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OT: Joplin Tornado

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[quote name='Ben' timestamp='1306675403' post='995220']
great oogly moogly

Yup, it's like a giant eraser just rubbed-out 1/3 of the city.

Here's the final accounting of my family members:
[list][*]Mom - Was in her house, 4-5 blocks north of the destruction zone. She rode out the storm, oblivious that anything was happening (LOL). The house suffered only minor debris impact damage and she was fine. Power and phone have been restored, and the boil order for her water should be lifted by now. She's back at home.[*]Karen (sister) - Her family (including hubby Randy and youngest daughter Samantha) was at home, which is 5-6 miles SW of Joplin proper. No damage but lots of time in the storm shelter.[*]Judy (aunt) - Bugged out before the storm hit, but didn't tell anyone. Her home was well outside of the destruction zone. Did not know that anyone was looking for her until she called in 2-3 days later (from KC). Couldn't talk long, was on the golf course.[*]Janie (cousin) - Home was completely destroyed and she suffered several broken ribs and a punctured lung. She is at a regional hospital in an adjoining county while her hubby (Lloyd) takes care of her. Triage there has prioritized her rather low, so they're keeping her comfortable and trying to help stave off infection while the surgical ward deals with the severe injuries. No idea how long she will be in that state before she gets cut open, nor how long after before she is discharged. Their home was at 24th and Kentucky, 4 blocks west and 3 blocks south of Joplin High School - and was 1/2 block from being directly under the path of the tornado. Their place got leveled, but they're lucky - homes just 100 yards to the north of theirs were vaporized.[*]Janet (cousin) - Lives 8 miles E of Joplin with her hubby. Their place was fine. The two of them are heading up the "picking through Janie & Lloyd's rubble" effort to recover whatever personal items they can before everything gets razed.[*]Julie (cousin) - Haven't heard from her, but my understanding is that she no longer lives in Joplin. Nobody is alarmed at her absence.[/list]
The Missouri FEMA-equivalent agency, "SEMA" (State Emergency Management Agency) has accepted my offer to volunteer my "professional" assistance for the next phase of the recovery and rebuilding effort. They have asked me to be onsite the week of June 13-17 to help with site surveys and strategic planning for the next years' efforts. They've also asked me to be flexible in case they're not quite ready for me, and to be prepared to be reassigned to other "hands-on" relief efforts such as food distribution, donation warehouse sorting, or debris removal. I have been asked to bring a hard hat, leather gloves, and steel-toed boots, and to have my tetanus shots all up-to-date.... just in case.

Of course, I just snagged one of these ANSI/OSHA-approved beauties off of Amazon today:

Should get it by Friday.

Once I get on-site in two week's time, I hope to have internet access to be able to upload photos from the scene. And I will certainly snap a photo of the lunch I hope to have one day from Fred & Red's - spaghetti red, extra dip of chili, pickles & onions.
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[quote name='AmishBengalFan' timestamp='1306957567' post='995577']
Yup, it's like a giant eraser just rubbed-out 1/3 of the city.

