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White Woman pretends to be black...


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This sums it all up for me. I mean really, How much of ourselves do we misrepresent every day ? How many times have we misrepresented other items ? Isn't it a betrayal of trust ? Note: Car sales people not allowed to comment due to selling soul a long time ago... :)



Lawyers and politicians as well...

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I think the racial divide in this country get worse, instead of better, with all the NAACP focus and affirmative action. When I got out of the Army and moved back to Cincinnati, it really hit hit me how divided our neighborhoods are. The Army was substantially more integrated and pretty successfully. Leaders used to say, " to me, everybody is Army green".

Yes, I did encounter some racists, not surprisingly from the Deep South, but by and large the Army was better integrated than society.

Equal standards, equal goals, team focus, and identification with unit cohesion more than race cohesion all contributed to a better micro-society on Army bases.

This fake black knucklehead kind of exposes the whole ridiculousness of racial overemphasis. I wish we could all be more "red, white, and blue", but instead the left seems to hate our nations, Al Sharpton seems to hate our nation, and we're not even striving for a common language anymore. Imagine Army units were everybody gets to keep speaking their native tongue.

So frustrating....
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Stopped reading at "the left seems to hate our nation". You keep lapping up that soft-serve fascism, there, guy.

Question: What percentage of our armed forces are non-white? And what percentage of the officers?

Hate group militias, racist cops, shitbags shooting up a black church - no, what's really the issue is that darned affirmative action!
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I think the racial divide in this country get worse, instead of better, with all the NAACP focus and affirmative action.

A serious look at the work of the NAACP over the course of the last century would probably disabuse you of this poorly conceived hypothesis. You don't strike me as being a fool, so stop being a sucker for superficial nostrums. If this is something that really bothers you, then you know what to do. Get to work.



This fake black knucklehead kind of exposes the whole ridiculousness of racial overemphasis. I wish we could all be more "red, white, and blue", but instead the left seems to hate our nations, Al Sharpton seems to hate our nation, and we're not even striving for a common language anymore. Imagine Army units were everybody gets to keep speaking their native tongue.

Let me craft an analogous sentence: "This fake Navy Seal/Special Forces knucklehead kind of exposes the whole ridiculousness of warrior culture." Would you agree with this statement as a whole? Or would you focus your emphasis on the psychological peculiarities which causes people to adopt the role of an imposter?


You ever stop to consider that the so-called left and yes, even Al Sharpton, thinks that by participating in the political process that they might be demonstrating a bit of their own "red, white, and blue"?

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I get amused when I'm accused of "lapping up soft-serve" or " being a sucker for the superficial" as though anyone with a conservative viewpoint must be the product of talk radio or Fox news, rather than a keen observer of human nature and/or having a different opinion about how to lift an underpriveleged individual from poverty.

It is my opinion the any race or group who thinks favoritism in public policy will grant them economic equality despite a preponderance of single parent households, a culture of mocking academic success, and highly vocal "leaders" who disparage law, order, and respect for authority, are woefully and irretrievably destined for an angry, poor existence.

The military allows everyone the opportunity to learn discipline and respect for authority. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. Is it superior to the crap some of our minorities are getting from their "leaders". Damn right.
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Gosh. For a vet who places such high value on the positive virtues of race relations in the military, you apparently don't know much about how this ethos came into being. I'm more or less in agreement with you about racial policy in the military, btw. It's just that I know that these practices didn't simply pop out of Harry Truman's head. There was an ongoing and significant political/civil rights campaign which made it possible for Truman to desegregate the military. Furthermore, it required a lot more effort post-Truman's order to actually bring those worthy ideas into actual practice. And, as much as I admire Gen MacArthur, he was wrong to try to stop Thurgood Marshall from going to Korea for his investigation during that war.


My suggestion to you would be to occasionally support your keen observations with some empirical grounding. Or perhaps at least you could refrain from unsubstantiated remarks about how some classes of citizens "hate our nations." Either support your claims more firmly or risk allowing others to infer attributes to you which may, or may not, be the case. Nature, and I suppose, people who hate America, abhor a vacuum, and therefore will fill said vacuum with hot air of their own choosing.

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I get amused when I'm accused of "lapping up soft-serve" 



I'm glad you're amused, as my first reaction to someone telling me I don't agree with them because I'm just not a Patriot like them will consistently be ridicule &, if pressed, an invitation to go and fuck themselves.

