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Brave Women call out War Criminal McCain


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[quote name='BlackJesus' post='676148' date='Jun 28 2008, 09:30 PM'][center][b]Every rally he has should look like this one ...

[i](+ the ladies should have thrown a pie)[/i]

... gotta love how the boot lickers end with a standing ovation.[/b] :rolleyes: [/center][/quote]

Brave women? More like retarded pieces of shit, no matter what you think of McCain.

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[quote name='BengalBacker' post='676158' date='Jun 28 2008, 10:17 PM']Brave women? More like retarded pieces of shit, no matter what you think of McCain.[/quote]

[b]1. I would contend that shouting down the possible President of the U.S. as a War Criminal takes bravery. Especially considering these ladies probably just got put on a "list", got arrested for a bogus charge, or worse.

2. So do you believe that citizens should sit on their hands when they disagree with their leaders ? Should we all "Seig Hiel" when a potential President speaks of more wars that we disagree with ? Those ladies were 10 times the Americans that the bobbing head toadys who simply stand and applaud were. [/b]
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[quote name='BlackJesus' post='676160' date='Jun 28 2008, 09:23 PM'][b]1. I would contend that shouting down the possible President of the U.S. as a War Criminal takes bravery. Especially considering these ladies probably just got put on a "list", got arrested for a bogus charge, or worse.

2. So do you believe that citizens should sit on their hands when they disagree with their leaders ? Should we all "Seig Hiel" when a potential President speaks of more wars that we disagree with ? Those ladies were 10 times the Americans that the bobbing head toadys who simply stand and applaud were. [/b][/quote]

Not to mention that the last woman has impeccable timing in piping up right as he was trying to put the final touches on a finale, which instead fizzled out.

The first woman needs elocution lessons, though. She wasn't so effective as a public speaker.
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[quote name='BlackJesus' post='676160' date='Jun 28 2008, 10:23 PM'][b]1. I would contend that shouting down the possible President of the U.S. as a War Criminal takes bravery. Especially considering these ladies probably just got put on a "list", got arrested for a bogus charge, or worse.

2. So do you believe that citizens should sit on their hands when they disagree with their leaders ? Should we all "Seig Hiel" when a potential President speaks of more wars that we disagree with ? Those ladies were 10 times the Americans that the bobbing head toadys who simply stand and applaud were. [/b][/quote]

I had a big response typed out, but decided it was pointless.

I just hope most people see this kind of shit for what it is. Unfortunately there's a segment of people who see this as bravery. Ironic considering they were shouting down a man who has been a POW.

But, whatever BJ. I know Republican bashing is like crack to you. Have fun.
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[quote name='BengalBacker' post='676165' date='Jun 28 2008, 11:02 PM']I had a big response typed out, but decided it was pointless.

I just hope most people see this kind of shit for what it is. Unfortunately there's a segment of people who see this as bravery. Ironic considering they were shouting down a man who has been a POW.

But, whatever BJ. I know Republican bashing is like crack to you. Have fun.[/quote]
i didnt even watch the video as i have a feeling i know exaclty what it was all about

i feel the same way about these people as i do about the idiots in san francisco who wish to name a wastewater treatment plant after gwb. its perfectly fine to believe the president is lower than a piece of dog shit, yet its another to waste your potentially productive time doing shit like this or naming places like that when you could either be better serving your community through setting new local ordinances or putting your effort into changing national stances in order to better sustain your community.

niether of these morons should be applauded, however, i still reserve the right to laugh at the absurdity of it all

edit: :chug:
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[quote name='CTBengalsFan' post='676183' date='Jun 29 2008, 03:19 AM']This situation could have been resolved with a few wolf shirts


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This sort of thing is a close call for me. It's a form of civil disobedience that has a long history in this country. On one hand, I think it's almost always ineffective. On the other, when authorities have taken more and more to a tactic of herding those who disagree off to out-of-sight locations, then this remains one of the few tactics/countertactics which might seem to avail the purposes of protesters. Even so, this resides at the level of heckling, and apart from a momentary shock to those in attendance at such meetings, generally doesn't get much done. Certainly not as much as, say, an organized bum's rush on a registrar's office in 2000 FLA in which the potential for violence was much more palpable. ;)

This is partly what comes from the poverty of ideas in this nation which masquerades as profundity, coupled with the stage-managed presentation of potential representatives.

