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The Force Awakens Discussion Thread - spoilers allowed


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Well, for one, I was shocked that Han got killed off. I thought for sure it was Chewbacca that would become expendable, but not Han. Surprised also to that Leia got the least amount of cheers in the theater - possibly because she didn't age very well ???

Finally, while I loved the movie, the plot was essentially a rehash of Ep4 bringing it to a new generation. While I enjoyed all 2 hours of it, I would have like to see something different than lets go attack the big spherical super weapon at its weakest point. Substitute Rey for Luke, Finn for Han, Han for Obi Wan, and Luke for Yoda, Snoke for Palpatine, General Hux for Grand Moff Tarkin, BB8 for R2D2, etc. and you in essence have a similar plot but with new characters. Hope that Ep 8 and 9 keep the same spirit and flow of this movie, but introduce more new themes and twists.



Well, for one, I was shocked that Han got killed off. I thought for sure it was Chewbacca that would become expendable, but not Han. Surprised also to that Leia got the least amount of cheers in the theater - possibly because she didn't age very well ???

Finally, while I loved the movie, the plot was essentially a rehash of Ep4 bringing it to a new generation. While I enjoyed all 2 hours of it, I would have like to see something different than lets go attack the big spherical super weapon at its weakest point. Substitute Rey for Luke, Finn for Han, Han for Obi Wan, and Luke for Yoda, Snoke for Palpatine, General Hux for Grand Moff Tarkin, BB8 for R2D2, etc. and you in essence have a similar plot but with new characters. Hope that Ep 8 and 9 keep the same spirit and flow of this movie, but introduce more new themes and twists.


I really can't add much to that, aside from the fact that I was sure Chewbacca was safe, mainly because they killed him off in Zahn's book series and they said they wouldn't be following those books. The moment Han stepped out on that bridge I was like "Fuck, he's gonna die".

Good analysis on the plot, as well. Seriously, how many more super weapons that do the same thing can they build? Think of something new already, lol.

That said, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the film, and will have to watch it a few more times as there is a lot going on... 


Sadly I had caught wind of that rumor when I was trying to avoid it, but my jaw still dropped.

It doesn't surprise me though if I think about it Harrison Ford is 73 years old, he isn't going to live forever and neither should Han (or Luke or Leia, but both Mark Hamil and Carrie Fisher are younger than Ford). Plus Ford wanted to kill off Han in the first trilogy. Also it adds to the darkness of Kylo Ren to kill his own father.

Sure there was some rehashing but I didnt think it was completely the same.

Finn is a new idea for a character, and Kylo Ren while he may have the Vader type of look, he is definitely not Vader. Their also was not any search for a character in Ep4

Also I loved General Hux, I thought he was SO much more vicious and evil than Tarkin.

I need some questions answered in Episode 8 that I had hoped were going to get touched on in Episode 7.


1. Who is Snoke? How did he rise to power?

2. How did Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) get influenced by Snoke to go to the Dark Side?

3. Who is Rey? They obviously are talking very briefly about her family but they didnt tell us who her family was.

4. What exactly does Kylo Ren think he is continuing "what Vader started"?

5. Max Von Sydow's character Lor San Tekka, how did he come about the map that showed where Luke was?  (or at least the portion of the map)

6. How did Maz Kanata come about Anikian/Luke's lightsaber?


Best line of the  movie for me was when Poe asked Kylo : " Is his the point where we decide whether you shoot first, or I shoot first". Great line if you're familiar with the the Greedo/Han cantina scene in EP4.


I was pretty sure he said "Do I talk first or do you talk first?"

funny line either way

You're right. I must have interpreted the actual line with the parallels to shooting first. Projection is not your friend - I tell my GF that all the time since she projects (i.e. hearing something that really wasn't said in that way) all the time. I feel guilty now that I did the same thing :(


I enjoyed the movie but I had a big problem with Rey's use of the force.  She went from novice to almost killing Kylo Ren.  BUT, in that vision she had it looked like she was a youngling...so maybe Luke wiped her mind and they stashed her away so no one would find her.  When she said 'use the force' it looked like she was remembering something.  Still, her use of the force with a little training is a stretch.

Also, fire the design team for death stars because these dudes are 0-5!







Surprised also to that Leia got the least amount of cheers in the theater - possibly because she didn't age very well ???


For the amount of blow she was doing she deserves applause for still being on this side of the dirt.   Definitely my first celebrity crush & still dig snarky, dark-haired women that can handle a blaster.




