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Coronavirus Thread

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5 hours ago, High School Harry said:

Would like to know what is going on and how others are affected.


I'm on quasi-lockdown.  I'm allowed to leave home to go to work, grocery, pharmacy, or the doctor.  I can go for a walk around the neighborhood but only with people I live with.  We have to maintain 1.5 meter distance between strangers, but when it comes to buying toilet paper I think people are not following that rule. 


Earlier today a fire department van slowly crept by with announcements blaring from a loudspeaker (the lockdown info above).  The restrictions are in place until the beginning of April.


Here's a video of Chancellor Merkel in English (overdubbed) putting her cards on the table and leveling with her citizens.  Weird, right?  :ninja:



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I am working from home on a company specific project and no longer for the government for the next two weeks. Staying at home except to grocery shop, doing crossfit workouts in my driveway, and my masters classes have been moved all online now.

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Wife and I stared working from home on Wednesday.  Spring break was this last week and while students were gone it was announced that all courses are moving online and they encourage students to not come back.   Plans are that all summer courses will be online.  My job deals with supporting the 17000 students and faculty and online ‘stuff’.  Mostly on the faculty side.


Thought I was sick, but it turns out Snow Mold + stress + waking up at 3am nightly = making you feel kind of shitty.  Next week is going to suck balls.


My 10 year old is pissed that schools is movingly online.  She LOVES school.


I am thankful my job is somewhat stable and my family seems to be healthy.  I worry about our folks health and our friends/family that are less financially stable at the moment.  Community seems great about trying to support each other (food runs) and small businesses that are almost totally shut down.


On on a side note - I scored a Polaris Sportsman 500 HO a few weeks ago before things looked this bad ($500 dollar project to work on).


On a second side note - I have way less patience for BS lately.  

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All good here in Texas - able to work from home until whenever. Can find milk and bread (sometimes), but never eggs. But there is plenty of food, nobody is going to starve.


I bought a toilet seat bidet from Amazon and not sure how I lived without it. Have been eyeing it for about a year, then pulled the trigger when all these assholes (no pun intended) started hoarding toilet paper.


My college kid is home basically for the rest of the semester, and my middle school son at least until 10 April. Now we wait.

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The fire department has been driving by occasionally with a nice message. 


"[Dear citizens] ...At this time there are strict restrictions of movement.  Remain at home.  Going to work, the doctor, and grocery shopping is still possible.  Noncompliance will be heavily penalized." 





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so far so good in colorado, i stay clear of the ski towns and live 30 minutes from the city, which is helpful. I oversee 3 retail stores, manufacuring, shipping and sales teams, 22 people total. 


Retail is at a minimum, we are busy as hell, seems people are really into nicotine when they are stressed and facing staying at home for a while. So sales are like 40% up at the moment, that shoe will drop however.


Shipping department of 2 will both work mondays, and trade off the rest of the week only having one or the other on site, manufacturing team of 2, sadly for them business as usual, i shortened hours and probably will be 4 day weeks.


sales team and upper management folks, all work from home, likely a 1 time a week meeting at the office, i have my own office in the warehouse, and the next person is like 35 feet away, but why risk it. 


kids school is out until april 17th at minimum, supposed to go to beach house april 18th. we will see how that goes.


if this goes on and retail gets shut down, things could go badly.

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One of our own has COVID-19...


It's highly possible that his wife now has it too.


Pray, send positive vibes, get well soon, etc... to his family.  He's in Cincinnati.  To anyone who has tailgate partied with us in the past know the man, the myth, and the legend.  

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Yeah one of my friends who is a flight attendant with Delta got sent home with it. Shes waiting on her test to be sure but her Dr. told her he didnt have to have a test to know she has it since she has all the symptoms. 

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