Bring back the Lincoln/Douglas debate format and a lot of this would go away, imo. And we'd be a bit better off.

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[quote name='Homer_Rice' post='676191' date='Jun 29 2008, 04:52 AM']Bring back the Lincoln/Douglas debate format and a lot of this would go away, imo. And we'd be a bit better off.[/quote]

I think we need to implement a "question time" like those Limey Brits!

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[quote name='BlackJesus' post='676160' date='Jun 28 2008, 10:23 PM'][b]1. I would contend that shouting down the possible President of the U.S. as a War Criminal takes bravery. Especially considering these ladies probably just got put on a "list", got arrested for a bogus charge, or worse.

2. So do you believe that citizens should sit on their hands when they disagree with their leaders ? Should we all "Seig Hiel" when a potential President speaks of more wars that we disagree with ? Those ladies were 10 times the Americans that the bobbing head toadys who simply stand and applaud were. [/b][/quote]

This is why the majority of people don't bother with you anymore BJ. The absurdity of some of the things you post ruins any legitimacy you have even when you post something that is spot on.

Your bias is so overwhelming that you will post anything that you think discredits the opposite view you have no matter how ridiculous it is.
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[quote name='BengalBacker' post='676165' date='Jun 28 2008, 11:02 PM']I had a big response typed out, but decided it was pointless.

I just hope most people see this kind of shit for what it is. Unfortunately there's a segment of people who see this as bravery. Ironic considering they were shouting down a man who has been a POW.

But, whatever BJ. I know Republican bashing is like crack to you. Have fun.[/quote]

Hear, Hear!
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I can just imagine how tightly your panties would be bunched if someone entitled a thread, "Brave Women call out Anti-American Muslim Barack Obama." Your hypocrisy is always good for a laugh. And by 'laugh,' I mean at you. I'm sure you would roll out your usual stereotypes of 'non-book reader,' 'double wide,' and 'Faux News,' complete with references to Hannity & Colmes and/or Rush Limbaugh, etc., etc.

Speaking as a life long Democrat (who intends to vote for Obama) from a long line of life long Democrats, you make the fuckin' Republican Party seem sane. No offense to all you fuckin' Republicans, including my Republican relative who is a professor of business at UC. The best endorsement you can give Obama is to STFU.

Character assassination using a forced confession obtained through the use of torture to advance your own agenda represents a new all time low for you. That's significant considering your track record. The Swift Boat tactic of discrediting a 'hero' as less than heroic is apparently not good enough for you. You need to go one step beyond and trump 'hero' with "war criminal." You lack the common sense and good judgment to realize you should be ashamed of yourself. Aren't there better ways to influence people to vote for Obama? Or is this your idea of political campaigning?

[quote name='BlackJesus' post='671551' date='Jun 9 2008, 01:55 AM'][b]- What exactly did he do again that was heroic ? I mean this seriously ?[/b][/quote]

"I mean this seriously?" is your best joke ever. Bravo! Like anything would change your mind. Ok, let's give it a shot...

[url="http://cubaarchive.org/home/images/stories/che_guevara_victims_6.20.08.doc"]Well, in less than three years he was responsible for at least 135 deaths[/url] = Hero.

Oh, that information was compiled by Dr. Armando Lago. Some flaky dude with a Masters and Ph.D. in economics from Harvard. Of course, I don't need to tell you that guys with a Ph.D. are never wrong.

