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I thought by now someone would've tried to work the Thundercats into a nickname or something with the Bengals ... Lion-O has Red hair ...  Dalton

Detroit has Megatron, why couldn't AJ be Panthro?


... its also past midnight, Im going to sleep now. lol

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while we're talking about Thundercats....





This is an all time classic


"What the fuck is a summelflange?!"



Also loved this Family Guy bit...



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Gotta admit, Thudercats were in that 12 year zone between childhood and having a child myself.  Don't remember any of the early 80s to about mid 90s cartoons or kid's shows.  Based on what I just saw, I was lucky, that show looks totally ghey.


I got back into the fray watching the Amanda show and Rugrats with my oldest who is now in college.

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Lion-O = Dalton
Panthro = AJ
Tygra = Gio
Wily Kat = Hill
Jaga = Marvin
Lynx-O = Mike (He's blind)
Cheetara ... Katie?


Alright, I just watched 5 minutes of one episode and this show is GHEY as hell.


Let me guess, you were a big Captain Planet and the Planeteers fan as well?   


Both of these shows make the early 70s Shazam look like classic Bugs Bunny.

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