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Chris Henry is gone

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A friend of mine called who is a friend of a friend kind of thing... and supposedly, Chris was in Marvin's office being told he was benched for the year.... not sure if via NFL or just him. Chris got so upset he had to be escorted out by security....

I hope it's not true, but thought I'd float this to see if anyone else has heard or read anything about this yet....
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[quote name='lslmustang' post='358091' date='Oct 3 2006, 04:23 PM']A friend of mine called who is a friend of a friend kind of thing... and supposedly, Chris was in Marvin's office being told he was benched for the year.... not sure if via NFL or just him. Chris got so upset he had to be escorted out by security....

I hope it's not true, but thought I'd float this to see if anyone else has heard or read anything about this yet....[/quote]
I don't see how that could be. I don't believe Marvin has the authority to bench a player for the entire year. Plus, Marvin just recently said something to the effect that the legal system has yet to play out before any final decisions are made on suspensions and such...I know I read that somewhere (probably here!).
Well, I hope you are wrong!

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[quote name='lslmustang' post='358091' date='Oct 3 2006, 06:23 PM']A friend of mine called who is a friend of a friend kind of thing... and supposedly, Chris was in Marvin's office being told he was benched for the year.... not sure if via NFL or just him. Chris got so upset he had to be escorted out by security....

I hope it's not true, but thought I'd float this to see if anyone else has heard or read anything about this yet....[/quote]

I thought part of the new CBA was that the team couldn't simply sit players for extended periods of time (ie, 12 games!). Didn't this stem from the TO debacle last year?

So if this is true, and certainly we don't know but it has been hinted elsewhere (Lance's blog, for example), this must be a league ruling?

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Guest mongoloido
Perhaps the suspension is from the league. I don't know how much sense that makes, but it makes a little more sense than the team actually sitting him for the season.

Still, I have a hard time believing the league would only suspend Haynesworth for 5 games, but give Henry 12.
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more than likely if he did do anything he has told him he would be inactive the rest of the way. he can do that under the cba as conduct detrimental to the team. similar to keyshawn and t.o. last year. he cant out right cut him due to his productivity, he would file a grivence saying it was unwarrented. on the 2 angry guys this morning they talked about how he was told to get a p.o officer and still hadnt and calls had been made to the bengals about why he hadnt yet. marvins tone in his press conference was also similar to the way he talked about odell so i wouldnt be surprised at all.
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Wow. If true, some of the other recent stuff starts to make sense....

- ML being rather talkative/revealing with his comments about whether he noticed a difference in the game Sunday with Henry out;

- McNeal being called up;

- Gaffney in for a tryout....

Ah, it's probably just coincidence. Hope it's not true, but I guess we'll find out. Yikes - that would really hurt the offense.

Hope he doesn't go drown his sorrows with Odell!
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[quote name='bengalsdave985' post='358107' date='Oct 3 2006, 04:50 PM']more than likely if he did do anything he has told him he would be inactive the rest of the way. he can do that under the cba as conduct detrimental to the team. similar to keyshawn and t.o. last year. he cant out right cut him due to his productivity, he would file a grivence saying it was unwarrented. on the 2 angry guys this morning they talked about how he was told to get a p.o officer and still hadnt and calls had been made to the bengals about why he hadnt yet. marvins tone in his press conference was also similar to the way he talked about odell so i wouldnt be surprised at all.[/quote]
It isn't up to Henry to pick a probation officer, they are assigned to you. Perhaps he hasn't been calling in like a good little thug.
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Guest ravonaf

[quote name='Bunghole' post='358093' date='Oct 3 2006, 06:26 PM']I don't see how that could be. I don't believe Marvin has the authority to bench a player for the entire year. Plus, Marvin just recently said something to the effect that the legal system has yet to play out before any final decisions are made on suspensions and such...I know I read that somewhere (probably here!).
Well, I hope you are wrong!