Here's the final accounting of my family members:
[list][*]Mom - Was in her house, 4-5 blocks north of the destruction zone. She rode out the storm, oblivious that anything was happening (LOL). The house suffered only minor debris impact damage and she was fine. Power and phone have been restored, and the boil order for her water should be lifted by now. She's back at home.[*]Karen (sister) - Her family (including hubby Randy and youngest daughter Samantha) was at home, which is 5-6 miles SW of Joplin proper. No damage but lots of time in the storm shelter.[*]Judy (aunt) - Bugged out before the storm hit, but didn't tell anyone. Her home was well outside of the destruction zone. Did not know that anyone was looking for her until she called in 2-3 days later (from KC). Couldn't talk long, was on the golf course.[*]Janie (cousin) - Home was completely destroyed and she suffered several broken ribs and a punctured lung. She is at a regional hospital in an adjoining county while her hubby (Lloyd) takes care of her. Triage there has prioritized her rather low, so they're keeping her comfortable and trying to help stave off infection while the surgical ward deals with the severe injuries. No idea how long she will be in that state before she gets cut open, nor how long after before she is discharged. Their home was at 24th and Kentucky, 4 blocks west and 3 blocks south of Joplin High School - and was 1/2 block from being directly under the path of the tornado. Their place got leveled, but they're lucky - homes just 100 yards to the north of theirs were vaporized.[*]Janet (cousin) - Lives 8 miles E of Joplin with her hubby. Their place was fine. The two of them are heading up the "picking through Janie & Lloyd's rubble" effort to recover whatever personal items they can before everything gets razed.[*]Julie (cousin) - Haven't heard from her, but my understanding is that she no longer lives in Joplin. Nobody is alarmed at her absence.[/list]
The Missouri FEMA-equivalent agency, "SEMA" (State Emergency Management Agency) has accepted my offer to volunteer my "professional" assistance for the next phase of the recovery and rebuilding effort. They have asked me to be onsite the week of June 13-17 to help with site surveys and strategic planning for the next years' efforts. They've also asked me to be flexible in case they're not quite ready for me, and to be prepared to be reassigned to other "hands-on" relief efforts such as food distribution, donation warehouse sorting, or debris removal. I have been asked to bring a hard hat, leather gloves, and steel-toed boots, and to have my tetanus shots all up-to-date.... just in case.

Of course, I just snagged one of these ANSI/OSHA-approved beauties off of Amazon today:

Should get it by Friday.

Once I get on-site in two week's time, I hope to have internet access to be able to upload photos from the scene. And I will certainly snap a photo of the lunch I hope to have one day from Fred & Red's - spaghetti red, extra dip of chili, pickles & onions.
Godspeed and thanks for YOU helping out in Joplin Ken.
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[quote name='AmishBengalFan' timestamp='1306957567' post='995577']
Yup, it's like a giant eraser just rubbed-out 1/3 of the city.

Here's the final accounting of my family members:
[*]Judy (aunt) - Bugged out before the storm hit, but didn't tell anyone. Her home was well outside of the destruction zone. Did not know that anyone was looking for her until she called in 2-3 days later (from KC). Couldn't talk long, was on the golf course.


See...told ya. :drinks:

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This year has just been unreal for me. First Japan gets hit with that earthquake and tsunami and now the US is getting pounded with tornadoes. It is so sad to see all of the destruction on either side of the ocean. I have donated on both sides and I would hope that you guys would also not forget about Japan when it comes to tossing in a buck or 2. There are hundreds of thousands of people homeless in northern Japan at the moment. Amish, I'm really glad to see that your family made it through pretty much OK. You guys are in for a terrible summer. I hope everyone here stays safe. Looks like Mother Nature is not happy this year and is taking it out on all of us.
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[quote name='Fulcher_33' timestamp='1306977313' post='995622']
This year has just been unreal for me. First Japan gets hit with that earthquake and tsunami and now the US is getting pounded with tornadoes. It is so sad to see all of the destruction on either side of the ocean. I have donated on both sides and I would hope that you guys would also not forget about Japan when it comes to tossing in a buck or 2. There are hundreds of thousands of people homeless in northern Japan at the moment. Amish, I'm really glad to see that your family made it through pretty much OK. You guys are in for a terrible summer. I hope everyone here stays safe. Looks like Mother [b]Nature is not happy this year and is taking it out on all of us.[/b]

Momma don't like it when you piss in the stew!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay. I'm here. My God, photos don't do this justice. I won't even try to describe the devastation, there are no words.

I shot some video via my iTouch while being driven thru the worst of Joplin. Alas I stupidly held the camera vertically rather than horizontally so the aspect ratio is effed up.

