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  2. So this guy running for Governer in North Carolina is a piece of work. Black Nazi? Wants to own slaves? Where do they find these people?
  3. If you want to try an addictive game day snack: * put a block of cream cheese in a bowl (never use fat-free, it's just gross....trust me) * dump half of a jar of salsa on it * mush it together with a fork * once it's reasonably mixed, add the rest of the salsa and whisk out any remaining chunks of cream cheese You can dip nachos into it right away, but it'll be better if you let it sit in the fridge for an hour. It looks nasty (I'll spare you the nickname my friends' wife gave it), but I've lost track of how many people politely tried it, and then grabbed the bowl and walked away with it.
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  6. Mays may have been the greatest all-around player to ever play the game. He wasn't just the rare 5-tool player, he was elite in every aspect. I never thought we'd see anyone like him again, but Shohei Otani may be that guy. Charter member of the 50-50 club, and with his pitching prowess, MLB's first 6-tool player. I wish Willie could've seen Otani's 6-for-6, 3-home run, 10-RBI record-setting performance last night.
  7. Unless you can post something showing that I'm just going to take it as seriously as "Kelce is quitting" 🤡
  8. I know having your head up your ass you probably didn't see this but..... Or this.... If the left allows it? That sounds like a threat to me. But sure.....
  9. Oh it's the left A border official is opening up about how Biden and Camelhead told him to keep his mouth shut about what's going on down there Threatened him and others. If course the liberal networks won't cover it. Lapdogs for Disney and other vile mega donors
  10. Talk by who. Now you make up lies to defend your position on your hatred. You such a wimpy loser
  11. Good stuff. The Bengals have to get ahead early and put the pressure on Daniels to pass alot. Our Dline doesn't scare any team so blitzing a rookie seems obvious to me. Id like to see 11 raise his game up I think he's capable of it. Maybe a 12 this week to elevate his moniker....
  12. Someone needs to tone it down and it ain't the left.
  13. Some of them have suggested more violence could come if he doesn't win.
  14. As do you... You and your kind are what's wrong with this country. Heartless POS.
  15. Meh.. She can walk him on a leash for all I care, just glad I'm not a Chiefs fan and can ignore it most of the time.
  16. Your neighbors at Miami University changed from Redskins to a non existent bird, a Red Hawk (Red Tailed Hawk, yes,) They were the Redskins because the early sports team wore red jerseys.
  17. Dude nobody wants Trump to become some eternal martyr for you loonies. We all want him to lose again except worse, and then you traitorous fucks can try to overthrow the government again, and once that's dealt with MAYBE we can go back to having a functional democracy where the debate is between rational adults. Well, no one except his former followers that have gone off script for whatever reason. But as usual you'll blame anyone but yourselves. Two attempts by two white male right wing extremists but no they were really antifa robots or some other wackadoo horseshit. You need help, dude.
  18. I don't like the dog and pony show either. Kelce is Her Bitch and doesn't care who knows it due to her 1 2 bil worth. I feel a sad breakup song about to happen.. She tires easily ...
  19. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but Bill Cunningham said Wednesday on WLW that the team would be extending the lease by five more years next year, so they'll be locked in for at least seven more years from now. Then he said something about them signing again and it being twelve total years from now, but I didn't catch the rationale for him saying that. He did also say that the Bengals would be in no hurry to change anything because their current deal is such a sweet one. That didn't make sense to me, because if they want the upgrades, they're not likely to keep extending the lease unless they get what they want.
  20. I see the Secret Service saying they messed up on the Trump assignation. Sure they did He's not dead. Harris must be so sad about that.. That he's not dead. Despicable POS she is
  21. I find her whole thing entertaining, it's so aging millennial box wine Mom basic.. The awkward dancing.. Trying to be this icon of modern feminism & then having a very performative relationship with the biggest lunkhead jock she could find, wearing his jersey to every game like she's running for prom queen.. then there's his transformation down to the ironic hipster mustache & fucking bucket hats You're 34 years old unc, quit playing and send your stylist home. Just goes to show how little the modern NFL cares about actual football.
  22. They've replaced that with Taylor Swift, which is still cringy but not openly mocking a people who were nearly wiped off the earth due to government-sanctioned genocide
  23. That's a recent & welcome change then. Probably the best we can hope for there.
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