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Guns in America


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And by the way lets not pretend that Charter schooling that does relatively the same thing doesnt exist in this "relatively free market"


Rugby, I can't argue that we're getting smoked by the Asian countries (and many others) -especially in math and science.  The article cites spending levels, but we all know that our US system is bureaucratic and bloated.   Is it too much self-esteem focus and not enough discipline in US schools or do we reach for the third rail and ask a racial question - are Asians really genetically better at math?  The days of a standard bell curve in grading, where the "C" represents an average student score, are long gone in the US.


I guess we should be studying how the Asians teach math.  How early?  How much memorization?  How are tests administered and graded.


And why do they drive like shit?  Sorry, needed a little levity there.



That is completely the opposite of reality.



Maybe, but the NRA didn't used to be so fringe/kook radical or even overly political.  Once the money took hold though it became all about getting people riled up to buy more guns & promoting an ideology that has very little to do with owning a rifle.








That is completely the opposite of reality.




Funny that it comes out that you typed those words under your own posting ...



Women in the United States are 11 times more likelyto be murdered with guns than women in other high-income countries. The presence of a firearm during a domestic violence incident increases the likelihood of a homicide by 500 percent. Guns are also regularly used in non-fatal incidents of domestic violence, with researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health concluding in a study from 2000 that “hostile gun displays against family members may be more common than gun use in self-defense, and that hostile gun displays are often acts of domestic violence directed against women.”


FWIW, I believe Ohio already has laws preventing sale to anyone convicted of DV or under a restraining order.


..so they just buy one for cash at a gun show.  If anything needs regulated it's those places.


That is completely the opposite of reality.



No you're right the NRA doesnt have such a massive influence on our politicians that the country isnt being held hostage by them.




No you're right the NRA doesnt have such a massive influence on our politicians that the country isnt being held hostage by them.



I know you don't believe it but the NRA is one of the few organizations fighting for your liberty.


You're welcome.


FWIW, I believe Ohio already has laws preventing sale to anyone convicted of DV or under a restraining order.


..so they just buy one for cash at a gun show.  If anything needs regulated it's those places.


Those places are regulated. There's no such thing as a gunshow loophole, they have to do the same background check as your LGS. If someone breaks the law and sells something under the table, then well, they are breaking the law.




I know you don't believe it but the NRA is one of the few organizations fighting for your liberty.


You're welcome.



The NRA is the mouthpiece of gun manufacturers. Period. End of story.



Those places are regulated. There's no such thing as a gunshow loophole, they have to do the same background check as your LGS. If someone breaks the law and sells something under the table, then well, they are breaking the law.



"Private sellers" aren't required to perform a background check, which makes some sense in the context of you selling your friend a gun you don't want anymore, but less so when it's a flea market full of complete strangers.



Maybe a limit like 1 transaction per 6 months before you're no longer considered a private seller?  Kinda shitty if you're trying to move a collection or something but in that case you could always use a licensed dealer as a broker, same as buying from an online auction.




The NRA is the mouthpiece of gun manufacturers. Period. End of story.


Nope. The NRA is a mouthpiece for 5 million plus people like me. Gun manufacturers support the NRA of course, because if people can't buy guns, they can't sell their products. If people didn't want to buy their products, there would be no gun manufacturers, or NRA.



Nope. The NRA is a mouthpiece for 5 million plus people like me. Gun manufacturers support the NRA of course, because if people can't buy guns, they can't sell their products. If people didn't want to buy their products, there would be no gun manufacturers, or NRA.




Keep on drinking ....



How America swallowed the gun lobby's Kool-Aid - CNN.com


How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/gun-industry-funds-nra-2013-1#ixzz3eM96uhr7




The NRA Industrial Complex







Also German Universities...


free to everyone, including Americans...



seems like a pretty shitty system ;)



Germany's education system segregates the best students from the middle and less intelligent in the FIFTH GRADE.  You are sent into one of the 5 educational tracks based on ability.  The FREE university you speak of is based entirely on the results of your EXIT EXAM (you read that correct).  In other words, the free education is ONLY for students who score the highest in the primary school exit exams. 


German Universities are only free to those who qualify, not to EVERYONE.  This happens to be the case in MANY countries. Fact is many of the Asian students who come to the US to go to college, DIDN'T qualify for  their own country's FREE universities.   These students could pay for college there (which is consider a mark of shame) or come here where every university begs for these full tuition paying students.


There is NO WAY BIG Education would ever adopt this system.


Define qualify? As in get Accepted to the University?

Yep, you have to get accepted which mean score high on the entrance exam.  Keep in mind, the average income tax rate in Germany is around 49%...for everyone, which pays for this.  


Also, that is only tuition not room and board nor food.  Most German Universities don't have anything close to the social activities of US universities and students are expected to graduate in 3 years, not 4.   


If you simply want an education, you are smart and speak German its a good option.  Dont expect a kegger before the school futball game either since ultra competitive high attendance college athletics are pretty much a US phenomena.  


Yep, you have to get accepted which mean score high on the entrance exam.  Keep in mind, the average income tax rate in Germany is around 49%...for everyone.


You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd pay that in a heartbeat if I were actually getting some value from it (solid infrastructure, safe bridges, single-payer health care, etc.)



You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd pay that in a heartbeat if I were actually getting some value from it (solid infrastructure, safe bridges, single-payer health care, etc.)

I lived in Germany for 3 years.  Its about 99% white, 0% jewish and has almost ZERO diversity.  The people there are VERY Nationalistic and their political leaders are held to a VERY HIGH standard.  There is no way on earth I would trust our current crop of political scum to properly spend 49% of my money.   Oh, the Germans really don't like outsiders either and if you think you can show up as an immigrant and collect welfare payments, perish the thought.  They will kick you out of the country in a millisecond. 


Yep, you have to get accepted which mean score high on the entrance exam.  Keep in mind, the average income tax rate in Germany is around 49%...for everyone, which pays for this.  


Also, that is only tuition not room and board nor food.  Most German Universities don't have anything close to the social activities of US universities and students are expected to graduate in 3 years, not 4.   


If you simply want an education, you are smart and speak German its a good option.  Dont expect a kegger before the school futball game either since ultra competitive high attendance college athletics are pretty much a US phenomena.  



Yes most universities have standards to which they accept students. I'm not sure I was ever implying otherwise?!?


I'm aware that "free" means paid for by taxes but when it comes to education (among other things) I dont have a problem with that.


After all if an educated populace is the best way to protect our liberties, educating the populace should be paramount.


Lets just say I agree with Jefferson here....


"I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised, for the preservation of freedom and happiness...Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish & improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils [tyranny, oppression, etc.] and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance." - Thomas Jefferson


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