I felt like I had seen that movie before.  They mirrored the original series a LOT.

And what is Hetty Lange doing in a Star Wars movie???? :lol:

So are Finn and Rey related to any of the earlier characters???


Well, for one, I was shocked that Han got killed off. I thought for sure it was Chewbacca that would become expendable, but not Han. Surprised also to that Leia got the least amount of cheers in the theater - possibly because she didn't age very well ???

Finally, while I loved the movie, the plot was essentially a rehash of Ep4 bringing it to a new generation. While I enjoyed all 2 hours of it, I would have like to see something different than lets go attack the big spherical super weapon at its weakest point. Substitute Rey for Luke, Finn for Han, Han for Obi Wan, and Luke for Yoda, Snoke for Palpatine, General Hux for Grand Moff Tarkin, BB8 for R2D2, etc. and you in essence have a similar plot but with new characters. Hope that Ep 8 and 9 keep the same spirit and flow of this movie, but introduce more new themes and twists.



oh see, a lot of people thought it was maybe Han that bites it, and it was clear the second he starts approaching Kylo Ren that he was a goner.  You knew Ren wasn't turning good (because the snow lightsaber battle was still to come) and there's no way Han gets out of that against a bad Ren.

Anyone else surprised that they essentially didn't try to trick you with anything?  Was Kylo Ren's very first scene, they basically tell you (without telling you) that he's either Han or Luke's son.  Similarly, its pretty clear Rey is going to be Luke's daughter.  I don't have an issue with how they handled either, just surprised they were so upfront about it.

I thought the destruction of the planet/base at the end was a smart move to have an "out" for not having Rey or Ren die.  I had wondered during the fight how they were going to get out of this with both still alive.  I thought they pulled it off convincingly.

It was minorly annoying that both Finn and Rey were able to hold their own vs Kylo Ren, but I think it works in hindsight given that we know he never finished his training as a Jedi, or as a Sith.  Further, with Rey clearly Luke's son, she's probably more powerful than Kylo Ren, even if not trained yet.  Still, they could have showed her a little more kicking ass with her staff, so that it would make her more believable with the lightsaber.  

Only other small issue I had was with Snoke's size.  I'm hoping the hologram is just making him super large and he's more like Chewbacca height. IMO they go a little overboard with his size.


All in all though, it was pretty great.  They did a great job tying in the nostalgia of the original trilogy without it hampering the new story.  I don't quite agree that they were basically re-hashing episode 4.  Obviously there are some similarities (which IMO is a good thing), but I think there was enough freshness.  Episode 4 didn't have an emperor on screen.  There was no Finn character.  There wasn't quite a Poe character (though he did have some Luke traits to him).


Sadly I had caught wind of that rumor when I was trying to avoid it, but my jaw still dropped.

It doesn't surprise me though if I think about it Harrison Ford is 73 years old, he isn't going to live forever and neither should Han (or Luke or Leia, but both Mark Hamil and Carrie Fisher are younger than Ford). Plus Ford wanted to kill off Han in the first trilogy. Also it adds to the darkness of Kylo Ren to kill his own father.

Sure there was some rehashing but I didnt think it was completely the same.

Finn is a new idea for a character, and Kylo Ren while he may have the Vader type of look, he is definitely not Vader. Their also was not any search for a character in Ep4

Also I loved General Hux, I thought he was SO much more vicious and evil than Tarkin.

I need some questions answered in Episode 8 that I had hoped were going to get touched on in Episode 7.


1. Who is Snoke? How did he rise to power?

2. How did Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) get influenced by Snoke to go to the Dark Side?

3. Who is Rey? They obviously are talking very briefly about her family but they didnt tell us who her family was.

4. What exactly does Kylo Ren think he is continuing "what Vader started"?

5. Max Von Sydow's character Lor San Tekka, how did he come about the map that showed where Luke was?  (or at least the portion of the map)

6. How did Maz Kanata come about Anikian/Luke's lightsaber?

yea many thought Han would bite it in one of these new movies, and I knew it was going to happen as soon as he approached the walkway, but it still gets ya with the heart strings.  

Agree with Hux, though I think he could have pulled back a bit with his final speech where his eyes were about to pop out of his skull, lol.

as for your questions, 1 and 2 will come in episode 8 IMO.  A lot of people think Snoke is Darth Plagueis returned.  yea, Sidious/Palpatine killed him, but Plagueis also knew how to bring people back to life supposedly.  I didn't quite buy into it until I saw the giant hole in Snoke's head.  Now I think there's a decent chance.

