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Post Debate: "She sounded like she was at a spelling bee"


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Ya know, I'm so tired of you preaching your politics via slander that I'm just about ready to vote for McCain out of spite, and I've never voted Republican in my life. I think Palin is a terrible speaker too, but you and "Missing Link" (who I swear is the same person) have hijacked this area of the forum. We get it, you guys hate McCain and Palin (or really just Republicans in general), you've made that point abundantly clear. In my opinion, we're fucked either way. Both candidates and their parties are garbage.

Seriously though, when you keep pushing and pushing and pushing your agenda (political, religious, business or personal), it can have the opposite effect you desire.

Just sayin'.
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[quote name='BengalsFREAK' post='708106' date='Oct 3 2008, 06:42 AM']Ya know, I'm so tired of you preaching your politics via slander that I'm just about ready to vote for McCain out of spite, and I've never voted Republican in my life. I think Palin is a terrible speaker too, but you and "Missing Link" (who I swear is the same person) have hijacked this area of the forum. We get it, you guys hate McCain and Palin (or really just Republicans in general), you've made that point abundantly clear. In my opinion, we're fucked either way. Both candidates and their parties are garbage.

Seriously though, when you keep pushing and pushing and pushing your agenda (political, religious, business or personal), it can have the opposite effect you desire.

Just sayin'.[/quote]


Well said. But, that is about what I expected. Just surprised I didn't see a "Biden made her look silly" topic... which, from the very little that I could stomach to watch he did nothing of the sort. One thing I did notice and I don't know how Obama handles it - but he's got Biden as he VP candidate now after those two were sparring for the same position 8, or so, months ago. Those two were debating and arguing points and disagreeing on many things - that is fodder (rightly or wrongly) that will be used against them.

[quote]we're fucked either way. Both candidates and their parties are garbage.[/quote]
agreed. have said that for months now.
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Well, it's true that times will be tough no matter who wins. Imo, it's also true that neither candidate is optimally prepared to guarentee a healthy outcome. That said, I'm hoping that folks won't give up trying to influence their representatives. That's a powerful tool in the hands of people, as was demonstrated during the recent House vote. And despite all the hewing to talking points with their accompanying exaggerations from both sides, Biden was correct about this point: It's the most important election since 1932.

I thought Palin did okay. It's pretty clear she's not qualified for the job, but she didn't melt under pressure. In a way what the Republican party is doing to her is a shame. I can't imagine myself ever voting for her, but I think if she were allowed the "seasoning" that comes with the normal progression of a pol's career, she'd be a more effective leader. About 15 years or so down the road.

I did have fun watching. Early on Biden was on the edge of his standard "pit bull" mode--you could see it in his eyes and in the way he would lean forward. He managed to restrain himself. At the other podium, I sort of wondered if Palin's folksy patter ("winky-wink") would keep folks from discovering that she really doesn't know much. At least she didn't act like the gal in Florida who ran a few years ago. Harris seemed to think that prominently displaying her "endowments" was an intergral part of her campaign.

In any case, this was better than the first debate between the top of the ticket folks.
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[quote name='Chris Henrys Dealer' post='708159' date='Oct 3 2008, 10:09 AM']Vladimir Putin is just sitting back and laughing.[/quote]

I'll agree with that. Because none of the 4 are ready to stare him down (McCain would attempt to) and Obama would just want to make nice nice.
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[quote name='Bunghole' post='708153' date='Oct 3 2008, 08:57 AM']I could use a little less of that "hey dere, dontcha know mister" accent, but I'd still nail her, especially if I could get Ann Coulter's skeletal ass to fluff.[/quote]

I understand what they are doing, trying to do the whole "guy i'd like to have a beer with" shtick bush did.

I was a little suprised that biden didnt go after much...
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I thought she did better than expected, which isn't saying a lot. The whole, "I may not answer the questions the way Sen. Biden, the moderator (not Bung's kid), or the mainstream media wants me to" schtick followed by a completely incongruous statement was kind of insulting and tactically stupid, but that's just my opinion.

I will say that she was very well coached.
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[quote name='Ben' post='708165' date='Oct 3 2008, 10:17 AM']I understand what they are doing, trying to do the whole "guy i'd like to have a beer with" shtick bush did.

[b]I was a little suprised that biden didnt go after much...[/b][/quote]

the issue he's got to be careful on is that he doesn't come off as a bully... that'll have women (again, rightly or wrongly) siding with her for the simple fact that they think she's being "picked on".

If he's going to grill her - he has to do it with a velvet glove and a smile. Don't know how to do that but that is the issue he and Obama have.
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[quote name='Tigers Johnson' post='708161' date='Oct 3 2008, 04:12 PM']OMG!!! I bet she eats her peas one at a time!!!!

Seriously, is this the best you have...

Are you disappointed she did not completely bomb??


I'm disappointed this was the last meaningful insight anyone will get into her before the election.
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[quote name='ChicagoBengal' post='708167' date='Oct 3 2008, 10:19 AM']I thought she did better than expected, which isn't saying a lot. The whole, "[b]I may not answer the questions the way Sen. Biden, the moderator (not Bung's kid), or the mainstream media wants me to"[/b] schtick followed by a completely incongruous statement was kind of insulting and tactically stupid, but that's just my opinion.

I will say that she was very well coached.[/quote]

I didn't care for that either but over the last several debates that I've watched and seen that is exactly what the debaters did anyway. She just came out and stated that fact. Every debate I've seen for the last few years the question is asked and the person responding goes off into never never land about something they want to talk about.

very few times do you get an answer to the actual question asked. if you did, there are several questions that wouldn't require 2+ minutes, they'd take 30 seconds or less... yet, they always seem to take longer.
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[quote name='Vol_Bengal' post='708168' date='Oct 3 2008, 09:21 AM']the issue he's got to be careful on is that he doesn't come off as a bully... that'll have women (again, rightly or wrongly) siding with her for the simple fact that they think she's being "picked on".