[quote name='BlackJesus' post='671551' date='Jun 9 2008, 01:55 AM'][b]- It is undeniable that he was a pilot and was dropping bombs on Vietnam ... a country 10,000 miles away who did not attack the United States. When Arabs flew planes into US bldgs we called them terrorists .. but when McCain drops bombs on [color="#FF0000"]South Vietnam[/color] it is somehow heroic ? [/b][/quote]

Really? South Vietnam? Jesus Christ, read a history book, son. Look at a god damn map. Cue BJ, [whiney voice]...but...but...but...if you take out 'South' everything I said was true...boo hoo hoo...I wish you were dead! [/whiney voice] If McCain had dropped bombs on South Vietnam that would make him a war hero of your precious Communist Party. You would then have a tattoo of him next to the one of Hey Guevara on your forearm and the title of this thread would be, "Brave Women call out Anti-American Muslim Barack Obama" instead of "Brave Women call out War Criminal McCain." Speaking of tattoos, if you're thinking about getting a new one, how about two swallows holding a banner in their beaks which reads, "I'm a self indulgent, hypocritical, spoiled brat who just blew $300 on this permanent ink when I could have donated the money to the Democratic Socialists of America, the Homeless, the hungry Haitian kids eating dirt cookies, the sick and uninsured, a single welfare mother raising three kids and working two jobs, etc., etc. But, fuck that noise; I need to look cool and maybe one day...get laid."

[quote name='BlackJesus' post='671551' date='Jun 9 2008, 01:55 AM'][b]- Also he was shot down. So even as far as his mission goes he failed at that. [/b][/quote]

All the recipients of the Medal of Honor [b](posthumous)[/b]...failures too, right?
I mean this seriously? <===== It's so much funnier when you write it. Yet, just as insincere when I write it.

[quote name='BlackJesus' post='671551' date='Jun 9 2008, 01:55 AM'][b]- Yes he experienced torture and was held in prison without trial ... but hell dozens fit that bill at Gitmo ... and I doubt you would call the mere fact of being locked up "heroic".

- In the end he broke and admitted to being a "War Criminal" - an honest assessment most likely and was used as a propaganda tool by the VC.

- Seriously ... where is the heroism here ? Did he shoot down high numbers of the enemy ? Did he display any actual bravery in battle ? To me it appears he took part in an illegal invasion and bombardment of another country and was shot down, beaten, tortured, locked up, squealed eventually, and was let go. Marries rich beer heiress runs for Congress. Am I missing something ?[/b][/quote]

McCain refused preferential treatment (early release because his Daddy was a fancy, high fa-lootin' admiral) and for that he ironically received preferential treatment (more frequent and severe torture.) Now Comrade, if there is one thing I've learned from you it's that we are all equal and no one should get preferential treatment. Except when you say we aren't all equal.

Have you ever had to endure something excruciatingly painful all the while someone was whispering in your ear, "I can end you pain. I can make it all go away. All you have to do is..." It's kind of like me and the ignore button after reading one of your idiotic posts. Anyway...

Q: Why did McCain refuse early repatriation?
A: The Code of Conduct.

The history lesson ends here because I won't waste the key strokes required to explain something beyond your ability to comprehend.

Psst...Psst....Did Jon Lee Anderson ever show you a copy of Hey Guevara's invitation to the Cuban Revolution? No? Here, let me show you..."

General/Dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar,
along with his Military Coup Government,
The United Fruit Company,
and the (dark-skinned, not the light-skinned) Citizens of Cuba
Request the Honor of Your Light-Skinned, Argentine Presence
for an Illegal Invasion,
December 2, 1956
Transportation and Complimentary Cocktails will be provided aboard the yacht, Granma.
Freed political prisoner Fidel Castro will be tickling the ivories for your entertainment.
Formal Guerrilla Attire is required, Berets are optional
Please send RSVP and resume to the Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabaña
in the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope.

It's a damn shame McCain didn't have a similar invitation for his illegal invasion.

[quote name='BlackJesus' post='675570' date='Jun 26 2008, 12:39 PM'][b]That's my style. As the late Carlin said: [i]"It adds spice to my stew"[/i][/b][/quote]

I guess my stew would be Muy Caliente since I've lost track of how many times you've told me you wished I were dead.