There are eight videos, all are up on YouTube now. Just search for AmishBengalFan.
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Back to Indiana. Here's my photo album on Flickr if you want to play along at home:

The Joplin: Before & After set is telling - for those photos where there were enough landmarks left to allow me to figure out where I was, I found a corresponding "before" view from Google Street View and posted them together to Flickr. The sad thing is that for every one of these photos, there are 4-5 others where the damage is so devastating that there was no way to figure out what to use as a "before".

Here are links to the two best videos I shot - both were this past Thursday. The first is a 360-degree panorama from 24th & Kentucky. The second is a 7-minute drive around the nearby area.

... pause this at the 0:23 mark. You're looking south along Kentucky Avenue. The entire left-hand side of the street should be lined by homes that are 50+ years old, with old growth trees. This is what it used to look like:


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Finally, here's a song written after the Joplin Tornado by the Mark Chapman Band. The photos are all from Joplin - several of these locations I visited last week and saw first-hand. Sale proceeds from this song on iTunes go to Joplin Disaster Relief:

Where Would You Go (If You Couldn't Go Home)?
The Mark Chapman Band

[quote]Hope used to live right down the street
Her kids two and four played in the yard in their bare feet
Sunday nights they watched the sun go down
from their back porch somewhere in the South

Charlie had a good job at the mill
Little house on the edge of town, A dog, a car, a mortgage bill
Overnight they're homeless refugees
They're Americans just like you and me


Where would you go if you couldn't go home
What would you do if everything you ever knew was gone
I can't imagine what that's like
I pray I'll never have to know
Where would you go if you couldn't go home


If you had to put your whole life in two hands
and carry it away like some gypsy in a caravan
What would you take, what would you leave
When your home is turned to rubble and debris

Friends in Alabama, Dixieland delight
Georgia, Louisiana, you're in our prayers tonight
To those Joplin Missouri born and raised
Pickin up the pieces blown away
Our hearts are with you


Where would you go if you couldn't go home
What would you do if everything you ever knew was gone
I can't imagine what that's like
I pray I'll never have to know
Where would you go if you couldn't go home


Where would you go if you couldn't go home
Where would you go if you couldn't go home[/quote]
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Thanks for sharing, Amish. I can'i imagine what folks went/are going through. Unbelievable devastation.

As you indicate on your video, Joplin's a strong town, and they will recover. I have fond memories of the town and the folks there when I used to travel up there for business, and my prayers and thoughts continue to be with all of them. It'll take time, of course, but I'm sure Joplin will once again be the hub of that area.
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I am not a Bengals fan (I'm not anti-Bengals either, just not fan-enough to be posting on a Bengal's fan website, lol)- but I had to register and share with you that I actually came across this forum and your post when I typed in Fred and Red's, Joplin into a Google Search!

My dad was born in Joplin (his family was from Duneweg), I lived in Joplin for 4 years when I was much younger, we live near Cleveland now (also not a Brown's fan, lol--- I'm actually a Chiefs fan ;-) Most of our family has scattered, but Joplin is the one town we ALWAYS visited when I was younger and traveling to Arkansas to visit family each year. My great-grandfather and his family is all buried in Joplin, my great-grandmother now lives in AR but will be buried in Joplin at the same cemetery when she passes away (she's 93 and her health comes and goes). My great-great grandmother is also at the same cemetery and my grandparents will be there too someday. While it's not where "I" 'live', it certainly is near and dear to my heart, and the devestation there is heartbreaking.

I was SOOOO thrilled to see your post about Fred and Red's only suffering minor damage- I know that in the big scheme of things, this is small, but when I think of Joplin, Fred in Reds is ALWAYS in that thought. Followed by the OK Bar (across the street)- the most amazing chili dogs EVER (even when you've just had a massive plate of Spaghetti Red or Tamale Spread- or if you are me and my dad shared a plate of each), seeing all the cars lined up and down the street cruisin' in the summer, and stopping at the truck stop (that my dad and his grandpa always stopped at before he passed away) and having pie after an afternoon full of the above-mentioned foods! I was small the last time I was there- road names don't mean much to me, but I remember reaching the Joplin signs after a long trip from Ohio and feeling like I was 'home.'