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I think the racial divide in this country get worse, instead of better, with all the NAACP focus and affirmative action. When I got out of the Army and moved back to Cincinnati, it really hit hit me how divided our neighborhoods are. The Army was substantially more integrated and pretty successfully. Leaders used to say, " to me, everybody is Army green".

Yes, I did encounter some racists, not surprisingly from the Deep South, but by and large the Army was better integrated than society.

Equal standards, equal goals, team focus, and identification with unit cohesion more than race cohesion all contributed to a better micro-society on Army bases.

This fake black knucklehead kind of exposes the whole ridiculousness of racial overemphasis. I wish we could all be more "red, white, and blue", but instead the left seems to hate our nations, Al Sharpton seems to hate our nation, and we're not even striving for a common language anymore. Imagine Army units were everybody gets to keep speaking their native tongue.

So frustrating....



I'm going to hold my tounge because I, like Homer, don't think you're a fool (unlike a different poster that came in here as of late)... and approach this differently than I may wish to and ask....


Why do you believe that?

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I say "seem to hate our nation" because there is far more focus on the skeletons in our collective closet than upon the good that we've done for global human rights and freedom.

If you just rolled your eyes reading that sentence, then the prosecution rests. If not, then you're not in the class of left-leaning America slammers I had in mind.

On a side note but related to this topic, I too occasionally hate aspects of America today. I was so proud of our Armed Forces when the enemy troops during desert storm readily surrendered because American soldiers throught our history had always treated prisoners humanely. Our modern behavior torturing prisoners literally makes me want to cry for what we did and I completely support Obama's executive order to stop it and well as the McCain/Feinstein proposal to make it law, rather than executive order.
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Two daughters and a son. The oldest daughter is married and had our first granddaughter 5 months ago. Another daughter is a junior in college and studying to be a social worker. My son is entering his sophomore year of college.

So where are we going with this?
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So then when your kids do things you believe are wrong, you lovingly correct them yes?



I believe as a liberal it is my job to actively call out the country I love when it does wrong. After all we are trying to build a more perfect union are we not?


As such I think there is a difference between love of country and American Exceptionalism. One I think is perfectly fine, and as such shouldn't be blind, otherwise you can run yourself dangerous of being controlled due to sheer patriotism. The other I think is dangerous because it means we put ourselves above other nations, and as such when we recognize that we are players in a world stage then attempting to run the show can cause us unneeded backlash vs. behaving as an equal player. I think far too often we behave as if we are running the show.


I think Dr. King said it best when he said the following...


"And don't let anybody make you think that God chose America as his divine, messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with judgment, and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, "You're too arrogant! And if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I'll place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name. Be still and know that I'm God.""



Which brings be back to the original question, when you say the left doesn't love America, I don't know what that means.

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So then when your kids do things you believe are wrong, you lovingly correct them yes?



I believe as a liberal it is my job to actively call out the country I love when it does wrong. After all we are trying to build a more perfect union are we not?


As such I think there is a difference between love of country and American Exceptionalism. One I think is perfectly fine, and as such shouldn't be blind, otherwise you can run yourself dangerous of being controlled due to sheer patriotism. The other I think is dangerous because it means we put ourselves above other nations, and as such when we recognize that we are players in a world stage then attempting to run the show can cause us unneeded backlash vs. behaving as an equal player. I think far too often we behave as if we are running the show.


I think Dr. King said it best when he said the following...


"And don't let anybody make you think that God chose America as his divine, messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with judgment, and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, "You're too arrogant! And if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I'll place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name. Be still and know that I'm God.""



Which brings be back to the original question, when you say the left doesn't love America, I don't know what that means.


I love that King quote. He has so many, and that is one of my favorites. A true prophet, saint, bodhisattva.

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I love that King quote too.  Can we at least acknowledge that the politically left would be most opposed to posting his quote in a public place?



I don't think there was much opposition to his memorial in down town DC was there? I did a GoRuck challenge last year and when the sun was coming up we were at his memorial, something powerful about walking in silence in front of all his quotes.

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I love that King quote too.  Can we at least acknowledge that the politically left would be most opposed to posting his quote in a public place?

The thing I don't like about Martin Luther King and the whole Civil Rights Movement, including its fragmented modern day remnants, is their adherence to right wing values.

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