It's a little known fact that during The National Debate of 1967 upstart Wayne State University had Dartmouth College against the ropes. Bloodied, bowed, but unbeaten; Dartmouth College rallied with the infamous "I wish you were dead!" tactic to win the championship. The following year, the "I wish you were dead" argument was officially banned from collegiate debate by the governing body as being, "too powerful."

Make sure you blow on the stew first, honey. Wouldn't want you to burn your little tongue.
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[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='677240' date='Jul 5 2008, 03:05 AM']I can just imagine how tightly your panties would be bunched if someone entitled a thread, "Brave Women call out Anti-American Muslim Barack Obama." Your hypocrisy is always good for a laugh. And by 'laugh,' I mean at you. I'm sure you would roll out your usual stereotypes of 'non-book reader,' 'double wide,' and 'Faux News,' complete with references to Hannity & Colmes and/or Rush Limbaugh, etc., etc.

Speaking as a life long Democrat (who intends to vote for Obama) from a long line of life long Democrats, you make the fuckin' Republican Party seem sane. No offense to all you fuckin' Republicans, including my Republican relative who is a professor of business at UC. The best endorsement you can give Obama is to STFU.

Character assassination using a forced confession obtained through the use of torture to advance your own agenda represents a new all time low for you. That's significant considering your track record. The Swift Boat tactic of discrediting a 'hero' as less than heroic is apparently not good enough for you. You need to go one step beyond and trump 'hero' with "war criminal." You lack the common sense and good judgment to realize you should be ashamed of yourself. Aren't there better ways to influence people to vote for Obama? Or is this your idea of political campaigning?

"I mean this seriously?" is your best joke ever. Bravo! Like anything would change your mind. Ok, let's give it a shot...

[url="http://cubaarchive.org/home/images/stories/che_guevara_victims_6.20.08.doc"]Well, in less than three years he was responsible for at least 135 deaths[/url] = Hero.

Oh, that information was compiled by Dr. Armando Lago. Some flaky dude with a Masters and Ph.D. in economics from Harvard. Of course, I don't need to tell you that guys with a Ph.D. are never wrong.

Really? South Vietnam? Jesus Christ, read a history book, son. Look at a god damn map. Cue BJ, [whiney voice]...but...but...but...if you take out 'South' everything I said was true...boo hoo hoo...I wish you were dead! [/whiney voice] If McCain had dropped bombs on South Vietnam that would make him a war hero of your precious Communist Party. You would then have a tattoo of him next to the one of Hey Guevara on your forearm and the title of this thread would be, "Brave Women call out Anti-American Muslim Barack Obama" instead of "Brave Women call out War Criminal McCain." Speaking of tattoos, if you're thinking about getting a new one, how about two swallows holding a banner in their beaks which reads, "I'm a self indulgent, hypocritical, spoiled brat who just blew $300 on this permanent ink when I could have donated the money to the Democratic Socialists of America, the Homeless, the hungry Haitian kids eating dirt cookies, the sick and uninsured, a single welfare mother raising three kids and working two jobs, etc., etc. But, fuck that noise; I need to look cool and maybe one day...get laid."

All the recipients of the Medal of Honor [b](posthumous)[/b]...failures too, right?
I mean this seriously? <===== It's so much funnier when you write it. Yet, just as insincere when I write it.

McCain refused preferential treatment (early release because his Daddy was a fancy, high fa-lootin' admiral) and for that he ironically received preferential treatment (more frequent and severe torture.) Now Comrade, if there is one thing I've learned from you it's that we are all equal and no one should get preferential treatment. Except when you say we aren't all equal.

Have you ever had to endure something excruciatingly painful all the while someone was whispering in your ear, "I can end you pain. I can make it all go away. All you have to do is..." It's kind of like me and the ignore button after reading one of your idiotic posts. Anyway...

Q: Why did McCain refuse early repatriation?
A: The Code of Conduct.

The history lesson ends here because I won't waste the key strokes required to explain something beyond your ability to comprehend.

Psst...Psst....Did Jon Lee Anderson ever show you a copy of Hey Guevara's invitation to the Cuban Revolution? No? Here, let me show you..."