Ironically, this tornado devastated the town my dad was born in on his birthday. It's a day I'll never forget, matched with the many images you've posted that I will also never forget.

I actually signed up for an account on here just so I could thank you for posting and updating, and going and helping! I emailed my dad that night, weeks ago, when I first read your post, and was able to reassure him that his favorite little diner in the world was still standing. I waited about 2 weeks to get approval to post.

I'm glad that your family ended up being safe, and without major injuries.

Again, thanks for posting!

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Thank you for your patience and perseverance to wait things out enough to post your kind thoughts. I did make it to Fred and Red's.... three times. Not only did I bring home four pounds of frozen brick chili, but I probably gained four pounds sitting on those little stools.


Next time you or your Dad are there, ask for a "half and half". They don't advertise it, because there's no room on the price board, but it's a combo of a tamale spread and spaghetti red. Three tamales, a half order of spaghetti, with chili and an extra dipper spread over the top. Costs a buck more than just a tamale spread, but it's worth it. I had it twice.

Also got to hit the Braum's on Range Line - the tornado missed it by 1.5 blocks. Phew!
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[quote name='Karla' timestamp='1308617638' post='998017']

I am not a Bengals fan (I'm not anti-Bengals either, just not fan-enough to be posting on a Bengal's fan website, lol)

I actually signed up for an account on here just so I could thank you for posting and updating, and going and helping! I emailed my dad that night, weeks ago, when I first read your post, and was able to reassure him that his favorite little diner in the world was still standing. [b]I waited about 2 weeks to get approval to post.

Well there is always room on the bandwagon! Hop on board!

And that is a damned shame that it took 2 weeks for approval to post. Who is in charge of such a thing?

And glad to hear your family is OK Amish/Ken.
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  • 1 month later...
Three months ago this week, the city of Joplin endured unbelievable destruction as the deadliest tornado in recorded history wiped-out 1/3 of the city. Today Joplin's children went back to school - right on schedule. ABC's Good Morning America reports...

[url="http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/back-school-joplin-missouri-recovery-devastating-tornado-14322351"]Back to School in Joplin, Missouri: Recovery After Devastating Tornado[/url]
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[quote name='AmishBengalFan' timestamp='1313607134' post='1016724']
Three months ago this week, the city of Joplin endured unbelievable destruction as the deadliest tornado in recorded history wiped-out 1/3 of the city. Today Joplin's children went back to school - right on schedule. ABC's Good Morning America reports...

[url="http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/back-school-joplin-missouri-recovery-devastating-tornado-14322351"]Back to School in Joplin, Missouri: Recovery After Devastating Tornado[/url]

My brother in law just went out there to aid last week, lots of work still to do.
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[quote name='Tigers Johnson' timestamp='1313607448' post='1016729']
I know this was a tragedy but everytime I see a topic start with "OT" I think we signed another offensive tackle


I did too for a second before I realized what it was.

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[quote name='Jamie_B' timestamp='1313607225' post='1016726']
My brother in law just went out there to aid last week, lots of work still to do.

Yeah, I know. There will be work to do there for months and months and months.

If folks can't go in person, the next best thing is to donate cashola to one of the various relief agencies who are helping Joplin throghout the recovery. I helped raise six grand - half of it my own money - and donated via [url="http://www.uwheartmo.org/"]Heart of Missouri United Way (Columbia, MO)[/url]. They pledged to pass along all donations without taking any overhead money, and there was a 1-for-1 match donation that helped as well.

And after that, the very best next thing a person can do is wear a "Restore Joplin" t-shirt to help fund the local relief organizations while keeping Joplin in people's thoughts and heart.

ABF Jr and I both have one of these beauties:

By the way, my thanks go out to all of you for letting me pour my heart out over the past 3 months while my 2nd home endured such pain. It's helped me immeasurably to be able to express myself to all of you knuckleheads. :)

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