Benching a player is different than suspending a player. A benched player has to be payed and a suspended player does not. Any team can bench a player for any reason they want regardless. There is absolutely nothing in a players contract that says he gets to play.

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[quote name='lslmustang' post='358091' date='Oct 3 2006, 05:23 PM']A friend of mine called who is a friend of a friend kind of thing... and supposedly, Chris was in Marvin's office being told he was benched for the year.... not sure if via NFL or just him. Chris got so upset he had to be escorted out by security....

I hope it's not true, but thought I'd float this to see if anyone else has heard or read anything about this yet....[/quote]

I'm not surprised. We're in talks with Oakland to deal for Moss. Moss wants to come here.
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Guest WhoDeyForever
[quote name='Jeb' post='358124' date='Oct 3 2006, 07:06 PM']I'm not surprised. We're in talks with Oakland to deal for Moss. Moss wants to come here.[/quote]

um..are you serious?
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Guest ravonaf

[quote name='Jeb' post='358124' date='Oct 3 2006, 07:06 PM']I'm not surprised. We're in talks with Oakland to deal for Moss. Moss wants to come here.[/quote]

I heard the same thing. Only it's a three way deal and we get Moss [b]AND [/b]T.O. The only stipulation is we have to remove all sharp objects from the club house.


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One other thing to fuel the speculation...

What ML said in his press conference yesterday... that there were going to be some "tough decisions" down the line to see who dressed each week, and that he wants guys that he knows he'll be able to count on, and not make (my words) bonehead plays at the wrong time.

He specifically talked about getting Chatman on the field Sunday, and his returning punts, etc. Washington plays STs now, too. Tab Perry might be out for a while longer, or maybe for the season (depending on who you believe).

All of that said, nobody on the WR bench can impact a game like Henry can. Granted, Ratliff won't break a punt return, but he'll catch the ball. Give me a 5-yard PR average vs. a 10-yard average that Chatman can give me, as long as I can exploit the mismatches that Henry gives you.
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Guest WhoDeyForever
[quote name='CJandRudiJ' post='358131' date='Oct 3 2006, 07:11 PM']Haha for some reason I highly doubt chad, Tj, and moss would all fit on the same side of the field[/quote]

why not? that would be sickkkkkkkkk..i just dont kno who we would trade for him
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[quote name='ravonaf' post='358130' date='Oct 3 2006, 06:11 PM']I heard the same thing. Only it's a three way deal and we get Moss [b]AND [/b]T.O. The only stipulation is we have to remove all sharp objects from the club house.

Same source, ...huh? :lol:

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Guest IndianaBengal

[quote name='lslmustang' post='358091' date='Oct 3 2006, 06:23 PM']A friend of mine called who is a friend of a friend kind of thing... and supposedly, Chris was in Marvin's office being told he was benched for the year.... not sure if via NFL or just him. Chris got so upset he had to be escorted out by security....

I hope it's not true, but thought I'd float this to see if anyone else has heard or read anything about this yet....[/quote]

[b]I hope your source is completely unreliable...[/b] :rant: :rant: :rant:

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[quote name='Palmer4HOF' post='358108' date='Oct 3 2006, 10:51 PM']Personally, I would be pissed if this happened. Not only would he be done for the year, but we basically sat him last week for no fucking reason at all. If he was going to be done for awhile, might as well got all we could out of him while we could...

Jamal Lewis didn't get that long of a suspension, so why in the hell would they suspend Henry for that long? Haynesworth didnt get that long for stomping someone in the head and making him get 30 stitches... I really doubt that seriously...

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[quote name='ravonaf' post='358130' date='Oct 3 2006, 06:11 PM']I heard the same thing. Only it's a three way deal and we get Moss [b]AND [/b]T.O. The only stipulation is we have to remove all sharp objects from the club house.

Come to think of it, ...you know the Tuna would be in favor of that deal!

He probably wouldn't even ask much of anything in return if we'd just take TO off his hands! :D

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