It's a damn shame McCain didn't have a similar invitation for his illegal invasion.

I guess my stew would be Muy Caliente since I've lost track of how many times you've told me you wished I were dead.

It's a little known fact that during The National Debate of 1967 upstart Wayne State University had Dartmouth College against the ropes. Bloodied, bowed, but unbeaten; Dartmouth College rallied with the infamous "I wish you were dead!" tactic to win the championship. The following year, the "I wish you were dead" argument was officially banned from collegiate debate by the governing body as being, "too powerful."

Make sure you blow on the stew first, honey. Wouldn't want you to burn your little tongue.[/quote]

holly mother fucking shit

This is the best post I have read in a while. Nice one Loyal :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:
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[quote name='slim15' post='677286' date='Jul 5 2008, 06:02 PM']holly mother fucking shit

This is the best post I have read in a while. I wish I could suck your dick [img]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y204/pancakesonfire/blowjob1.gif[/img] Loyal :wub:[/quote]

[b]What a shocker. :yawn:[/b]

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[b]And out of his crawl space he returns .... what's wrong .... wife choose the dildo instead for the 10th night in a row ?[/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='677240' date='Jul 5 2008, 04:05 AM']I can just imagine how tightly your panties would be bunched if someone entitled a thread, "Brave Women call out Anti-American Muslim Barack Obama."[/quote]

[b]Has Obama ever admitted to being a Muslim ? didn't think so.

Has Obama ever admitted to being against/anti America ? didn't think so.

Has McCain admitted to being a "War Criminal ? YEP

Is McCains support of the Iraq War and desire for war with Iran the equivalent of a "War Crime" according to Intl Law ? YEP

- I never even said I was using "war criminal" in reference to his confession ... you filled that part in [i](like you do your asshole)[/i] on your own. I meant "War Criminal" in the current sense ... but yes he did admit to being one in the 70's as well. = One of the few times he has told the truth.

But but but he confessed while in custody ... well guess what captain clusterfuck ... most war criminals confess while in custody ... should we open the gates at Gitmo and release those who have confessed while in illegal detention ?

Go fuck yourself. [/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='677240' date='Jul 5 2008, 04:05 AM']You need to go one step beyond and trump 'hero' with "war criminal."[/quote]

[b]If bombing Vietnam as an American pilot is not a war crime .... THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS SHIRLEY ?

McCain bombed both North and South Vietnam [i](as did the US military)[/i] so shove that map up your taint.

I would image if some arabs decided to hijack an air plane and bomb "strategic" US installations and occasionally hit a school or house [i](in an effort to stop the "domino effect of Capitalism" :yawn:)[/i] you would call them a war criminal ? But why the double standard ? That's right ... because your a boot licking former school of the Americas-toady. Maybe you should be dangling from a "nuremberg-esque" rope too there princess. [/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='677240' date='Jul 5 2008, 04:05 AM'][url="http://cubaarchive.org/home/images/stories/che_guevara_victims_6.20.08.doc"]Well, in less than three years he was responsible for at least 135 deaths[/url] = Hero.[/quote]
[b]Bwaaah ... talk about Red Herring ... I figured you would resort to your last card ... like a predictable nincompoop you always fall back to the [i]"but what about Che?". [/i]

1. I didn't know we were discussing him ... but since you brought him up ... those he killed were mostly the War criminals from the dictator Batista. The goons who ran the rape rooms, torture chambers, and BRAC secret police. He also occasionally killed a traitor, informant, CIA lackey. In my mind all justifiable [i](hell he shound have shot more probably)[/i] ... and he did his fighting on the ground [i](not bombing the fuck out of peasants from 20,000 feet).[/i] But rather than enter into a long debate about his life with a dickwad whose knowledge of the situation accounts to a few hatchet job pieces on WorldNetDaily from some Gusano hacks ... I'll leave it there. [/b]

[b]Oh are we just making up idiotic screeds now ! YAY ! My turn.

