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Workout Routine


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I have a confession. I ate 4 pieces of pizza Saturday. Then I went home and ate 2 chocolate covered strawberries and 2 bites of coffee cake.


I have a confession....I ate an extra large meat lovers pizza (kosher meat, no pork....relax Bunghole) by myself on Saturday, then went home and had half an 8x8 brownie with peanut butter choc chip cookie dough ice cream (a full pint).  I weigh 172 lbs and can't gain weight for the life of me. 


I'm starting to hit the gym again, goal is to get up to 190 by next year at this time.

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I just got back into deadlifts, after about a 5 year hiatus.  In about 3 weeks, I almost had 395.  I got it up, but I couldn't lock it.  Looking to get to a 300 BP/400 SQ/900 LP/400 DL before June.  I probably won't go too much higher than that.  I don't want to get too big that I look funny.

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I don't know what is wrong with me but I got sick for the 2nd time in 3 weeks this past weekend. From about noon Sunday until 7:00am this morning I laid in bed or lounged around the house. Now I'm craving sweets like a MF'r. I ate an Oreo blizzard yesterday. Wtf!?

Since my stomach has been cramping from nausea the last couple days, my lower back has tightened up now. I just took a Flexorall because I have a manly volleyball game in a few hours.

Good night.
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Was introduced to this site, and it's been a godsend for muscle pain, I no longer have issues with shin splints following their recommended warm ups...




The deadlifts I just did made my back feel like hell.  I feel you, man.  Back and biceps on the same day just isn't meant to be..



Then your doing them wrong, it's not a back lift, its legs and ass.

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Was introduced to this site, and it's been a godsend for muscle pain, I no longer have issues with shin splints following their recommended warm ups...






Then your doing them wrong, it's not a back lift, its legs and ass.

You might want to go edit wikipedia and take back out of muscles involved then.

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Not going to say where I got this info because it's something I paid for and thus copywrighted, but for the sake of keeping your back safe...



The Deadlift ...


To figure out the best stance for your deadlift, pretend you’re about to perform a vertical jump. Get your feet and body into position. Now, look down and move your feet in slightly. This is your starting position. This varies from lifter to lifter, but I’ve found this to be an optimal starting point.


 Your toes should be pointed slightly outward.


 Don’t deadlift with your weight on the balls of your feet. This is an injury waiting to happen. Your weight should be on the middle of your foot or toward the rear.


Start with the bar just in front of your shins, but not touching them. Once you reach down and grab the bar, your shins will meet it.


Your upper back should be pulled together with your shoulders over the bar.


Your lower back should be arched or held static in whatever position you’re in. I don’t deadlift with a perfectly arched back, but it’s not rounded either, and it won’t round during the lift.


Your hands should be placed just outside your feet – wide enough to allow you to get your hips through at the top of the lift. You’ll have to experiment with this.


Most people deadlift with a mixed grip. One hand is supinated (like you’re doing curls), and the other is pronated (palm facing toward you). Using a double overhand grip (both hands pronated) is fine, but using straps is not. Choosing which hand to supinate is a matter of personal preference.


Before lifting the bar, fill your diaphragm (not your chest) with air.


Begin the ascent by easing pressure into the bar. Do not jerk the bar off the ground. This is how you tear a bicep or hurt your back. The best way to do this is to squeeze the bar hard with your hands and squeeze your butt.


I try to keep my eyes focused on a point on the ground about 15 feet in front of me.


Before the bar is lifted, I always think, “Butt down, chest up.”


The first movement of the deadlift should be initiated with the legs, not the back. This is why it’s imperative to have strong quads to deadlift.


Once the bar begins moving up your shins, start pulling back and onto your heels. Don’t let the bar come out in front of you. Keep it close to your body at all times. It should touch your thighs on the way up.


Once the bar passes your knees, push your hips through to complete the lift. At this point you should be standing erect (not back), and your knees should be locked.


You can either lower the bar slowly to the starting position or drop it. This depends on how quickly you want to get yourself kicked out of a public gym.


There are two options for doing multiple reps with the deadlift. You can either touch-and-go the reps (slight bounce off the floor), or you can do dead stop deadlifts. For these, you’ll reset for each rep. I’ve done both, and both work. The downside to touch-and-go is that when you build up momentum, you can bounce too hard and lose your tightness. If you’re strong enough to hold your position and you have the control to do it, this option will work for you. The dead stop option is good for most people, but make sure you reset perfectly each time. The beginning portion of the lift is where most back injuries will occur. In this regard, the touch-and-go style is a little safer.

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I feel like I do it just like that, but I'll try to do it slower and see what happens.  Honestly, I'd rather feel the lower back pain.  Makes me remember that there are muscles down there that need to be worked out.

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I have a confession....I ate an extra large meat lovers pizza (kosher meat, no pork....relax Bunghole) by myself on Saturday, then went home and had half an 8x8 brownie with peanut butter choc chip cookie dough ice cream (a full pint).  I weigh 172 lbs and can't gain weight for the life of me. 


I'm starting to hit the gym again, goal is to get up to 190 by next year at this time.



It's cause you were High lmao.


But I have been hitting the weight room real hard at LifeTime here in Minny for the last month. Drinking protein shakes and all. I weigh 170 myself and am on the same goal as you. 180-190. I started at 165 and put up 5 pounds already.

My arms are getting swell and you can see it. I love this shit.

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I feel like I do it just like that, but I'll try to do it slower and see what happens.  Honestly, I'd rather feel the lower back pain.  Makes me remember that there are muscles down there that need to be worked out.


Your not working them your straining them.

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It's so great reading about you young guys working out like you do.  This old geezer is doing 30 mins every morning on the treadmill every morning with some pushups and crunches and a few stretches, just hoping to turn this case into a twelve pack! :D  I don't think there is an icicles chance in hell that I'll ever be 6 packing again!

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I get the same pain when I do my lower back exercises.

You probably strained it. I did the same thing and had really bad pain on my lower back/upper ass. Took at least a year to fully recover, partially because I kept heavy deadlifting with the injury like a moron. Take a month off of deadlifting and do nothing but back bridges and very light stretching. If you stretch too much it could re-injure it. Start back deadlifting super light and really work on your form. Keep building up slowly. Obviously if it starts hurting again start over and maybe take even longer off from deadlifting.

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