If he's going to grill her - he has to do it with a velvet glove and a smile. Don't know how to do that but that is the issue he and Obama have.[/quote]

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[quote name='BengalsFREAK' post='708106' date='Oct 3 2008, 06:42 AM']Ya know, I'm so tired of you preaching your politics via slander that I'm just about ready to vote for McCain out of spite, and I've never voted Republican in my life. I think Palin is a terrible speaker too, but you and "Missing Link" (who I swear is the same person) have hijacked this area of the forum. We get it, you guys hate McCain and Palin (or really just Republicans in general), you've made that point abundantly clear. In my opinion, we're fucked either way. Both candidates and their parties are garbage.

Seriously though, when you keep pushing and pushing and pushing your agenda (political, religious, business or personal), it can have the opposite effect you desire.

Just sayin'.[/quote]

and I'm "just sayin'" this [size=5] [b]STFU whiner![/b][/size]

This forum is about laying down your opinion on very sensative subjects. If you don't like someone's opinion or disagree with it .... ignore it and move on. Showing you lack the respect for somone else's opinioon only makes you as a whining asshole.

Thick skin only need apply to this forum. If you don't have it, stay the fuck out.

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[quote name='Vol_Bengal' post='708164' date='Oct 3 2008, 10:16 AM']I'll agree with that. Because none of the 4 are ready to stare him down (McCain would attempt to) and Obama would just want to make nice nice.[/quote]
i too think obama, biden, and palin are pussys for no discernable reason
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[quote name='Missing Link' post='708223' date='Oct 3 2008, 01:26 PM']and I'm "just sayin'" this [size=5] [b]STFU whiner![/b][/size]

This forum is about laying down your opinion on very sensative subjects. If you don't like someone's opinion or disagree with it .... ignore it and move on. Showing you lack the respect for somone else's opinioon only makes you as a whining asshole.

Thick skin only need apply to this forum. If you don't have it, stay the fuck out.

well done.

I thought he was stating an opinion... and he gets a "well STFU"... you're getting right down there with BJ - that is for damn sure.

His opinion is that the constant drumbeat of spew that comes from you and BJ is counter-productive. Take it or leave it, like it or not. It is an opinion.

Just like you blowing your lid in response to him. Why didn't you just ignore it and move on like you tell him he should??
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[quote name='Nati Ice' post='708235' date='Oct 3 2008, 01:58 PM']i too think obama, biden, and palin are pussys for no discernable reason[/quote]

I assume this post is sarcasm...

otherwise, I'm having a hard time understanding how you type that and then are all over Obama's sack all the time.

It is alright to not like any of these candidates and voice that opinion...
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[quote name='Vol_Bengal' post='708239' date='Oct 3 2008, 02:05 PM']well done.

I thought he was stating an opinion... and he gets a "well STFU"... you're getting right down there with BJ - that is for damn sure.

His opinion is that the constant drumbeat of spew that comes from you and BJ is counter-productive. Take it or leave it, like it or not. It is an opinion.

Just like you blowing your lid in response to him. Why didn't you just ignore it and move on like you tell him he should??[/quote]

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[quote name='Missing Link' post='708223' date='Oct 3 2008, 01:26 PM']and I'm "just sayin'" this [size=5] [b]STFU whiner![/b][/size]

This forum is about laying down your opinion on very sensative subjects. If you don't like someone's opinion or disagree with it .... ignore it and move on. Showing you lack the respect for somone else's opinioon only makes you as a whining asshole.

Thick skin only need apply to this forum. If you don't have it, stay the fuck out.


Wow, you sure showed me the light. I cannot believe that I was pwn3d by such a perfect example of logic and reason. :rolleyes: You've really convinced this undecided vote to go your way. -_-

Anyhoo, in response to Homer Rice, who said that we should never stop trying to sway voters, I could not agree more. I was touching on the fact that BJ and ML "attempt to sway voters" in such a way that they actually end up having the reverse effect that they desire. It is one thing to persuade the people, it is quite another thing to bully people into seeing things your way by overloading a discussion forum with garbage. BJ is a smart guy, and I know he could make a serious and compelling argument for Obama if he wanted to. He'd have a much better chance of swaying me if he went about things in a way that didn't attempt to belittle me if I disagree.

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[quote name='BengalsFREAK' post='708275' date='Oct 3 2008, 03:18 PM']Anyhoo, in response to Homer Rice, who said that we should never stop trying to sway voters, I could not agree more. I was touching on the fact that BJ and ML "attempt to sway voters" in such a way that they actually end up having the reverse effect that they desire. It is one thing to persuade the people, it is quite another thing to bully people into seeing things your way by overloading a discussion forum with garbage. BJ is a smart guy, and I know he could make a serious and compelling argument for Obama if he wanted to. He'd have a much better chance of swaying me if he went about things in a way that didn't attempt to belittle me if I disagree.[/quote]
Agree with your general thrust here, but I just wanted to clarify that I was urging folks to try to influence their [i]elected officials.[/i] They work for us. Showing up to vote every two or four years is simply like showing up for attendance--sending 'em a note or otherwise contacting them when something is on your mind is not only your right, it's part of how we keep pols from getting outta line.

As for the rest, all I can say is that I've done my share of being aggressive on some topics. Lots of lumps in the coffee in this forum.
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