I'm a middle aged, former goose stepper, who pretends to be a democrat, and thinks that because my wife isn't pasty white like my beer gut bitch-tit ass --- that I'm not a redneck stars and bars paint huffer from rural Georgia. If my 2 kids are lucky, I'll run over both legs with the lawn mower before bleeding to death - and in the process at least leave them some life insurance and allow Mommy to marry a real man [i](not a weird fucktwat obsessed with a poster from a Bengals message board).[/i] [/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='677240' date='Jul 5 2008, 04:05 AM']I can make it all go away. All you have to do is..."[/quote]

[b]apparently he did .... they didn't call him "the songbird" for nothing. [/b]


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[quote name='Homer_Rice' post='677284' date='Jul 5 2008, 04:11 PM']Wait a minute... There's a boat named after my Granma? Cool![/quote]
Fidel had his heart set on another yacht named, [i]Livin' La Vida Loca[/i], and gave Raul the job of making the travel arrangements.

Raul procrastinated and [i]Livin' La Vida Loca[/i] was chartered for a La Quineanera instead.

Fidel never let Raul forget; telling his brother, "Don't fuck it up like you did with [i]Livin' La Vida Loca![/i]" when he recently turned over power of Cuba.
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[quote name='BlackJesus' post='677396' date='Jul 6 2008, 10:34 PM'][b]And out of his crawl space he returns .... [/b][/quote]

Under the guise of debate, you go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to being intentionally insulting and irritating. Well, I'm torn between a.) continuing our witty repartee and b.) giving you another chance to act like you're interested in a honest exchange of ideas.

I tell you what; you agree to make an attempt at being fair and balanced, stop insulting people, and start to treat others here with respect and I'll delete my rebuttal and no one will ever have to see it.

I, in return, will agree to stop insulting and disrespecting you as long as you keep up your end of the bargain.

Or, I can post my rebuttal and you're going to be really pissed.

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[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']Under the guise of debate, you go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to being intentionally insulting[/quote]

[b]I'm insulting ? Nowhere in this entire thread did I mention you at first ... and then out of nowhere you sprung in and began hurling insults at me.[/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']I'm torn between a.) continuing our witty repartee and b.) giving you another chance to act like you're interested in a honest exchange of ideas.[/quote]

[b]I've always been interested in an honest exchange of ideas [i](although I feel we may disagree what constitutes 'honesty').[/i]

Me and you although "arch enemies" here in the political forum are probably not that different in our political views from one another in actuality --- however maybe that is what engenders such animosity.

I am always torn between having a real dicussion with you [i](one I know you are capable of having)[/i] and responding to this endless back and forth of personal attacks - that goes back years to when I wrote the word "poop" dozens of times on your messages - which has drawn your ire ever since. [/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']you agree to make an attempt at being fair and balanced[/quote]
[b]I have repeatedly said that I don't believe in this idea of "fair and balanced" ... I leave the "on one hand, on the other hand" to Faux News - and find "balance" to usually actually constitute "unbalance" as it being the balance of truth and fiction.[/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']stop insulting people[/quote]
[b]9 times out of 10 I respond to insults - and am not the one to fire the first shot. I try to make this my policy universally and sometimes fail at it.[/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']and start to treat others here with respect[/quote]
[b]Do you believe that you are honestly treating me with respect ?

I can't think of one respectful thing you have said to me in years.[/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']I, in return, will agree to stop insulting and disrespecting you as long as you keep up your end of the bargain.[/quote]
[b]We made this agreement before and were at "peace" for a lengthy period of time until you broke it and entered this thread hurling insults, apparently taking my attacks on McCain --- as personal attacks on yourself.[/b]

[quote name='LoyalFanInGA v2.0' post='678163' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:21 AM']Or, I can post my rebuttal and you're going to be really pissed.[/quote]
[b]I'm not going to feel blackmailed by your insults and (from our past interactions) I can't even imagine the lengths you would go to try and attack me (or investigate/stalk/dig up dirt). If you feel you have to post your juicy scoop rebuttal and continue the back and forth you do that ... and I will probably respond in kind. If you stop attacking me - I in turn will not respond and attack you back.[/b]
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