is the best ever.  


I believe Emmit Smith is often underrated due to the popularity of his surrounding cast but I don't think the Cowboys of the 90s exist with another RB.  He was simply a workhorse. 

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