3. Rey is clearly Luke's daughter at this point.  i'll be shocked if she isn't.

4. again more to come, glad they didn't kill off the villain.

5.  disappointed we get more or his storry.

6. don't think we'll get that answer, would be cool to know, but not necessarily necessary.


a few more thoughts:


How awesome was it to see Luke at the end?  Disappointed he wasn't in more of the movie, but IMO that may have been my favorite shot of the movie.  Only thing cooler that i was expecting and they didn't, was him using the force to bring the lightsaber over to him.  That would have kicked ass. 


Another minor quibble:  I was disappointed Captain Phasma didn't have a bigger role.  i wonder if a couple of her scenes got cut, and I really hope she ended up getting off the base with Hux and Ren.


and since I keep forgeting to mention it, I'll do it now so I don't forget:

I thought they really wasted an opportunity to make the Han/Ren confrontation more dramatic by THAT being the first time you see his face. Instead, it was the 3rd scene he has his mask off after the Rey torture scene and the following scene with Snoke.

IMO the scene with Han goes to the next level if that's the first time you see his face and as a "son."


I enjoyed the movie but I had a big problem with Rey's use of the force.  She went from novice to almost killing Kylo Ren.  BUT, in that vision she had it looked like she was a youngling...so maybe Luke wiped her mind and they stashed her away so no one would find her.  When she said 'use the force' it looked like she was remembering something.  Still, her use of the force with a little training is a stretch.

Also, fire the design team for death stars because these dudes are 0-5!


I agreed with you until Snoke points out that Kylo Ren wasn't a fully trained Sith yet.  So considering he's not a fully trained Jedi, or a fully trained Sith, I bought it a little more.  Especially since IMO Rey is clearly Luke's daughter, and likely stronger in the force than Kylo Ren.  Ren should have kicked Finn's ass quicker though.



Speaking of which, more Knights of Ren please.


saw a convincing argument that timeline wise, Leia and Han would have known Luke had a daughter, and wouldn't have completely ignored Rey had she really been Luke's daughter.  Granted neither Leia or Han ever see her use the force, but you gotta imagine its implied that they know what she did.

She was probably 8 when her "parents" dropped her off, and Ben Solo would have been already training with Luke, and Leia/Han would have had a relationship with a young Rey.




Further, that Rey had been trained as a child, and the force is re-"awakening" in her, so not that she's using the force for the first time, but its all coming back to her from her childhood training under Luke.



yea many thought Han would bite it in one of these new movies, and I knew it was going to happen as soon as he approached the walkway, but it still gets ya with the heart strings.  

Agree with Hux, though I think he could have pulled back a bit with his final speech where his eyes were about to pop out of his skull, lol.

as for your questions, 1 and 2 will come in episode 8 IMO.  A lot of people think Snoke is Darth Plagueis returned.  yea, Sidious/Palpatine killed him, but Plagueis also knew how to bring people back to life supposedly.  I didn't quite buy into it until I saw the giant hole in Snoke's head.  Now I think there's a decent chance.

3. Rey is clearly Luke's daughter at this point.  i'll be shocked if she isn't.

4. again more to come, glad they didn't kill off the villain.

5.  disappointed we get more or his storry.

6. don't think we'll get that answer, would be cool to know, but not necessarily necessary.

Yeah im expecting all of the questions will be answered in 8 or 9. Or maybe books or spin off anthology movies.

a few more thoughts:


How awesome was it to see Luke at the end?  Disappointed he wasn't in more of the movie, but IMO that may have been my favorite shot of the movie.  Only thing cooler that i was expecting and they didn't, was him using the force to bring the lightsaber over to him.  That would have kicked ass. 


Another minor quibble:  I was disappointed Captain Phasma didn't have a bigger role.  i wonder if a couple of her scenes got cut, and I really hope she ended up getting off the base with Hux and Ren.

Kathleen Kennedy said Phasma will have a bigger role in 8.


I agreed with you until Snoke points out that Kylo Ren wasn't a fully trained Sith yet.  So considering he's not a fully trained Jedi, or a fully trained Sith, I bought it a little more.  Especially since IMO Rey is clearly Luke's daughter, and likely stronger in the force than Kylo Ren.  Ren should have kicked Finn's ass quicker though.



Speaking of which, more Knights of Ren please.

Also keep in mind Klyo Ren was fighting wounded by Chewey's shooting him after he killed Han


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